Chapter 7: Encounter

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Bold words are thoughts

The figure held up a hand, igniting it with a small flame that illuminated the area around them by a small red-orangish tint. Midoriya's eyes widened as he took an defensive stance as he tried to find an opening to get out of the alley. In front of him stood Inferno, the villain slowly taking over the spot light. 


She twirled her necklace around her fingers as she talked. It was a simple black string with what looked like a diamond hooked on.

"You, Red Riot, and all the others think you can stop the League Of Villains? You thought wrong darling~." 

Midoriya clinched his fists as she talked I'll about heroes and the police.

"You're being cocky making an appearance like this, so that means you're sure your plans will succeed, but trust me, we'll stop you and the League Of Villains."

Inferno giggled at his incompetence. She suddenly clinched the fist with the fire only to ignite the whole fist and rearing back and punching Midoriya in the face. From the force Midoriya flew back and hit the alley wall a few feet back. Instead of continuously attacking, Inferno then turned and ran out of the alleyway. The hero in training was soon on her trail after using the wall as momentum to move forward.

As he went out of the alleyway the streets were empty, Inferno gone. Midoriya sighed as he gave up trying to find where she went and started walking back to U.A. Curfew had already pass and Midoriya had to be quick and silent to get into his dorm room. As he entered the common room Midoriya saw a silhouette sitting on the couch. Walking closer the figure soon grew features and became Kirishima. Seeing Midoriya, Kirishima got up and and stood in front of the boy.

"Where were you?"

Midoriya rubbed his neck with his hand and did a small smile.

"I went for an evening walk, but encountered Inferno which made me a little late for curfew..."

Kirishima's eyes widened.

"You ran into Inferno and didn't call for help?"

'"I didnt get a chance to call for help... Sorry..."

Kirishima sighed and placed his hand on Midoriya's shoulder.

"Next time if you run into Inferno, can you message me or Aizawa? I dont want a friend to get hurt."

Kinda wish he was more than a friend... What am I saying? I'll just get my heart broken again... And its too early to get involved in another relationship, isn't it?

Midoriya nodded and looked to the side slightly. Kirishima had a slight blush but was gone as Midoriya looked back at him to hide his feelings. 

"Why were you up waiting for me?"

The blush returned but was hidden by the dark as Kirishima turned his head as the boy took his hand off Midoriya's shoulder. 

"Worried I guess. Usually you're one of the kids who always follows the rules unless it involves with someone getting hurt or something."

Midoriya did a closed eye smile.

"Thanks for worrying about me, but we should go to our rooms before we get in trouble."


The two boys then went into their own rooms and went to sleep.

*Time Skip to the next day, (Tuesday.)*

*Sports Festival in one week*

Aizawa walked in the classroom and all went silent like he casted a silencing spell.

"We're doing doubles training. I have already assigned the teams and opponents so no complaining. Everyone, get changed and meet me on the training field." 

Everyone went to change and soon all the students were on the field.

"Here are the teams:

Bakugou and Mina against Mineta and Sero
Midoriya and Kirishima against Iida and Asui
Tokoyami and Uraraka against Todoroki and Ayoma
Momo and Jiro against Sato and Koda
Kaminari and Ojiro against Hagakure and Shoji

First up is Bakugou and Mina against Mineta and Sero. Basic sparing match, please dont destroy anything or body."

The four of them got into positions and Aizawa signaled for them to begin. The winner was Bakugou and Mina. Next up was Midoriya and Kirishima against Iida and Asui. They went onto the field and Aizawa signaled for them to start.

Iida was the first to attack, using his speed boost to attack Kirishima with a kick. Kirishima blocked him by hardening his skin, soon sending multiple punches towards Iida. As Kirishima attacked Iida, Midoriya attack Asui using an ignited fist. Jumping to dodge, Asui used her tongue and threw Midoriya who landed on his feet. He then jumped towards the frog hero, sending another punch to her. Not being able to dodge this one, Asui flew back in into Iida who was currently defending himself against Kirishima. 

Kirishima punched Iida as he jumped out of range from Iida's kick when Asui bumped into him, sending both of them off balance from the force of Midoriya's punch. Soon Midoriya and Kirishima were declared the winners after a few more attacks and blocks later from both teams. They both high fives Asui and Iida as they went to sit down to watch the net fight which was Todoroki and Ayoma vs Tokoyami and Uraraka.


Bakugou and Mina
Midoriya and Kirishima
Todoroki and Ayoma
Momo and Jiro
Hagakure and Shoji

*Time Skip to After School, evening*

Midoriya sat on his bed with a spare notebook, having just finished writing what he had observed from Inferno on a page. It was kinda like his hero notebook, but different. Recording of villains were in written in it, mainly the league of villains. He sighed and closed the book as he rubbed his eyes. He laid it on the table besides his bed and got up. He changed and went to bed unaware that someone was keeping tabs on him as well.

*Edited June 3rd, 2020*

*967 Words*

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