Friends, Only Friends

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A/N this one might be a bit controversial. I'm really not sure since we all have different opinions. This was inspired by Simplemente Amigos by Ana Gabriel.

Warnings: affair

Always, my days are the same there is nothing to say. People just see it as it should be. Friends, only friends and nothing more.

My best friend Sebastian and I have been in love since before our careers took off. He's a worldwide known actor and I'm a worldwide known singer.

Our careers never let us see each other. I'm always touring worldwide and he's always months on end in filming movies. But we still manage to see each other.

Who knows the truth? About what happens between him and me? Every night we always fake our goodbyes

You see, Sebastian is a married man. We were lovers before his marriage. I thought he would choose me, but I was wrong. He decided to marry a beautiful blonde model.

Oh, how much would I give to shout to the world about our love? Tell the world that when we close the doors we love each other without control. That we wake up in each other's arms, wanting to continue loving each other.

The truth is in real life, no one accepts our love.

When we are in public, and he is with his wife, just with each other's looks we give each other all of our love. We talk without talking, everything is silent with the presence of each other.

It's been years since I last saw Sebastian. I miss him but I had to cut it off because we are friends, just friends and nothing more.

"Y/n what are you thinking about?" my manager asks while sitting next to me. I look at him," I've got our next single."

I sing some of the lyrics to him and he knows exactly who the song is about. He's the only one that knows. I only told my brother because he was the only one I could trust.

"Are you sure?" He asks me with a soft tone. I nod," I want people to know my story without knowing it's mine." He thinks for a few minutes and nods. I smile and we both head to the studio to start recording the single.

"how much it would give to shout our love to them, to say that when we close the door we love each other without control," I sing loudly into the microphone.

After singing my music producer stands up and claps. "This is going to be the next big thing," he says into the intercom. I smile and give him a thumbs up.

a few months later

My single Just Friends went platinum and I get to perform it at the Golden Globes today for the first time in live television.

I am very excited to get to sing one of my favorite songs I've ever written.

"Y/n you're on in 5," a backstage worker informs me.

I take a deep breath and I release it slowly.

The curtains rise and the spotlight is on me.

The music starts and I sing with everything I've got.

He's here, with her.

As I sing I look around, but really I'm just looking at him. And he knows.

"but in real life, they don't accept our love," I finish my song with a tear sliding down my cheek.

I look at him and he looks at me with a sad expression. Understanding fully that the song was about us.

The crowd cheers for me. I smile and take a bow.

The curtains fall and I remind myself that we are friends, just friends and nothing more.

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