Epilogue/Aftermath #1

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Following the events of the rescue, things went back to as relatively normal as it could get for a hero course. Midoriya had been given a few days to rest butnthose were over and now it's back to school.

Midoriya walked down the familiar path from the dorms to the main campus, thinking. Snapping out of his thoughts, the green haired boy looked up to see the red haired boy he'd grown fond of.

"Good morning Kirishima."

The boy said with a smile as the other smiled back.

" Morning Midoriya, are you feeling better?"

"Yup, all I needed was sleep."

After a few minutes of small talk, they soon arrived at 1A classroom. Opening the door to the classroom, the greenette was faced with the stares of his classmates before being bombarded with questions. "Deku! I'm happy you're back!" Everyone backed up from the hug but still continued to make comments and questions. "I'm glad you're doing well Midoriya." Turning his head, Midoriya stared into the heterochromia eyes of Shoto Todoroki. "Thank you Todoroki."

Midoriya tried to answer any question to the best of his ability until Aizawa came in which cause everyone to head to their seats. The day progressed as if nothing happened and it soon ended. Walking back to the dorms, Midoriya saw Kirishima not too far ahead and jogged to catch up.

"Hey Kirishima."

"Hey Midoriya. Sorry if I said anything weird a few days ago."

The red haired boy rubbed his neck with his hand as he adverted his eyes from him. "It's fine, but wanna know something too?" Leaning up, Midoriya cupped his hand to Kirishima's ear and whispered. "I'm think about you all the time too." Leaning back Midoriya walked on, but stopped as he looked back at the male who stopped.

"Kirishima?" "Call me Eijiro and please don't hate me." "Whaa-"

Eijiro walked over to Midoriya and pressed his lips against his. Midoriya's eyes widened in shock as Eijiro pulled back and ran towards the dorms just like he ran away a week ago. "Guess I'll have to try again tomorrow."


Walking to class, Eijiro somehow found himself walking next to the greenette again who kept up the small talk. "So, are we a couple or no?" Eijiro's face lit up red as he stuttered for an answer but found none. "Sorry, didn't mean to make you flustered." "N-no,it's fine. Do you want to date?" Nodding, Midoriya looked up. "Sure, if you want to." "Then we're dating."

"And that means.."

Eijiro turned and planted his lips against Midoriya's. The kiss was short but sweet as no PDA was allowed.


So in the end Bakugou and Todoroki came out of the closet for each other and all four's relationships got better as they moved on with someone they loved.

This officially concludes KiriDeku! Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this and I hope you have a good day/night!

*Edited July 3rd*
*499 words*

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