Dream You Never Had

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This was inspired by the song "Dream You Never Had" by Thomas Rhett

Summary: y/n always dreamed of living in the countryside with a husband and some kids. After she met her husband, Sebastian, she knew that she'd had to leave that dream and go with Sebastian's dream.

Honestly, I never dreamed of being married to an amazing actor and being verified on Instagram.

As a young teen, I always dreamed of living somewhere in the country and getting married. Maybe even have some of my own.

When I met Sebastian, I had no clue he was an actor know all around the world. You can say I've lived under a rock.

We met at a local coffee shop. I was a regular customer there and on this one rainy day, Sebastian walked in. I knew everyone from the little town I was raised in and well I didn't know him.

He was the most handsome man I had ever seen. Straight out of a movie, literally. He noticed me staring and let's just say that was the start of a beautiful relationship.

After going on dates with him and finding out he was an actor I knew his life was so much different than mine.

He asked me out and I said yes. After a year I knew my dream was going to have to be forgotten.

Things between us escalated quickly and after 3 years of dating, we knew we were perfect for each other. We got married and oh man my life changed in the blink of an eye. I married this crazy lifestyle the day that I married Sebastian.

It wasn't easy to get to where we are now. He was always away and I was always home alone. Sometimes I would go with him and we'd have to leave our home for months.

We basically lived on the road.

People were following me all around and I no longer had privacy. My face appeared in almost every magazine too! I was ok with it though because I was with the love of my life.

"Seb I'm going to the coffee shop around the corner want anything?" I asked while putting my coat on. "No thanks, be careful babe," he says while watching tv. "I'll be back in a bit," I go out the door and make my way to the coffee shop.

I like walking to the local shops. It helps me release any stress and it relaxes me.

I walk into the shop and order the usual, y/f/d. I sit and wait for my order. I open Instagram and I see Sebastian's fans posting adorable things about him and me.

I appreciate his fans so much. They have been kind to me. Yes, I'll get some hate here and there but the hate is overthrown by all the love these amazing fans give me.

You can say I have my own little group of fans too.

"Y/n!" the worker calls my name and I get up and grab my drink. I take a sip and make my way home. I take my time since I am in no rush and look around the city.

"Oh my gosh, your Y/n Stan!" a teenage girl squeals and I smile. "Hi," I say while taking a small sip of my drink. "Can we take a picture?" she asks excitedly. "Of course!" I say and we take a picture. "Thank you so much!" She says while walking away.

I start walking home and then I hear another scream. Another fan. I smile and wave and before I know it I'm surrounded by people. I got out of the crowd and ran towards a nearby shop and close the door.

The woman who owned the shop locked the door and was very understanding. "Thank you," I said smiling softly. She just nodded.

I dialed Sebastian's number and sat on a chair the woman had offered me. "Y/n hello?" He answered. "Sebastian I'm stuck at a shop, a crowd of fans ambushed me," I speak softly into the phone. "I'm on my way," he hangs up.

I send him my location and 10 minutes later he's at the back door coming to rescue me. He hugs me tightly and I hug him back. "Are you ok?" he asks examining my face. I nod. "You have some small cuts babe, let's go home so I can clean them up," he grabs my hand and thanks to the owner of the shop for keeping me safe.

We go home and he takes me to the bathroom and makes me sit on the counter. "I can't believe this," he says while cleaning my cuts. "I'm fine Seb," I reassure him.

After he finished cleaning the cuts he gave me a pep talk about I will no longer go out by myself. He grabbed my face gently.

I smile and I press my lips to his. "I know it isn't easy, but I couldn't have done all this without you by my side," he says. My eyes get teary and I hug him. "I just wanna say thank you for living this dream I know you never had," he spoke softly.

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