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The judgement took till around 3 she was guessing, of course she couldn't really tell because of the lack of sun light but it seemed as good of a guess as she would get

Afterwards Hades announced he was off to take a nap so she decided to go walk around the garden a little

Now of course she could go right through the gates without a problem with her not being dead. Perks of being a goddess, she supposes

She walks around a little looking at all the beautiful things that grow. Some she didn't recognize at all

Like flowers but their petaled looked like jewels that had been flattened out into the shape of a petal

Or this beautiful tree that produces small apple sized white balls. She had seen one of the spirits take one and crack it open. She got a glimpse of what was inside. It was a small amount of mashed potatoes and some chicken!

She thinks that you could take one and wish for a specific food and it would be inside when you crack it

Although being a goddess she didn't need to eat to maintain her health. She lived Because she was Immortal. But of course if she wanted to eat something she could

And at the moment the pomegranates were looking exquisite

They were the perfect shade of pomegranate red all over, nice and think, round and looking like it would burst with the sweet tangy juice of a pomegranate

"Take one. Try it. It won't hurt. Just 12 seeds, no more, no less" a deep voice says with a small growl

She thinks for a minute before looking around but no one was close enough to have been speaking to her

She stares at the tree, feeling a small magnetic force pulling her closer she takes a few steps forward

"the seeds will give you the power of your dreams, anything you wish" the voice calls out again

This draws her closer and closer still

"You'll be the happiest you've ever been Fleur"

She freezes. Someone had called her this before

She shakes her head, breaking the magnetic pull that had seemed to be pulling her closer to the tree

"L-lucifer?" She calls out worried

She looked around but no answer. He didn't show himself except for a small ball of smoke floating in front of her

She stares at it before reaching out her hand to try and grab it but it moves back. She steps forward but it moves away again. It moves farther and farther away but she keeps following. Out of the garden gates, down the path towards the river, into the boat

Suddenly a cold large hand grabs her wrist. She looks up the arm to the person's face "Hades?"

He frowns and furrows his eyebrows "Leaving so soon and without saying goodbye, little one?" He seemed hurt

"I.. i was just..." She looks back at the ball of smoke

He sighs "I see" he says almost quietly. He reaches out and squeezes the ball of smoke "Reste loin de ma petite" he hisses at the ball of smoke that's seeping through his fingers

The ball of smoke growls and disappears

She feels as if her lungs had been squeezed and had finally been let go

She gasps and takes a deep breath

Hades looks at her worried "Is something wrong?" He asks

She shakes her head "No. Just a little out of breath is all"

He bends down and wraps a arms under her knees then pulls so she gently falls down on his knee

She gasps and wraps her arms over his neck then blushes. He stands and holds her back with his other hand

"You should go lay down for a while" he says as he starts walking her back to the castle

He carries her right to the room she was staying in and lays her on the bed

He looks around "White?" He asks referring to the walls

She smiles "Yes, I'm not finished. I was going to add more color"

He looks at her thinking for a while but she says "Hades..." Her voice cracks a little as if she's about to cry which she felt like. "I.. I don't want to leave. I like it here" she says quietly

He slowly walks back to her bed and sits beside her "Persephone..." He gently strokes some of her hair "You do not belong here. You're like a beautiful flower in a flame. You won't last long here" he says with a hint of sadness

She watches his face, surprised by the sadness and happy about the comfort his hand was bringing by gently playing with her hair "I like it down here. I like being here, Hades I like being with you. I like..." She sits up to get closer to him

He sighs and looks down at the floor "Persephone, no matter how many reasons you come up with to stay here Zeus will never approve or allow it. He's going to find out soon. He won't be happy and he's going to bring you back to Olympus"

By now there are a few tears rolling down her cheek. She gently cups his right cheek in her hand "Hades, I like you"

He looks up at her shocked to say the least. She continues "I'll do anything to stay here. Please. There must be some way to ensure I'll be able to come back to see you" she sniffles as more tears threaten to spill down her cheeks that were all red from her crying

He looks at her for a minute before gently wiping away her spilled tears "I don't know why I feel so happy around you. I'm so supposed to be cold, harsh and heartless. But my heart is throbbing at the thought of you leaving. I don't want you to make this mistake. You might not like me so much in a few weeks. Maybe you should just... Just go back to Olympus. It's where you belong after all" he says feeling sadder then he anticipated

She quickly wraps her arms around his stomach and rests her head on his chest. She hugs him tightly "Please Hades. I would do anything. Just to see you often"

He sighs and hugs her back "Well... There is something...."

Hades and PersephoneWhere stories live. Discover now