Chapter 6: Aftermath

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Thoughts are in bold

"Her alias is Inferno but from what we've gathered, her real name is Ruby Justice. We have a file about her you're welcomed to look trough, but it's not much"

The detective said as he threw down a folder onto the coffee table in front of them. He kept talking.

"During the museum and bank robbery and destruction, a powerful and priceless gemstone was stolen along with thousands of dollars. As you may have already concluded, we believe the attacks around the two targeted areas were distractions." 

They all then exchanged information and theories they had about the villain and the attacked, but soon the detective was on his way. Before he left he gave his card to all four students to call incase weird events occurred. After the detective left,  the four went to their dorms and rest about the all exchanged information, or at least what they knew, and soon the detective was on his way. He had given the four his card Incase anything weird happens. So much for a perfect Saturday. They were instructed by Aizawa to go to their dorm rooms and rest, and that's what they did.

~ Time Skip to Monday ~

Saturday soon turned to Sunday, coming back around to Monday which was full of questions for the four. Even with the questions being out of curiosity, anyone would get frustrated with being asked the same question and answering the same answer repeatedly, but they made it threw without accidentally snapping.

"What the heck happened? All that was on the news was that there was a major robbery and that you four were there."

They all answered the question Denki asked with a somewhat rehearsed answer, having been asked that various times that morning.

The bell soon rung and students of class 2A headed towards the cafeteria for lunch. After getting lunch from Lunch Rush, Midoriya looked around for anyone he know he could sit with. Scanning the cafeteria, he saw a flash of red, but doing a double take he saw Kirishima waving at him. He smiled, and started walking over to the table Kirishima was sitting at. Sitting down, Midoriya saw that the table was mostly Deku and Baku squad combined.

The only two people who made Midoriya nervous were the two strongest people in the class; Bakugou and Todoroki. Midoriya had sat in the empty seat next to the red haired boy, observing he was sitting on the opposite side of the table than Bakugou, making him wander what happened. He ate his food, listening to the conversation and occasionally responding when needed. He soon subconsciously blocked the cafeteria out but came back as he heard a quiet 'psst' next to him.

"What do you think the villains wanted with the gemstone they stole?"

Kirishima said as he was looking at the greenette. Midoriya started back before looking away and mumbling a response that only he could hear.

"It may have some kind of magic they need or want..."

Midoriya went quiet for a moment.

"We might need to research this gemstone to see its magic or abilities."

Kirishima nodded.

"I'll try and get the folder to read over."

Kirishima nodded again as he took a bite of his food, letting the small exchange die. 

As lunch came to an end, students made their way back to their classrooms for the afternoon classes. Most of class 2A were socializing but stopped as Aizawa walked in.

"Reminder, Sports Festival is in a week and a half, so you better prepare for it. For practice, Im putting each of you into groups of two, and you'll fight until one is down. Change and go to the training grounds."

With that Aizawa walked out as students went to the changing room.

~ Time Skip To After School ~

After classes let out, Midoriya grabbed his bag, and started walking to the staff room. He knocked on the door, and opened it slightly to peek inside. Multiple teachers were inside including Aizawa, either doing grading or making lesson plans. 

"Mr. Aizawa?"

Said teacher turned his head towards the door and saw his student, motioning Midoriya to come over as he rummaged into a drawer. Midoriya walked over to where Aizawa was at.

"Do you have the folder for the villain Inferno?"

Aizawa nodded and pulled out a folder from the drawer he was just rummaging through like he knew the kid would be asking for it. He then shooed Midoriya away so he could take a nap.

"Thank you."

Midoriya then walked out of the staff room, and down the halls, soon entering the common room and then his own room. He sat on his bed after changing into comfortable clothes and opened the folder he got earlier. The paper read:

Name: Ruby Justice

Villain Name: Inferno

Gender: Female

Age: Around late teens 

Height: 5'6

Quirk: Demon Phase

Quirk Info: Fire control, horns, wings, tail, ???

Family: Unknown parents

Occupation: Apart of League of Villains

Extra Info: She was reported missing by an unknown person 12 years ago. She wasn't seen in public since, and if she was no one reported. Her quirk has linked her to multiple crimes, but she was never caught. The most recent crime involving the robbery and destruction of the Museum and Bank is one of the very few times she's been seen in public. Before her being kidnapped, she used to attend an elementary school called (Insert school name here).

Midoriya sighed reading over the information.

'That wasn't much to go on...'

Midoriya put the paper back into the folder, placing it on a drawer and back flopped on his bed. He sighed again and got up to do a evening jog before curfew. He change into running clothes and made his way outside. Once he reached the gates, he started a light jog, going around the neighborhood that was near the school. 

A little in his jog Midoriya felt a pair of eyes watching him, but he shrugged it off, think it was nothing. Just as he passed an alleyway, an arm reached out and grabbed him, pulling him into the alley way. The figure stood in front of the entrance, allowing Midoriya a slim chance to actually escape. Through the darkness, Midoriya could barely see the figure but could make out the general shape. Midoriya took a deep breath before he spoke.

"Who are you?"

*Edited May 27th, 2020*

*1080 Words*

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