||Chapter 1||

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~Flashback (Age 6)~

I was running errands for my dad, when I saw a little girl with purple hair stealing another girl's apple. She was about the same age as me, and I noticed we looked similar.

"H- Hey!" The smaller girl said. The purple haired girl took a big bite out of her apple and tossed it back to her without saying a word.

She started walking in my direction, and then bumped into me. "Watch where you're going." She sneered at me.

"Maybe you should, seeing as you're the one who bumped into me." I shot back.

She stood there for a second, and she looked like she was contemplating something.

"Why does it matter?"

She smirked at me, "Good.", and pulled me by the arm into a hidden place. "I'm Mal, and you're useful." She stuck her hand out to me, but I didn't shake it.

"Are you evil?"
"Well, Hailey, welcome to the gang."
————————————————————~Flashback (Age 8)~

Me, Mal, and our new friend Jay, son of Jafar, were strutting through the streets of the Isle. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a small, scrawny boy being thrown out of a door while a lady with white hair yelled at him.

"Hey, M, I'm gonna go steal some food for my dad. He gets a little hot-headed when I go out and don't come back with anything." I told her. She nodded. "Don't take too long." She told me before her and Jay walked off.

I double-checked to make sure that nobody important was watching me. When I saw no one was, I quickly ran over to the boy who was laying on the ground holding his stomach.

"Are you okay?" I whispered. He flinched and sat up. "W- Who are you?"

"That doesn't matter." I replied. "Come. We have to hurry or they'll come looking for me." He nodded and I took him to the back of the alley.

I tended to the cuts on his face and arms. "Who are you? And why are you helping me?" "Hailey." I answered. His eyes widened and he leaned away from me.

Ever since me and Mal became 'allies', people have become more scared of me. I understand, because her mom is the 'most evil villain', but I don't think I'm that bad.

I laughed and put a bandage on his wrist. "I'm helping you because... well, that was a pretty nasty fall."

He looked at me with his mouth open. "But- but... you and Mal-"
"Are friends, yes. But she prefers the term 'allies'."

"You're not evil, are you?" He blurted out.
"I don't know, but I have a feeling you aren't."

"You're not wrong." He chuckled as I finished wrapping his wrist. "I'm Carlos." He held out his hand and I shook it. "Also, why do you have all these bandages back here?"

"Jay thinks he can do all these flips and tricks, but the majority of the time he can't. I tend to him back here so that Mal doesn't see him hurt. He doesn't wanna get kicked out." I answered while hiding the supplies.

We went to the shop and stole a bunch of snacks so that Mal and Jay wouldn't suspect anything.

I started walking over to them, when Carlos pulled me back. "It'll be fine, she doesn't bite. Most of the time." I told him. I put on my 'evil' face and walked over.

"Took you long enough." Jay rolled his eyes.

Mal looked over and Carlos. "Who's this?"

"This is Carlos." I introduced her. "He's useful. He helped me score all of this for my dad."

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