Chapter -2

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After reaching on top, Suddenly the Ferris Wheel Stopped moving and the Power in Whole Amusement Park is gone. They are practically locked in it.(a/n: A little inspired from Korean Drama BOYS OVER FLOWERS) It became full dark. Immediately they moved close to each other. Ayansh tried to switch ON torch in his phone but the battery is dead due to the over usage of camera in the phone for pictures.

"Where is your phone Myra?" Ayansh asks.

"Why?" She asks him confused.

"To ON Torch in your phone as my phone's battery is dead." he tells her.

She smiles sheepishly and tells him "I forgot my phone in car."

"What???" he shouts.

"Don't shout." she says.

"How can you forget your phone like that Myra. What if someone calls you? or if there is any emergency or in worst case scenario what if I turn out to be a bad guy and tried to do something to you? You can't be that careless." He scolds her.

"I'm sorry okay!? In excitement I totally forgot about it, I didn't do it purposefully and no one will call me cuz I told everyone that I will be staying at my friend's place tonight. Even though if they call and I didn't lift they will call my friend and before hand itself I told her about it." she tells him, he angrily runs his hand in his hair.

"And coming to your worst case scenario...... I Trust You" That's all she could say. He was left dumbfolded for her words.

"What??What did you just say?" His happiness has no bounds. His pride has gone up to the sky. That is the best and bestest thing that a girl can say to a guy. I TRUST YOU are the three words which are better than the most famous I LOVE YOU.

'Oh my god!!! Did I really say that to him? Do I really Trust him? Those words came out of my mouth without my knowledge. But really he has a point, What if he is really bad guy? I don't know him then. How come I forgot my phone. Leave that, I remembered about my phone when we just entered into the Amusement Park. If I really wanted then I could go and get it easily but I didn't do it. Guess I really do Trust him.' she thinks to her self.

She didn't reply to his question, after few seconds he again asks...

"When did you realize about it?"

"When we entered into Amusement Park." she tells him.

he sighs.

For few minutes no one spoke ....... They are getting bored.

Finally Myra breaks the silence and asks Ayansh..

"Can we continue what we were doing? I'm getting bored." He nods his head in yes.

They again stared their game and enjoying each other's company.

The final question Which was asked by Ayansh left her dumbfolded.

"Do you like me? Are you okay with this marriage?" he asked her. With that question there was a pin drop silence. No one spoke

Just then she realized why she came in the first place.

'Am I okay with this marriage? (the later question) At first I was not at all interested in this marriage but now it feels very different. Spending a whole day with him is like heaven. Just by looking at his orbs I can spend my whole life. His eyes speaks volumes. I'm sure that I like him after today. He is a gentleman, even though I was close with him, he didn't take any advantage of my closeness, he is handsome actually handsome would be an understatement of his looks. he is like a greek god, a body to worship for, I bet women would be throwing themselves at him.' she thinks.

'Does he even interested in marring you?' her Devil side mocks her.

'What do you mean?' she asks her Devil.

'Just look at your face. I bet he would have dated best and more beautiful models than you. You are nothing in front of them, I really doubt that he really didn't pay attention to your looks.' her devil smirks.

'But just shouldn't see outer beauty right? I'm sure he is not that kind of a guys who just appreciates outer beauty. By the way .... I'm pretty.' feeling insulted.

'Whatever helps you sleep at night' her Devil tells her irritated.

'Whatever helps you sleep at night' her Devil tells her irritated

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'Leave that beauty and all, just ask your self one question. Do you like him? That is his former question right!? ' her Angel enters into their conversation.

''I'm not sure that I love him or not?' she tells her confused.

'Achhaaaa? For where did love word come from?' her Devil again mocks her, now she more confused.

'It's not like that , I'm sure I like him but love.....' she tells more confused.

'okay then answer this, do you want to marry him?' her Angel asks.

'She better tell this answer as yes cuz I want him by my side all the time I can't leave this greek god to any one else. He is just too handsome for me.' her Devil injects.

'Just leave her, now you answer.' her Angel tells.

'I don't know....' she reply's.

All this while Ayansh was just staring at her waiting for her to reply which he is not getting any sooner.

'Ohhh godd!!! Why is she taking this much time to answer? Does she not like me? Did I do something wrong? But she already said that she trusts me. I really hope she likes me. Today was the day I looked forward for. It went exactly like I expected it to be. I'm really looking forward to spend rest of my life with her. What The hell happened to me??? I never prayed for anything but look what im doing right now. Praying god for her acceptance. What is she doing to me?' He thinks.

'Look Myra! For his former question you have an answer then automatically the later question is answered right?' The matured one (Angel) says.

'Huh...' She is confused.

'Just now you said that you like him right!? Then what are you thinking. First it starts with liking only and later you will fall in love. He is a good guy, well mannered, well educated, respects women, cares for his family, he understands you. What more do you want in a guy?' Angel tries to put some sense into her.

'Don't forget about the looks he has. He is a charmer.' Devil tells her dreamily.

'Yeah that too.' Now Myra is in her dream land.

'Earth to Myra!' Angel scolds.

'Okayyyyy!!!!' she tells.

Don't know what got into her, she hugs him and then starts speaking.....


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