Epilogue/Aftermath #2

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So I had a request from vjhope143 to do a alternate ending where Bakugou and Todoroki regret their decision on breaking up with Kirishima and Midoria, so here it is. Warning, because I have a dark mind this chapter may or may not be a tad dark. This takes place two years after the main story, (1 year after graduating and becoming full time heroes.) Anyways, onto the alternative ending, (sorry if it's bad).

It had been almost two years after Bakugou and Todoroki broken up with Kirishima and Midoriya for each other and almost a year and a half since they openly started dating. The two were happy at the beginning, living in a medium sized and working as heroes full time, but soon trouble in paradise started. Bakugou's temper soon bubbled to the top, yelling profanities when angered and sometimes yelling at Todoroki, having yet to mature from his yelling habit. Bakugou frequently found himself sitting at the dining table during the middle of the night, thinking. Thinking about Kirishima, the only one who could really successfully calm him, but only thinking about him and that need together got him gripping his spiky hair with a tight fist.

Todoroki grew more distant towards Bakugou after each little episode, wishing he still had Midoriya to comfort him, but almost immediately shaking those thoughts out of his head. He was with Bakugou now, he shouldn't be thinking about his time with Midoriya. Heck, he even broke up with Midoriya for the loud pomeranian.


Todoroki sat at the dining table, running a hand down his face as he sighed. The front door opening then slamming had the hero turning his head towards his boyfriend who had just entered. "Katsuki, you're going to get us kicked out for property damage one of these days and if not that various complaints about the doors slamming." Knowing he shouldn't pester his already pissed boyfriend, Todoroki ignored the feeling, only wanting to bring light to what could happen in the future. "Tsk, shut up nobody asked." The blonde said before turning and walking into their shared bedroom. Tearing his gaze from the spot where his boyfriend used to be, Todoroki stared down at his hands. He was a fool, he and Bakugou were experiencing what Bakugou said to Kirishima almost two years ago.

"Because I don't fuqing love you anymore."

He knew him and Bakugou were drifting apart, but neither of them could bring themselves to end it, having given a lot for this relationship. Having sacrificed their relationships with their past lovers for what they thought was love but really should've just been called infatuation.

Tilting his head, Todoroki could hear his lover's frusturated yells muffled by probably a pillow as to not get any more complaints. Clinching his fists, he knew he wasn't the one who could calm him down. He didn't know why he thought he could replace Kirishima with himself, or that Katsuki could replace Midoriya. They had recklessly ruined their relationships for something that should've taken more time to develop instead of rushing into things. His and Katsuki's relationship essentially ruined, and both wishing they could have what they gave up. But it was too late. Too late to get them back and have what they had before as Midoriya and Kirishima already got over them, supporting each other. Regret pooled in Todoroki's stomach as he replayed memories of him and Midoriya once again, giving up on his relationship with Katsuki.

*584 words*

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