Chapter 4: Training

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The next couple days at school were as normal as the class could get with all the hero training classes and normal subjects going on. Class 2A was socializing just as Aizawa walked in, finally quieting down as he stood in front with his tired eyes scanning the room. 

"Quiet down. In two weeks the Sports Festival will be taking place and second year students will be participating on the second of three days which is Tuesday. This will be your second out of three chances for heroes to see what youre capable of, so do your best. You all have improved in both your quirks and psychically and it will be harder to defeat you, but whilst you all got stronger, others have too. Dont let you guard down. The rest of this class youll train for the festival. I dont care if you work in groups of alone or if you have your hero costume, just stay on UA grounds and don't get into trouble."

And with that Aizawa fell into in desk chair, and put his head on the desk. Students then excitedly got up, and went to the cubes that held their hero costumes inside. Midoriya got up and grabbed his costume, and along with other boys, went to the male changing room. After getting changed, Midoriya started going to the training field but stopped in place as someone called his name.

(K) "Hey Midoriya!"

Kirishima came into step with Midoriya as they both started walking towards Ground Beta. 

(K) "Wanna battle with me?"

Midoriya nodded.

(M) "Sure, where do you wanna battle?"

(K) "Hmm..."

Kirishima pointed to an open field.

(K) "We could fight there, lets go!"

Midoriya and Kirishima got into place on opposite sides of the field and soon the fight commenced. Kirishima activated his quirk, making his skin hardened as he ran to attack Midoriya. Midoriya blocked his hand just a few feet away from his face. He moved his foot to the side, and flipped Kirishima over his back and onto the ground. Kirishima quickly got back up and started throwing punches at Midoriya who blocked. One finally came into contact with Midoriya's  shoulder causing him to stumble backwards a little, giving Kirishima a slight advantage at the moment.

Midoriya quickly came back with an ignited fist with green sparks glowing around his forearm and quickly landed a hit on Kirishima's face. Kirishima stubbled back, his skin turning back to normal as his quirk wore  out. Kirishima fell backwards and landed on the ground. Both were panting from the fight as they both rested for a second.

(K) "You win, good job man."

(M) "You too."

Midoriya held out his hand for Kirishima to take, which he did gladly. They both started walking towards the gym to workout with little chit chat on the way. They both separated as they entered the gym. Kirishima walked over to the punching bags, and started throwing fists. To be honest, he had some pint up anger, but doesnt everyone? Even if it happened weeks ago, he was frustrated why would Bakugou break up with him. Wasnt everything going fine? Was he a bad boyfriend?

Unconsciously Kirishima started punching harder.

What did he do for them to break up? Its not like Bakugou and Todoroki's sudden friendship wasnt unnoticeable. 

Suddenly a hand was placed on his shoulder causing him to tense, not expecting the sudden warmth. Stopping, Kirishima turned around to see Midoriya to which he suddenly relaxed seeing who it was. 

(M) "Are you okay?"

(K) "Yea, I was just punching the bag."

Kirishima says scratching his neck and sighing. Looking past his attempts to hide his true thoughts, Midoriya prodded more. 

"I dont think you were okay. You beat the crud out of the punching bag."

Midoriya pointed towards the 'punching bag' making Kirishima look over his shoulder towards it.


There hung the beat up punching bag up, swinging slightly from the force of the last punch Kirishima threw. So much for integrity.

"So, what was wrong?"

Kirishima sighed and looked away.

"Just thinking about some stuff. Im fine really."

Midoriya decided not to push it, and just nodded and let him go back to his training. 

At the end of the school day, Kirishima walked with Midoriya to his dorm to study and soon left for his own as curfew cursed them. After he left, Midoriya did his nightly routine and went to bed.

The sun began rising indicating that it was Saturday. Midoriya rose out of bed, and started getting ready. He, Iida, Uraraka, and maybe unknown others planned to hang out today, meeting at the park at 10:30am. Midoriya sighed as he ran a hand through his curly hair. Todoroki and the Bakusquad were invited, but no one guaranteed on coming. The clock read 9:53 as Midoriya glanced at it as he passed by and down the stairs, grabbing an apple on his way out from the kitchen. 

Midoriya walked out of the dorms and headed towards the park where he and the others had agreed to meet. When he got there, he was the only one there so far. He sat at one of the picnic tables, throwing the core of his apple in the trash bin sitting a few feet away. Waiting for the others to arrived, Midoriya scrolled through his phone, but stopped and looked up once somebody sat down across from him. He looked up from his device and saw Uraraka.

(U) "Hey Deku! How are you?"

(M) "Hey Uraraka! Im fine, how about you?"

(U) "Im good. Im guessing Iida isnt here yet?"

(M) "Nope."

They both went into a comfortable silence as they both looked at their phones, making the occasional small talk. Glancing at the time, Midoriya read 10:15, noting there was 15 more minutes. About five minutes later Iida came and sat down beside Uraraka.

(I) "Is anybody else coming?"

(M) "Not sure. Right now its only me, you, and Uraraka so far whos hanging out. Wanna wait until 10:30, and if anyone doesnt come then we'll leave?"

(I) "Thats fine."

The three of them waited until 10:30, chit chatting to pass the time, as they hadnt had a lot of time to with all their work and training. Just as 10:30 striked, another person sat next to Midoriya causing the boy to look up and see Kirishima occupying the seat that was once empty.

(U) "Hey Kirishima, glad you could make it!"

(K) "Thanks Uraraka, sorry I was late guys. Super unmanly."

(M) "You werent late Kirishima. We were just waiting for other people to come, but I dont think anybody else it coming."

Kirishima nodded.

(K) "So what were you guys planning to do?"

The three of them shrugged. Eventually they decided to start off with watching a movie at the theatres. When they got to the theatres, they bought tickets, snack, and drinks, and sat down in their seats just as the pre views ended and the actual movie began.

~ Time Skip ~

After the movie they headed towards the mall, talking about the movie they just saw moments ago. They entered the mall and looked at the various shops around the building.

(U) "Where should we go first? Window shopping? Clothes shopping? Candy shopping~?"

(K) "I think Uraraka wants candy..."

(U) "Thought you never asked! Let's go shopping for candy! Please?"

The other three shrugged, and followed their hyper friend towards the candy shop. They all ended up getting their favorite candy while Uraraka got a stash of candy for who knows why. They went shopping in a couple of more stores until they decided to go to the food market. They ordered their food and drinks and sat down at one of the tables littering the place.

Just then there was a loud explosion followed by screaming and people running away gathering the four's attention. 

*Edited May 6, 2020*

*1325 words*

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