Chapter - 8

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After few hours Ayansh joined Myra, Abeer and Hrithika in Myra's room.

Myra gestures Ayansh though her eyes asking 'What happened?'

He then tells her to relax and took care of everything. Then she relaxes.

"Now we all are here let's play something. " tells Hrithika excited.

Everyone agrees to it.

"What shall we play?" Myra asks.

"How does 'NEVER HAVE I EVER' sound?" Tells Hrithika.

Everyone agrees to it.

Hrithika and Myra both rush to kitchen to get shots. They filled 40 shot glasses with lemonade

After coming into the room Hrithika starts explaining the game.

"Game is very simple.... each and everyone will take turns to asks questions, if anyone did that in their life then they need to take a shot.

For example, if I ask a question 'Did you ever have a crush on teacher?' If your answer is yes then you need to take a shot. Every thing clear?" She asks.

Everyone nods their heads in yes.

"First my turn. " Says Hrithika.

"Have you ever cheated in your exam?" She asks.

Everyone takes a shot. Immediately all heads turned towards Ayansh.

"You cheated in your exam?" Hrithika Asks not believing her brother.

"What? I hate social sciences." He shrugs.

"This needs immediate attention from mother. She always scolds me comparing with you. I hate you. " she tells him. He just chuckles.

"Okay now me!! Have you ever smoked?" Myra Asks smirking at Abeer.

Abeer glares at her and takes a shot. To everyone's surprise even Ayansh took a shot.

"What you too?" Both Myra and Hrithika Asks at the same time. Myra looking at Ayansh and Hrithika looking at Abeer.

"Well, I'm not a saint you know. I once tried it for experience and I never touched it again." Ayansh tells Myra. She sighs in relief.

"Copy paste..." tells Abeer looking at Hrithika.

She glares at him.

"Okay... next question. " Myra tries to divert the topic.

"Have you ever proposed to anyone?" Abeer Asks smirking at Myra.

Both Ayansh and Myra gulps a shot.

"What?????" Both shouts at each other.

"I proposed you yesterday, right?" Tells Ayansh.

"Oh.." she smiles cheekily.

"Now tell me about yours." He Asks her unable to control his jealousy.

"Well, when I was 6 years there was this cute cute kid who is probably 2 years older to me at that time. He is damn cute and very caring. He even pinched my cheeks. So, I found him adorable and asked him to marry. It's just puppy crush. " she tells him dreamily.

Now Ayansh is boiling in anger. He doesn't know why he is feeling like this.

He tries to stay cool and continues the game.

"Have you ever kissed ?" Asks Ayansh.

Only Myra and Ayansh took the shots.

"Really???? How is the kiss? Whom did you kiss? I didn't even had my first kiss." Starting she was excited but to later statement she told sadly.

Abeer beams with happiness listening to her.

Even he was waiting for the right girl to give his first kiss.

"Arghhh....." Myra doesn't know how to reply to that.

"Tell na Bhabhi ??" Hrithika Asks.

"Tell Myra Tell ..... " Ayansh smirks.

Abeer is completely lost in Hrithika. He doesn't even know what's going on.

"Ayansh" She tells in very very low voice. That is not even audible.

"What?" She asks Myra again.

"Your brother !" She tells her again.

"What??? When?? You two didn't even meet properly. How can this happen? I want to know. Tell me everything please. " she asks her.

She sighs and tells her "I will tell you later. " glaring at Ayansh.

Like that they played for another half an hour while teasing, laughing and chatting........

After Hrithika said that she wants to get some fresh air and went to stroll in garden.

At first Abeer hesitates to go but later he goes behind her.

Now Myra and Ayansh are left alone in the room.

"So,......" Myra starts the conversation wanting to know what happened to the issue.

He looks at her to continue.

"Is the problem solved?" She asks him.

"What problem?" He Asks her knowing very well about what she is trying to asks.

"Those pictures. " she tells him.

"Which pictures?" He again asks her.

"Our pictures. " she gain tells him.

"Our pictures??" He Asks her keeping a question mark expression.

Finally she understood that he is playing with her.

She playfully hits him on his arm.

"Did you just beat your husband???" He als her seriously.

For a second she gets scared seeing his expression.

But later she understood he is just teasing her, she gives him a death glare.

"Okay .... Okay.... Now don't get angry. " he tells her cupping her face.

"And everything is fine. You don't need to about anything. When I'm here there is no need for you to worry. " he tells her gently.

She smiles at him.

"Forgot to ask you, why did you come back? You dropped me and went, right? Did you forget something?" She asks him confused.

He smiles and says "You got a call remember!!" She nods her head.

"But its an unknown number." She tells him confused.

"That's my personal number. I called you to say I'm missing you already but I heard something else." He tells her with a bit of anger in his voice.

"I couldn't bear it so I came." He tells her.

"Thank you" She tells him.

"Just 10 days Myra then YOU ARE MINE. Then no one can stop us from doing anything. We don't need their permission to go out also. " he tells her. She blushes hearing him.


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