★★Chapter 13★★

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Adrien sighed as he finished the last touch of the art. Finally he dropped his pencil and turned to Marinette. "Tomorrow, do you think I can come over so we can start painting?"

Marinette looked down as she thought about it. Luckily today her parents had went out so it had been quiet in the house. What if tomorrow, they stayed? What would they do to her in front of Adrien.

"I don't know, sure," She finally nodded.

Just as she was standing up, she heard the front door opening, and she groaned to realize that her parents were back. She was glad that Adrien and her were done for the day though, so there was no point of her staying here. She could go out and hang out by herself all day.

"Marinette, come downstairs right now!"

"I have to go," Marinette took another deep breath. "I'll be right back." Adrien nodded, so she headed out of the bedroom and walked downstairs.

Once she got there, her eyes widened when she saw Andy, but with a different woman with him. She frowned, confused at what was going on.

"Who is she?" She asked, referring to the woman.

"Marinette, this is Stella," Andy was actually cool enough to introduce the woman, but Marinette had a feeling she was not going to like this woman at all.

"So, what is she doing here?"

"Stella was kicked out of her apartment, so I agreed for her to stay here for a while before she could buy her own house," Andy shrugged. "It would be no problem anyway."

"So, why did you call me here?" Marinette folded her arms. She didn't know what she thought of this woman yet, but she knew for sure that Hannah wasn't going to let this woman have an easy life in this house. Why did Andy think it was a good idea to bring another woman?!

"Marinette, we were kind enough to give you the biggest room in this house-" Andy started.

"No, no, no," Marinette stopped him, wanting to correct the mistake he had just made. "None of you guys bought this house, so you and Hannah didn't even have the choice to give me the biggest room or not. If you did have the choice, I know I would be living in the basement!"

"See, this is exactly why you get in lots of trouble. If what you're going to say is going to trigger me, then just keep your mouth shut!" Andy hollered.

"So, what's up with my room?" Marinette asked again, ignoring Andy's warning.

"Stella is a guest here, so we must make her feel welcomed. I'm going to have to ask you to move out of your room so Stella can have it," Andy finally answered, making Marinette frown.

"What do you mean move out?!"

"You ask too many questions, Marinette! You know exactly what I mean!" Andy sent her a little glare. "Stella is going to have your room. You're going to have the room in the basement!"

"But it's not even your choice. You don't own this house!" Marinette yelled, not caring if she was raising her voice. "Why can't Stella have the room in the basement! Okay yeah, she's a guest, but I've been living here just as long as you! Oh and besides, why can't she have your room. Why does it have to be mine?!-"


"You're making me angry on purpose! What are you trying to do, drive me away from here? Are you trying to anger me so much up to the point where I just grab a knife and slash your throat?!"


"It's okay, Andy. I can have the room in the basement," Stella shrugged. "It doesn't matter where I stay, as long as I'm here. I'll start bringing my bags over here tomorrow, 'k?"

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