The Proposal

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A/N: Wow! Hello! It me! So I asked you guys for some more ideas for little tidbits about this story, and I finally finished one. To clarify, she is proposing to you. Thanks for the support, I hope this part is okay, I'm a little rusty :P. Also isn't this image of Weiss adorable? Anyway, please give me some feedback! Enjoy!

EDIT: I just realized that I talked about Pyrrha being there, even though I forgot to mention JNPR was there as well, lol. Oops! Let me know if you see any other spots that leave them out when they should be there, so I can fix it. Thanks!


(Nobody POV)

It's been a little over two years since team RWBY, team JNPR, and (Y/N) graduated from Beacon Academy. (Y/N) and Weiss are living together in their own place, as well as Blake and Yang, and Ruby is staying in a spare bedroom at what she likes to call the "Bumbleby" household. As for JNPR, Ren and Nora live together, and so do Jaune and Pyrrha (after FINALLY starting to go out a year after they met). Tonight, the nine adults, along with Ozpin and Glynda, were out celebrating the anniversary of the graduation.

(Weiss POV)

'I can't believe I'm about to do this..' I thought, trying not to show how nervous I was. This was the day. I will ask (Y/N) to be my wife, and hopefully she'll say yes. I bought rings for both of us, mine was a silver band with blue diamonds and hers was (insert any ring you'd like), and put them in the small square box, which was in my handbag. The one problem was that now I have to pick the perfect time to get down on one knee and pop the question. But how will I know? Will I miss the perfect opportunity to do it? 'No, I can't think like that. Just relax, and breathe.' We were all at Simple Wok, since that's where we all used to hang out. Although it's not the best for you, it's definitely delicious and full of great memories.

"Hey Weiss, do you remember when we came here during the Vytal Festival and you're card got declined?" Ruby snickered.

"Yeah, and Pyrrha swooped in to save the day!" Yang chimed in, pointing at said redhead.

"Of course I remember, you dolts." I playfully glared at the sisters, as a small 'sorry' came from Pyrrha. Everyone chuckled at that as I rolled my eyes with a smile. Suddenly in the middle of another round of reminiscing, we all heard a voice in the distance.

"Rubyyyyyyy!" The voice got closer and closer until Ruby was tackled to the floor by the person.

"P-Penny?!" Ruby exclaimed.

"Sal-u-tations!" Penny saluted. Ruby happily gave her a bear hug. (A/N: I personally love the Nuts & Dolts ship :3) After a moment they stood up.

"I haven't seen you in so long! Why are you here?"

"Well, Father said that I could wander around for a bit and then I saw you, and now we're having this conversation!" The robot smiled as the rest of us did the same, glad to see Penny again.

"Well, if you are able to, you should stay and chat for a bit." (Y/N) said, flashing her beautiful smile. Penny nodded, sitting down next to Ruby as we all continued our conversations. Yang looked at me with raised eyebrows and a questioning expression. She was the only other person that knew about my planned proposal. Well, sort of planned. Okay, maybe I haven't planned anything and just got the rings yesterday. So what? (A/N: Insert tsundere Weiss face) I gave a small shrug, since I didn't really know what I was doing. She softly sighed and looked off to the side, seemingly thinking. 'Uh oh, what is this girl planning...' I thought. Suddenly, her face lit up.

"Hey, when everyone is done eating, we should head to Beacon's courtyard to chill before we all go home." Yang looked at Ozpin and Glynda with begging eyes, seeking their approval to go to our old school (plus Penny). The two professors looked at each other, sighing.

"Alright. But only for a little while." Ozpin stated. We all cheered and quickly continued eating our meals. Once everyone was done, we started walking to the school. Yang gestured for me to hang back a bit behind everyone. I slowed down as she did the same.

"What is it?" I whispered.

"Well, I figured going to the courtyard could be a nice, calm spot for you to ask her. Without a bunch of strangers around, ya know?"

"I see. Thanks, I was really struggling with a time and place for it. An old noodle place didn't seem like the right choice." I smiled.

"We're almost there. Good luck, Ice Queen." She winked and caught up to the others. I did the same, taking my girlfriend's hand. We both grinned happily. Finally, we had reached the courtyard and found a decent place to sit and relax. My hands started to get sweaty as I got more and more nervous. 'How will I know when the time is right? I really don't want to mess this up...' (Y/N) and I sat on a bench, while the others were spread out on the grass and sidewalk.

"Brrr." I shivered from the cool evening breeze. I felt her arm wrap around my waist as I instinctively rested my head on her shoulder.

"You cold?" She asked, kissing my temple.

"Not anymore." I chuckled softly and leaned into her more. "I love you."

"I love you too." The two of us sat in silence for a moment. I took a deep breath.

"(Y/N), you are the most important person to ever be in my life. Honestly, I wasn't sure if we would still be together by now. Not because I thought we wouldn't work out, but because of my family. Although Father said it was fine, he never actually 'approved' of it. He just said okay because Oz convinced him that it would benefit the company. But after contemplating it for over a year, I think I'm finally ready to take the next step." I grabbed the ring out of my bag and got down on one knee, watching as her confused expression morphed into a euphoric grin. "I love you, from the bottom of my heart. Will you marry me and be by my side forever?" My voice wavered as I presented the ring to her.

"Yes! Of course I will!" She exclaimed, tackling me to the ground while tightly hugging me. Everyone cheered happily as the two of us cried tears of utter joy. After a little bit, she sat up and took the box with both of our rings in it. I lifted my hand up so she could put mine on. Then she did the same for me. We kissed each other and stood up, looking lovingly into each other's eyes.

"How was that?" I asked Yang. She gave an approving thumbs up. We all laughed, enjoying the rest of the night. After a couple hours, we started heading to our respective homes as we waved goodbye. I turned to (Y/N). "I'm really glad you said yes."

"Did you think I wouldn't?" She chuckled and lightly squeezed my hand.

"No? I honestly don't know. I was really nervous." I rubbed the back of my neck, embarrassed as my face went pink.

"You shouldn't have been. There's no way you could have proposed to me that would make me say no." She bear hugged me, picking me up with a tight squeeze.

"P-Put me down, you dolt!" I giggled as her fluffy ears tickled my face. She laughed and let me go. We had finally arrived at our home.

"You ready for a wild night?" She suggestively wiggled her eyebrows.

"N-Not so loud! People might here."

"Oh, they'll hear something alright." She winked. I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose.

"What am I going to do with you.."

"I don't know you tell me!"

"That's it, I'm locking you out." I started walking to the door.

"Hey, I was just messing around! Wait for me!" She yelled as she caught up to me. Soon after that was the start of a long night. It was indeed wild.

Weiss Schnee x Fem Cat Faunus Reader Where stories live. Discover now