Chapter 9: Sports Fest. - Pt. 2

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Bold words are thoughts

The remaining 42 students of General, Hero, and Support stood in front of the stage, staring at Midnight and the wheel as the 18+ hero spun it. The wheel seemed to go slower as everyone waited til it finally stopped. The wheel pointer remained on Mystic Maze after it fully stopped.

"And the second challenge is Mystic Maze!"

Midnight announced as she waved her hand towards the side just as Cementoss, who was sitting off to the side, started creating four walls of stone coming up from the ground which soon connected. The walls were over 10 feet tall and mini barriers were created inside to make dead ends and only one route out of the maze. Thick mist rolled in, causing it to be difficult to see through. An entranced formed in front of where the students were. Cementoss stood at the end point, where as Midnight stood in between the students and the entrance of the maze. Cameras flew above the students, into the maze to share what was happening with the audience.

"Here is the Mystical Maze! Find your way through the maze to the other side and be one of the first 16 students who finish first. Fighting is allowed, dont destroy the walls, and begin!"

Midnight said before getting out of the way of students running to get a head start after she finished. Students divided between the various ways to go as Midnight went to stand next to Cementoss, waiting for the students to finish.

Midoriya took an immediate right and then a left, but soon found himself face to face with a student he didnt know. Without saying a word, the student launched into attack, shooting out shining bright light beam towards Midoriya.

Hmmm... a light quirk of some kind..

Midoriya dodge and pulled his fist to blow a strong blast of wind towards him. The guy flew back and Midoriya took his chance to advance more into the maze. He took more turns until he stumbled due to a attack of some kind making the ground shake.

What was that?

Midoriya founded a corner and found another student standing in front of him looking as confused as he was. As soon as the student saw him they stood in a defenseive stance looking at Midoriya warily.

Midoriya put of his hands as he slowly walked pass the student, all the while facing them, ready if they attack. He soon rounded a corner and carried on with the race. The ground vibrated once more as it suddenly became chilly. Old memories of Shoto, or Todoroki, went through Midoriya's head as he passed by iced ground. Shaking his head, Midoriya moved pass the ice and took another right.

As he made his way through the maze, Midoriya came across multiple students who were fortunately passive and didn't want to get in a fight. Taking a left, Midoriya soon found himself in a corridor which finally lead the way out of the maze, earning him a spot in the third event.

He sighed as he stood next to the students who already found their way out of the maze before him. His gaze landed on Uraraka, Iida, and Kirishima all talking in a small group. He made his way over to them as he looked around more.

"Hey Deku!"

"Hey Uraraka, Iida, Kirishima."

"Hey bro!"

"Hello Midoriya."

Small talk was exchanged as the four waited for other students to make their way out. A loud horn like noise rang out throughout the arena as the 16th person made it out.

"And the first 16 students have made it out! The remaining students have been disqualified!"

Looking around, Midoriya took note of the students moving on and noticed a lot of them were hero course students.

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