Chapter - 3

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"Look Ayansh!!! I really like you. You are a good man with a golden heart and very down to earth person with all those riches. I know that you are very handsome, rich, educated and all. I also know that there will be a queue of women who will be throwing themselves at your feet. What I really don't understand is that why you want to marry a girl like me. Normal, simple, plain, not so good looking, not as same status as yours(Myra's family is rich but not as rich as Ayansh's), boring type of a girl. Anyway all that doesn't matter now, our marriage is fixed. But let me tell you one thing after marriage if I find you with any other woman then you will see other side of me. I'm telling you I'm very possessive about people whom I love, at the same time I'm insecure when it comes to you. I don't know why. They are lot of differences between us, What will happen to me if you leave me for some one. I can't live Ayansh, I will di....." before she could complete her sentence there is something which cut her off in the middle.

Ayansh smashed his lips on her's ..... He is kissing her on the lips. it is intense, slow and sweet.

It is a kiss of silent promise, love, care, possessiveness and a bit anger but there is no lust in it.

She is flabbergasted with is sudden act. She doesn't know how to react to it. Its her first kiss. But it felt so right being in his arms, on the top of that they are in Ferris Wheel with a clear view of the city (which is amazing) and being kissed by him. She neither kissed him back nor pushed him away. After few minutes of kissing he felt that she is getting trouble in breathing but she didn't push him then he pulled back and touched their foreheads she is flushed because of his kissing. Then he wipes the tears which are on her cheek with his thumb. Just then she realized that she was crying during her confession to him.

"That was awesome!!" he exclaims, she blushed more if even that is possible.

"Let me tell you that was my First kiss as well and it is best also." he tells her, her eyes went wide.

"Just throw all of your insecurities and doubts into the dustbin. I will not lie to that I was never in a relationship. I was in a relationship which is not at all serious but I was never a playboy. we did nothing but to hold hands and hugs. When she started expecting more from me, I just broke up with her. I just want to save myself for my wife. Only she has the right on my first kiss and my virginity, It is not even mine to give to some random girl." Myra is dancing inside.

'I don't know what I did is my previous life to get such a husband.' she jumps like a kid inside.

"But Why me?" she couldn't help but ask her question.

"Why not you?" he crossed questioned her.

"I'm just an ordinary girl for you." she tells him.

"That's what makes you special Myra. The girls from my world (High class) are only after my wealth or for my looks. And I can assure you that you aren't one of them for sure. and I also want a simple girl who can take care of me and my family and be a good mother to my kids." she blushes crimson red with his last comment.

"But I want to work not just taking care of OUR family." she pouts, he kissed her pout (just a peak). He loved the way she said 'our' family.

"I didn't say anything about that. I'm totally cool with it." He says.

"So, then you are not forced into this marriage?" She asks him.

He shakes his head in negative and then asks her " Were you?"

"Not forced but they didn't give any other option. They didn't even bother to ask my opinion. They just fixed MY wedding." she tells him sadly.

He sighs and says "I'm there na..... so now tell me, what is your opinion about this marriage proposal? Are you ready to get married? I know it is waste to ask but I will ask, Do you like someone else?"

She chuckles and answers him "In the morning I was not all ready to get married to some stranger but know I'm ready only because of the groom. He is very sweet, caring, handsome, adorable, down to earth, well mannered, well educated and has a golden heart. And yes, I like someone." She tells him while blushing.

"What the hell? Who is he?" Unable to control his anger.

"YOU!" She tells him shyly.

He releases his breath in relief. Then he realizes what she said.

"Ahaaa....... So, you like me?" He Asks her with a raised eyebrow in a teasing tone.

"No..." she tells him feeling shy without looking at him. He chuckles seeing her shyness.

"Do you like me?" she asks him innocently.

"Did you not listen what I was saying till now?" he asks her shocked, she pouts.

'Oh god!!! I so want to kiss that pout of hers.' he thinks.

Controlling himself, he raises his eyebrow not getting any answer from her.

"Umm...... You didn't put them in words like...'I Like You' or something like that." She tells him shyly. He chuckles at her childish behaviour.

Then he moves away from her (she get confused and even upset thinking that she asked him too much) and goes on his keens, she gaps realizing what is going to happen, she looks at him with wide eyes, Then he removes his ring which is on his little finger(it is a simple platinum ring) and extends towards her.

"Miss Myra Prakash, I really like you from the day I saw your picture. Your eyes, My god!! they are just mesmerizing, they speak volumes about your innocence. I know for a fact that you are different from remaining girls out there, Don't ask me why? I just know and today is the best day ever. I enjoyed like anything and not to forget that kiss. My god!! That was heaven(she blushes). Now I can't even imagine my life without you Miss Myra Prakash. I can't give your place to anyone else now. Will you give me the honor of becoming your better half for the rest of your life? I know That we aren't in love right now but we do like each other let us learn together to love each other. Now, Would you like to be my wife forever? Are you ready to become Mrs. Myra Ayansh Devansh??" By the end of his proposal she had tears in her eyes. She just stood there like that without replying to his question.


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