Chapter 2: Study Buddies

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Thoughts are Bold letters

It had been a week since the break up with both couples, and during that week everyone in class 1A had suspected something had happened. It was like Midoriya to avoid Todoroki, and Kirishima to avoid Bakugou. Their friends tried to helped them, but none of the four wanted to talk about it. It was currently 6:59 and school started at 7:40.

~ Izuku's POV ~ (Sometimes 3rd person)

Waking up I stretched and got out of bed to do my morning routine. Putting on my U.A uniform, I took a glance at the mirror to see if anything was in miss array but nothing stuck out except for my curly hair. My thoughts traveled back in time to the break up as I subconsciously went down the stairs of the dorm building to the first floor.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I arrived to the first floor and heard voices. I looked up to see Uraraka, Kirishima, and Iida talking and went to join them. 

"Hey Deku!"

"Good morning Midoriya."

"Hey Midoriya."

"Good morning guys."

I smiled as they boasted my mood as we talked and laughed as we made our way to home room.   We entered home room and stood talking for a little longer before being ushered to our seats by Iida. A few moments later when everyone sat down in walked Aizawa.  

"Good morning class. Today we're doing a pop quiz on strategies."

Aizawa said in his bored tone of voice as he waved a hand towards Iida then towards a stack of papers on his desk,

"Class rep will pass them out. No talking and when you're done keep it till the end of class when I collect."

Aizawa then got into his yellow sleeping bag and became a yellow caterpillar. There was no sound in the room other then the pencils moving across paper or the occasional eraser sound. Soon everyone finished their quiz and class was about to end. 

"Homework tonight study (Random topic that's about school) because we will be discussing that next class. You're dismissed."

Aizawa said as he stood in front of the class having got out of his sleeping bag. 

The day went on and classes finally ended. I looked at the pile of homework we all got today and sighed.

I wonder if anyone wants to have study session.. Uraraka and Iida are busy, cants do Todoroki..

Looking up I see a familiar red head walking ahead towards the dorms. 

I'll ask Kirishima

(M)"Hey Kirishima!"

(K)"Hmm? Oh hey Midoriya."

Kirishima said turning around and stopping to wait for Midoriya to catch up.

(K)"What's up?" 

(M)"Since we got all this homework, want to study with me?"

(K)"Sure bro." 

(M)"Do you want to study at my dorm?"

(K)"I'm fine with that."

I then lead Kirishima to my dorm room, shutting the door after we both entered. I sat on my bed as Kirishima sat on the roll-y chair that went with my desk. We started working on the homework, one person helping the other with something he doesn't understand or vise verse.

Time went by and soon Kirishima had to leave to make it to his room by curfew.  The boy parted and Midoriya was left in his All Might decorated room. Grabbing his phone, Midoriya pulled up a group chat with Uraraka and Iida and texted them. 

(8:52pm) Deku: Hey guys

(8:52) Uravity: Hey Deku

(8:53) Ingenium: Good evening you both

( 8:53) Deku: Do you guys wanna hang out this weekend?

(8:53) Uravity: Sure that sounds fun

(8:53) Ingenium: I will join

(8:54) Uravity: How about we meet at the park at like 10:30am?

(8:54) Deku: We can do that. Mind if I invite other classmates? 

(8:55) Ingenium: Inviting other classmates is a way to bond more, also, I will come to the location you have set.

(8:55) Ingenium: We should head to bed since we need our rest for tomorrow. Have a good night.

(8:55) Uravity: Ok, goodnight guys

(8:56) Deku: Goodnight and see you later

Clicking out of the group chat, Midoriya then entered the 2.A group chat that was 1.A but was changed. He sent the invitation to the chat and then logged out. Setting his phone on the charger, Midoriya then finished his homework before doing his nightly routine and going to bed, 

*Edited April 17-18, 2020*

*727 Words*

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