||Chapter 6||

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"So this is Auradon..." I stood in front of the large building with my mouth open.

"Yep. But it gets much better. I'll show you around after we get Ben back." Carlos told me and dragged me by the arm. But I was still gawking at the castle-like structure.

When we approached what I'm assuming was Jay and Carlos's room, a small dog ran up to us.

"Ah! Get it away. Get it away!" I jumped behind Carlos, gripping onto his shoulders.

"Wow, rude much." The dog, who I'm assuming is Dude, said as Carlos picked him up. "Sorry I'm so late Dude, Ben got captured."

Ding-ding-ding, we have a winner.

"Oh- Dude this is Hailey. Hailey, this is Dude." He turned around and I ducked. "Hi." I squeaked.

"Is this is the pretty girl with the blue hair you always talk about." Dude 'whispered' to Carlos. Pretty, huh? Well, he's not wrong. "Yes." Carlos 'whispered' back while looking directly in my eyes. I smiled and looked down. And no, I'm not blushing. I'm just expressing my love for the color red. On my face.

"Hey, sorry to interrupt this touching moment, but our door is open." Jay said while pointing to the door.

"You've got to be kidding me." Carlos scoffed and let Dude down.

The guy who was in their room turned around. "I knocked."

"Yeah, okay. Who's this?" I asked.

"Chad. And what is that?"

"Oh! That's a little Chad action figure. Zoom! Well, minus the head." 'Chad' replied.

"Sounds like an improvement. Excuse me, alright. Here we go." Carlos set the thingy up to make the wand.

"Why are you guys making Fairy Godmothers wand?" Chad asked while peering over our shoulders. I put my hand on his face and pushed him away. "None of your business."

"Ben's been captured!" Dude said and the three of us turned to him with blank stares.

"Really? So if something bad were to happen. You know what I'm saying..."
"Listen dude, not you, we really don't have time for this-"
"God forbid! Who do you think would be next in line for the king?"

"Is it me, or is that in really poor taste?" Jay asked me. "No, even I know that's bad." I said. I turned to Chad. "Alright, are we done here? Good. So go."

"Wait, who are you?" He asked as I pushed him towards the door. "Insignificant. Now take your Barbie and go."
"It's not a Bar-" I cut him off by slamming the door in his face.

"Thanks." Carlos chuckled. "It's gonna take a while."

They set up chairs in front of the printer-thingy (I still don't get it) and we sat down.

Jay fell asleep as soon as he closed his eyes, being the lucky dope that he is, so that left me and Carlos alone. Finally.

"I'm sorry." Carlos said while playing with my hair. "It's not your fault. It's King Ben's. He said that you guys would ask him to bring me over here, but he never got to it."

He sighed at my response. I knew he still felt guilty. "Hey, look at me." He looked down. "I'm here now, right? And that's all that matters. Let's just enjoy it now before 'it' wakes up." He gave a small laugh and kissed my head. It didn't take long before we fell asleep in each other's arms. I always found that I slept better with Carlos there.

A few hours passed by, and I was rudely woken up by being thrown onto the floor. "Ow, thanks for the warm 'Good Morning'."

"Sorry." Carlos said quickly while taking the fake wand out of the printer.

"Wow, I really felt the sincerity of your apology-"
"I'll buy you food later, but we gotta go."
"And suddenly, I'm up."

"Hey, guys? What about me?" Dude asked while attempting to come over to us.

"No, Dude. Stay. I'm serious, stay. I love you, buddy. We'll be back before you know it." Carlos told him.

"That was adorable. Oh my Me. That was the cutest thing I've ever seen." I mumbled to myself while running through the building with the boys.

As we were heading to the car, we got stopped by some guy. "Oh, hey. Have you seen Evie?"

The three of us looked at each other with wide eyes. "She... went camping." Carlos answered.
"Evie, 'I wanna live in a castle', sleeping on the ground with no place to plug in a hair dryer?" He deadpanned. "And who are you?" He asked me.

"Doesn't matter. Adios brochach- oh!" I said while turning around, but got stopped by a girl with a bunch of swords in a bag being right in my face. Okay, I gotta be friends with this chick.

"I'm coming with you guys." She said. "Oh, and I'm Lonnie." She told me. She looked at Carlos, and then back at me. "And you're Hailey. Right?"

"Yeah, kinda creepy but okay. How do you know my name?"
"This one right over here." she pointed to Carlos. "He would always talk about you. Non-stop. Anytime someone besides Evie wore blue, he'd talk about your hair, eyes, clo-"

"Alright, Lonnie. I think she gets it." Carlos chuckled nervously.

Thank you for the valuable information, Lonnie. I like you even more now.

"Yeah, and why do you have swords. We don't need swords at the... Waffle Hut." Jay said.

"You guys are going to the Isle to rescue Ben. Either you take me, or I'm telling Fairy Godmother." She said sternly.

"You, my friend, just keep getting better and better." I pointed to her and she smiled. "Come, I wanna know more about what Carlos would say." I wrapped my arm around her waist and she put her's around my shoulders. While doing so, I winked at Carlos and his face turned even redder, if that was even possible.

"Come on, boys! We don't have all day!"
(A/n: something weird is happening with the quotation marks and I don't know why because I wrote both parts in my notes and half of them are like this: " and the other half are like this: " and I DON'T KNOW WHY.

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