Chapter 8: Sports Fest. - Pt. 1

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Bold words are thoughts

*Tuesday Next Week*

Class 1A were all gathered in the waiting room for their class waiting to be signaled to move onto the arena. Today was day two of the Sports Festival, a major event that took over the Olympics and hosted here at U.A. This was heroes into training second chance to woah the heroes with their abilities, hoping to be able to join a good hero agency when leaving U.A. First years had their chance yesterday and now it's second year's turn. This was the time to prep and relax before the full on stress of the festival comes. After waiting for a while their class was announced by Present Mic to come onto the arena.

General Studies, Support Course, and Hero Course all stood in front of the stage where the judge, pro hero Midnight, was standing. Present Mic and Aizawa were in the studio above the crowd being the announcers. After the cheering died down Midnight started talking. 

"Welcome everyone to day two of the Sports Festival! Todays focus is atheism second years! They will be participating in two challenges ending with a battle tournament! But before we start lets have the class representative from each class come and say a short speech!"

Class 2A representative this year was Bakugou as he won last years Sports Festival. He made his way up with the other students who were all representing their own class. All the representatives said their speeches, mostly words of encouragement, and it was Bakugou's turn.

"Im going to win."

The crowd and students sighed and sweat dropped as they heard Bakugou give a similar speech like last year. Then came the uproar as just like last year students from other classes started denying his claims as Bakugou tsked and walked off the stage.

Great, just like the last Sports Festival...

Midnight cleared her voice and continued speaking after people quieted. 

"Well time for the first event! That will be decided by this wheel!"

Midnight then pointed to the giant wheel next to her. She then spinned it and waited for it to stop, which it did and it landed on Relay Race.

"And we have a relay race!"

Chattering erupted from the stands and the classes wondering how it would all happen.

"Rules for this is simple! Complete the relay race and be one of the first 42 students who finish!"

Murmurs from the crowd and audience rang out as the course for the relay race was beginning to build. The course went around the arena and also into the tree line of the forest around the place.

"You are allowed to fight each other, but do not go over board please. Stay in the boarders of the course and if anyone falls unconscious from fighting with someone, theyre both out. Now, go to the starting line!"

The large group of students lined up at the starting line in a corridor, waiting for the signal to take off.  Present Mic started hyping the crowd for the event as the light went from red to green and the students took off, Aizawa occasionally commenting about how students were using their quirks and/or strategies.

Students stampeded out of the small corridor behind the starting line, trying to get ahead for a advantage. Suddenly the ground turned to ice and complaints were heard from people who didn't avoid the ice in time. Todoroki skated ahead as he used the same ice trick he used last year along with others who avoided the ice. 

In first place was Todoroki, and right after him was Bakugou, Midoriya, Kirishima, Sero, Momo, and other students all competing for the top 10 or higher.

Commentary was the buzz in the background as the students raced along the course, soon stopping at the first obstacle. Various giant creatures started forming in the middle of the path, blocking the way. Some were made out of earth while the others were of stone. They resembled four legged creatures but not sparking any specific animal detail.

One of the the stone giants roared as it fully formed, swiping towards a few students that where too close in its space. Students that were left behind were quickly catching up just as one of the first students took action. Bakugou created a explosion catapulting himself into the air and at one of the earth beings, throwing an explosion punch at it.

Just then a stone creature threw itself in the way of Bakugou's punch and the earth creature. Bakugou's fist collided with the stone and the impact was minimal as both the creatures were unharmed and Bakugou was falling back to the ground. More students had either started fighting the creatures or staying back and letting others do the work. 

"Annnnnnnnnd Todoroki pulls ahead into first place as he freezes one of the earth creatures! Right after him is Bakugou who managed to get past them followed by more students from the hero course!"

Midoriya finally found a open spot and ran past a stone creature along with others who found a weak spot. Kirishima was among them looking determined like most of the others. As Kirishima was running to the side of Midoriya, Midoriya focused his gaze ahead not wanting to get distracted by his friend.

*Time Skip to third obstacle*

Midoriya pasted the second obstacle and moved along the course. The finish line was in sight but so was the third challenge. Currently Todoroki, Bakugou, and Midoriya were once again tied, fighting for the first placement. The three of them soon finished the third obstacle and were racing to the finish line, occasionally sneaking punches in. 

The race soon ended with Bakugou in first, Todoroki in second, Midoriya in third, and other students piling in after. The boys soon were catching their breaths as they waited for the last couple spots to be filled with people finishing the race. 

"Annnnnnnnnd thats the first 42 students! Anyone else who didnt finish in the first 42 students are eliminated! Here are the 42 students that will be moving on!"

Screens that littered around the arena then switched from close ups of students to a list of students that were moving on.


1: Bakugou
2: Todoroki
3: Midoriya
4: Kirishima
5: Iida
6: Momo
7: Sero
8: Shoji
9: Tokoyami
10: Ibrara
11: Hatsume
12: Kaminari
13: Testutestu
14: Kendo
15: Monoma
16: Uraraka
17: Jiro
18: Ojiro
19: Pony
20: Kojiro
21: Hitoshi
22: Mina
23: Aoyama
24: Yosetsu
25: Asui
26: Reiko

The rest of the qualifiers are random between support and general.

*Somewhere else*

"I can see where your thoughts lie in the similarities."

"Now you know your target, don't fail."

The female nodded beside her male companion as they looked towards the screen of a computer.

*Edited June 10, 2020*

*1123 Words*

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