opening up

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~third pov~

It's been two days since the game. Two days since the incident. Jason didn't hesitate to go with Barry after Iris' call, but when he got there y/n's door was closed and locked. He tried to get her to unlock it and let him in but she wouldn't. On top of that, she wouldn't even speak. Jason just tried to talk to her through the door, to just try something. But there wasn't a different result. She ignored anyone and everyone that came to her door.

Jason slept on the couch every night. He made breakfast for her every morning, but she never came out to eat. She'd only open the door for Iris, and even then, Iris never sees y/n when she's in there. But he kept trying, he would go to her door and try to talk to her. Even though he knew she wouldn't say anything back. For the first day Jason thought serously about going and beating Ryan to a pulp. But Barry talked him out of it, three times.

It was a little after ten in the morning and Jason was trying his hand at getting y/n to open up.

~Jason's pov~

I was leaning my back against y/n's door "hey babe" I started, like always "how ya feelling this morning? I wish I could give you a hug, if you would just open up I could but you apparently don't want me to"

no response

"you know, I wanted, no, I still want to beat that jerk to a pulp. I know I don't know the whole story but Iris said he wouldn't let you leave. That isn't ok"

Still, no response

"babe please, tell me what happened. Let me in. I just want to help" I begged. I miss her, I know she's only been gone a week but still. She's best thing in my life, the love of my life. I would do Literally anything for her. Wouldn't matter what. I'd do it.

~your pov~

I haven't left my room in two days, I've had no desire to. I've let Iris in a couple times so she could bring in food but other than that, no ones been in here. And even then, I hide. I don't let her see me. I barely sleep, I haven't taken a shower, or even changed clothes. I rarely get out of the bed, but what's the point. I'm not going anywhere. If I go back to school he'll come find me and try something again. Plus, since the fiasco my nightmares have been even worse. That's why I don't sleep. I wake up in a panic and I can never get back to sleep

The nightmares are mostly a combination of everything that's happened to me. Lightning, batts, Harley, Joker, my dad, broken leg, EVERYTHING. I get flashes of those things, sometimes in order, other times at random. I haven't used my speed since then either, I've only used it to open the door quickly, that's it. Everyday Jason has tried to talk to me. I hate it, but I ignore him, I don't talk back. When Barry tried to comfort me I freaked, I'm afraid if I saw Jason I'd do the same. And I don't want to freak out in a bad way when I see him

"Babe please, I just wanna help" I heard Jay plead. I was on the brink of tears, I hate ignoring him. But if I see him I might freak out. And I don't wanna do that to him. I can't do that to him. So, I stayed silent and tried my best not to cry

~Jaosn's pov~

"why won't she let me in? after all that we've been through together, she won't let me in after this?" I say with a mouthful of chinese take-out, waving my chopsticks around. "you know why she won't" no, actually I don't. She won't speak to me, let alone tell me what happened that night" I spat before taking a another bite "none of us know what happened, except for that jerk. Who does he think he is? You can't try to sweep a girl off her feet in one night, especially not MY girl"

"actually...Ryan was hinting at liking y/n and was showing signs of possessiveness....before the night of the game" Iris said slowly, she didn't make eye contact with me either. I clenched my fists and my chest felt tight. This guy was hitting on her before Saturday and I was never told?! " wait, so you're telling me he liked her BEFORE the game and I wasn't told!?!" I yelled. Barry and Iris looked at each other, neither of them looking my direction. "why didn't one of you tell me? Heck, why didn't y/n tell me!? I could've shut him down before he tried anything and she wouldn't be like this!!"

Why didn't she tell me? I would never lie to her or not tell her I have a feeling another girl likes me. Why would she not tell me about this guy? We have been texting twenty-four-seven this past week and we called every night. Why didn't she mention him? "she wanted to handle him herself, she didn't want to pull the 'my boyfriend will beat you to a pulp' card just because he made a couple moves on her" Iris explained. Well now I AM gonna beat him to a pulp

I immediately got up and grabbed Iris' car keys. Barry brought me here after flash packing me a bag, so i don't have my bike "where are you going?" I heard Barry ask from behind me. I was too blind with anger to to say anything back. I headed straight for the front door, but in an instant Barry was in front of me. "" I stated through my clenched jaw. "think about this Jason, would y/n want this?" I don't give a crap about what she wants right now! I WANT this!" I exclaimed " he assaulted y/n!!" we don't know tha-" her reaction is all I need" I innterupted him

"get out of my way Barry" I spat "now" with that, Barry sighed and reluctantly got out of my way. I tore open the door and made a B-line for the car

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