Chapter 3: 2A vs 2B

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Thoughts are bold letters

Everyone sat at their desk, socializing. The bell rung and everyone quieted down as Mr. Aizawa stood in the front of the class.

"Today we are training at Ground Beta, so get your gym uniforms on and meet down there."

Tiredness could be heard from his voice, but isnt tiredness always there? Students of 2A grabbed there uniforms, and made their way to the changing rooms. After changing, they made their way down to Ground Beta to be met by  Aizawa, All might, King Vlad, and class 2B.

Complaining was heard from both classes -mainly Monoma- but was soon silenced by Vlad King. 

"Enough. Today we are going to be doing a battle between class 2A and 2B. The whole city of Ground Beta is the battle field, meaning you can go anywhere other than out of bounds from the city. Your task is to eliminate everyone from the opposing class."

Aizawa started speaking right as Vlad stopped.

"Dont be afraid to go all out, but me, Vlad, and All Might are going to be watching in case something goes out of hand. In a real fight you cant destroy the whole city, so try and do as minimal damage as possible. You will have ten minutes to decide a plan and get ready."

The classes separated into two groups, and went into the city. Class 2A grouped together, planning a way to defeat 2B.

"Should we split up or stay as a whole team?"

"Who should aim to fight who?"

"Where should we go?"

Questions shot out as students talked over and interrupted each other while others jus stayed quiet, thinking about a strategy on their own.

"If we stay in a group then it will be easier for class 2B to find us and attack. We have limited time, so we have to come to an agreement quick and get our plan into action."

Midoriya said, quieting the group.

"I agree, if we stick together, them it will be easier to spot and attack us, but is we spread out and still be able to cover each other, then that would work more."

Yaoyorozu said. 

As a loud air horn noise signaled the ten minutes were up, both classes put their plans into action. Sero and Asu would scout the area around while Shoji would listen for incoming attacks. Close range attackers such as Bakugou, would concentrate on surprise attacking any one who would be alone. The rest would be hiding in groups of 2 or 3, planning to attack small groups of class 2B.

Midoriya was put into the group who was supposed to surprise attack students who were alone. He stayed in the shadows, observing his surroundings and trying to find anyone from 2B. He finally found Kendo walking cautiously through the forest, goals probably somewhat the same. He got behind, and planned to attack. Kendo suddenly turned around and blocked his punch with one of her enlarged fists.

Air was thrown around as Midoriya's and Kendo's fists collided. They jumped back, preparing to fire another attack.

Kendo is a skilled close combat fighter, so if I can attack from long range I'll have an advantage.

Midoriya thought, dodging another enlarged fist. Midoriya collided fists with Kendo again. Midoriya jumped back as her other fist attacked. Not paying attention, Midoriya's back collided with a tree rooted behind. He tried to jump out of the way of Kendo's fist, but vines wrapped around his ankle, not letting him move.

Crud, Shiozaki is here as well.

Midoriya closed his eyes, preparing for Kendo's fist to hit, only to open them again as the hit never came. Midoriya slowly opened his eyes to find Kirishima with his quirk was activated blocking the hit. He grabbed Kendo's fist and tossed her into a near by tree. He sliced the vines holding Midoriya's ankle in place, freeing him.

"Thanks Kirishima!"

"No problem Midoriya. Its not manly to let one of your team mates get eliminated."

"Now we have to find Shiozaki. She has to be around here somewhere."

Kirishma nodded, and the two of them went back into the shadows. Vines slowly attacked them from behind, but Midoriya smashed them before they could do any damage. The vines retreated North, and both of the heroes in training followed. Vines shot out at them, grabbing Kirishima's arm but being destroyed almost immediately as Midoriya flicked his thumb and ring finger together, sending the blast towards where the vines were coming from.

There was a shriek, followed by a thump. They both walked forward, and found Shiozaki on the ground next to a tree.

"Crap... I may have gone over board... I'm sorry Shiozaki, here."

Midoriya rubbed his neck with hand while holding his other towards the girl on the ground who took it. Their victory ended shortly as there was a large explosion somewhat near them. They both looked at each other, and muttered a singular name that was predicted to have made that explosion.


They both ran towards where the smoke was dispersing into the sky. There was another explosion, this time minor. When they got into view of the fight, they saw Bakugou fighting Tetsutetsu. Bakugou went in with another explosion attack, but was blocked by Tetsutetsu's steel skin. The two exchanged more hits, neither looking to back down. Kirishima and Midoriya watched from a tree, waiting to see if Bakugou needed back up. It looked like they had been fighting for a while seeing as they both were panting. Tetsutetsu's steel skin was looking like it was going to break while he blocked another attack from Bakugou. Kirishima left to scout the surrounding area in case there were more fights going on. Midoriya watched as Tetsutetsu's steel broke when Bakugou's exploaion hit. With a punch to the face, Tetsutetsu was down. A few moments later, Aizawa's voice echoed through the city.

"Training has come to a end. 2A is victor against 2B. Everyone go change and head to your classrooms."

Everyone went to change and made their way to their classrooms. Students in 2A celebrated their win as they waited for Aizawa to come in. Everyone talked about their personal battles against their opponent in class 2B. Classes went by, and soon it was time to go home. Midoriya and Kirishima walked next to each other, headng towards the dorms. 

(M) "Want to study again?"

(K) "Sure."

 The two boys entered the common room and headed up towards Kirishima's dorm. They then continued to study topics in the subjects there were currently learning in classes until Midoriya had to leave because of the curfew. 

*Edited April 30 to May 1, 2020*

*1117 words*

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