||Chapter 20||

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"What about this one?" Evie held up a bubblegum pink dress with frills on the bottom.

The girls thought it would be a good idea to drag me out of bed at 9 am and go look at dresses with them.

"It's, uh, interesting?" I grimaced. "E, why are we even here? I thought you were going to be making our bridesmaids's dresses?"

"Oh, we're not here to buy. We're here to laugh at these terribly designed dresses! I mean, come on. Look at this!" She showed me a neon green body-con dress with puffy sleeves.

"Ow! My eyes!" She laughed at my comment and continued further into the store.

While skimming past the horrifying dresses, I saw Mal sitting on a cushion in the corner, staring into space.

"What's up?" I sat down next to her, which snapped her out of her daze. "Oh, um, nothing. Why?"

I rolled my eyes at her untrue statement. "Seriously? 'Nothing'? Come on, Mal."

She looked down at her hands. "It's just, I'm nervous about my wedding. What if two months into the marriage, Ben decides he never really loved me at all, and he loved, I don't know, Audrey, this whole time? What if I'm not a good enough wife? Or queen? What if-"

"Okay." I lightly touched her shoulder to stop her rambling. "Listen to me very carefully. If Ben is really that stupid enough to ever play you like that, or leave you after two months of being together, then he absolutely does not deserve you. And don't stress about being a good queen. You've already done an amazing thing: bringing Auradon and the Isle together. And are you seriously questioning if you're going to be a good wife? Mal, Ben is the second luckiest guy in the world because he's engaged to you."

She nodded and smiled while looking up at me, but soon furrowed her eyebrows. "Wait, second? Who's the first?"
"Carlos, duh."

She laughed and I said, "Come, let's go watch Evie destroy those dress designer's careers," while holding out my hand to her.

She took it and we walked over to find Evie talking to an employee.

"Who is the designer of this dress? I just have some questions for them, is all." She asked with a fake sweet smile.

"Ah, that would be Merryweather the Good Fairy." Evie nodded and turned to us with an annoyed look on her face.

"Well, looks like Merryweather's got some explaining to do."
"How was shopping?" Carlos asked from the bed as I walked into his dorm.

"Within 3 seconds of looking at a dress, Evie would find something wrong with it." I answered while kicking off my shoes and untucking my shirt.

"So the usual?"

I got in and cuddled up next to him as he put his arm around me.

"So, I was hoping that sometime this week I could finally take you on a proper date? Preferably not with 3 day old food and in the back of an alley way." Carlos said.

"That sounds nice. Where would we be going?"
"Nope. It's a surprise."

"What? Come on!" I sat up. "You can't just not tell me!"
"Well, then what am I doing right now?"

I grabbed the pillow I was laying on and hit him with it. "Tell me! Tell me!" He fell out of the bed and I ran over to continue attacking him.

"Ah- stop hitting me!"
"Not until you tell me!"

"Well, in that case..." Carlos snatched the pillow from me and smirked as he slowly walked over to me.

"Car- Carlos? What're you do- Ah!" He ran over and tackled me.

"So, what's up?" I laughed from beneath him. He straddled my waist and ran his fingers over my sides, slightly pushing my shirt up. My breath hitched as he made his way higher up my body, and then-

"Woah!" We looked over and saw Jay standing in the doorway, looking like a deer in headlights. His shocked expression quickly turned into a smirk as he said, "You know, you guys should ask Ben if you could share a room, because as lovely as this is, I don't really wanna walk in on you guys- ow!" I cut him off by taking my slipper that was on the floor and throwing it at him. "Fine! I get the hint." He said before winking and closing the door.

Carlos looked back at me with an amused look on his face. I probably was an interesting sight to see, with my beet red face, hair all over the place, and shirt halfway up my torso.

He lightly traced my sides with his fingers before tickling me. I squealed and tried to get away from him, but it was no use, seeing as he was on top of me.

"Ca- Car- Carlos! St- Stop it!" I managed to get out in between laughs. I squirmed from underneath him and managed to sit up and flip us around.

"Oh, how the tables have turned." I smirked and he looked at me nervously.

"Don't worry. I don't bite... hard."

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