Wearing my curls

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There is so much I didn't realize I already knew about life embedded in the simple act of just LIVING.  Not the act of going through the routine, the mantra of life, but releasing all pre-judice and limitations and just BEING. I'm finally able to wear my curls.  Guilt-free and I live I can stand with a mane atop my mountain and allow it to be... loose.  I'm free. Let's take a step back:

Growing up I never had the confidence necessary to do what I am doing right now.  

Being me.  


Who is that?

The entity that encompasses all of my emotions and insecurities yet flawlessly appears untouched.  I am for once OK with who "I" am.  I wear my curls because they are apart of me.  

As a teen, I wouldn't dare wear an untamed exaggeration of beauty unless it had been dried, flattened, sheened, spritzed, combed and maintained.  I would never have been brave enough to allow the air dictate my appearance as it whisked through the cool pores on my scalp and dried my ends into a fluffy splendor.  


But why now?  

I'm no different, I'm the same person I have always been.  I guess I just stopped caring about the person "I" thought "they" thought that "I" was....whoever "they" is, really doesn't matter; because "I" have actually always been my toughest critic.  

If that makes any sense.  "We" decided that ourselves is good enough and worthy enough to be "us" all the time.  

I love my curls.  

NO they aren't perfectly spiraled, nor will they ever be.  

YES they are frizzy and frantic, but aren't we all?  YES they define me.

Now that I have my curls I can finally see.  My third eye has awakened to find the light that was trying to shine through...restricted.  

I am not ashamed to be who I have always been. "ME". The light. 

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