Chapter 5: New Threat

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Just then a loud explosion rang out followed by screaming and people running away from the thick layer of smoke slowly covering the scene making it harder to see the cause. All four of them quickly stood up and ran towards the smoke, all joking and laughing that lingered was now completely gone.

As they go towards the smoke, multiple villains could be seen attacking various stores and innocent civilians. The four ran into the smoke, splitting up to help any injured civilians or attack the growing number of villains; Uraraka and Kirishima helping the injured and Midoriya and Iida  fighting the villains.

Explosions rang out around them but the biggest one triggered down the street, as if these were just decoys to keep heroes busy. 

It probably is 

Midoriya thought as he ran down the street with Iida running behind. Already multiple pros were at the scene fighting villains that are probably just low life thugs. Iida and Midoriya stopped running as they looked around, trying to find where they could be of use.

(M) "It looks as if the main attack was around here and all the others are just distractions. Should we go find who's in charge of this event?"

(I) "Maybe... It looks like the distractions are working as not many pros are in this area and more around where more villains and civilians are. None the less it's not smart to go search for the leader without any back up."

Just then the building behind the two exploded, knocking both of them of their feet. Both caught the footing getting into a defense position. Destroyed buildings like the bank and a museum remains littered around them. Just then a chuck of a broken building fell right above them, causing both to jump back right before it collided with the ground where they were seen ones before.

Laughter went through the two's ears as they dodged another falling pile of rubble. Looking up, a female villain they never saw before was flying above. 

She had a black jacket that went down to their knees with a red shirt could been seen under the jacket along with shorts. She had black boots with red shoelaces on as well. Her hair was gradient with the colors red and black, matching her outfit. Horns were sticking out from her hair while a pointed tail lashed behind her. Demon wings on her back flapped back and forth, allowing her to fly. 

"Well well well! Look who has decided to join us! Welcome Deku and Ingenium!"

Another round of laughter was heard as the two heroes in training went into fighting stances. Like it was planned, they both jumped towards the villain at the same time, both aiming different attacks. The villain smirked seeing the two attempt to attack her before waving a hand and shooting out a wave of fire, blowing them off course.

They both landed on their feet and prepared to attack again but changed to a defensive stance when a portal opened next to her. Kurogiri appeared from it, floating next to the female. 

"Its time to go. Our mission is complete."

The female pouted and sighed.

"Fine lets go."

Kurogiri nodded, and went back through the portal. Before going through, the villain looked back and smiled sadistically.

"See you next time!"

And with that she went through the portal, said portal closing behind her. 

~ Time Skip ~

Midoriya, Iida, Uraraka, and Kirishima were sitting in the common room of the U.A dorms with  Aizawa sitting across from them along with All Might and a detective.

"How do you kids always get into trouble?"

Aizawa shook his head as the detective took out a pad and pen and looked at the four.

"I need you to tell me what happened in your perspective, and --"

He turned towards Iida and Midoriya.

"--What the villain that caused this looked like."

The four of them nodded, and started explaining what happened in their perspective, etching going one by one. 

(M) "The villain was female, and she had horns, a tail, and wings; probably from her quirk. She had on a knee long jacket with a red shirt and shorts. Im pretty sure she's apart of the League of Villains because she went with Kurogiri through a portal."

The detective nodded while writing down what he was told.

"This hasn't been her first appearance. A few months ago she was spotted with another supposed League of Villains villain near the same museum they destroyed earlier."

He paused to let them process this new information.

"Her name is...."

*Edited May 15, 2020*

*772 Words*

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