Chapter - 4

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She is too overwhelmed to answer him.

"Ummm...... Myra, My keen? It is paining." he tells her.

"Yes... yes.... yes..... and yes...." She comes out of her trance and replies him and hugs him while coming on her knees.

"I would love to be your wife!" she tells him with happy tears.

They continue to hug each other for some time now no one wants to break their hug. After some time their keens started to pain and then they broke apart. Realizing their position she turns into crimson color and immediately gets up from her keens. she is completed flushed.

Ayansh comes near her and takes her hand and slides his ring on to her ring finger.

Ayansh comes near her and takes her hand and slides his ring on to her ring finger

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"I know it isn't any expensive diamond ring but it is very special to me. This is the only thing I bought with my first income (after spending his first income on his mother, father and sister. With the remaining amount he bought it). It isn't any engagement ring it is just my promise to you that I will always be with you no matter what." he tells her while kissing her fingers where his ring proudly stood on her ring finger.

She very happy hearing him and says "This means a lot than any other diamond ring." While caressing it, he smiles at her.

For few minutes no one spoke and they were lost in their own thoughts.

"Know what should we do?" Myra decides to break their silence realising that they were stuck in Ferris wheel's cabin.

That's when Ayansh also comes out of this thoughts and looks around.

Then a smirk forms on his lips.....

"How does kissing sound?" He winks at her.

That's it she eyes went wide while blush formed on her cheeks, ears and neck. She is flabbergasted with his bold question.

He chuckles at her reaction.

"Don't worry I was just kidding. I know that you are a woman with values and you don't do anything against our values and I also respect that." He tells her, she feels blessed to have him in her life.

"I kissed you before because I can't let you finish that word you were about say and I don't regret it at all. But if you feel bad it I'm sor.....(sorry)" He has been cut off by her lips on his.

After few seconds they break their kiss. He is still in shock. He was not responding to her kiss that's why she broke their kiss. She blushes beet root red thinking what she did.

After controlling her blush she looks up to see his reaction, he still didn't come out of his shock then she shakes him to come out of his shock.

After coming out of his shock he asks.....

"What just happened?" She blushes uncontrollably.

After few seconds, she tells him.....

"It is not against my values to kiss my fiancée and I also don't want you to feel bad about our first kiss and also I want you to know that I was not at all feeling bad or regret about it I was just thinking that how stupid of me that I didn't respond to my very first kiss that's my regret not that we kissed. " she blushes more even if that's possible. She is not meeting his eyes. She is looking anywhere but his eyes.

Suddenly he pulls her towards him by her waist, her eyes went wide at his sudden act.

He immediately smashes his lips on hers and she responds after few seconds. They left each other as they had difficult in breathing. But he didn't leave her they touched their forehead together.

They are like that for some time now.

Later both settled on the bench available in their cabin.

No one spoke but Myra can't stop thinking about their kiss and she is blushing like anything

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No one spoke but Myra can't stop thinking about their kiss and she is blushing like anything.

Looking at her blush like that he couldn't help but kiss her on her cheeks. She became like tomato. He chuckles at her seeing her even more red.

After few minutes he feels something heavy on his shoulder and looks down and he sees a very beautiful sight ever. His fiancée sleeping on his shoulder peacefully without any care of the world. She looked so cute.

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