☆☆Chapter 20☆☆

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"I told you I wasn't ready! Why did you do it?!" Emilie yelled, pointing at the two kids beside her. "Austin, how dare you?!"

"Emilie, you don't control me! Didn't you know from the start how much I wanted kids?!" Austin yelled. "My mother wants to have grandkids before she dies. Don't you want to fulfill her wish?!"

"Your mother hates me!" Emilie hollered. "Why would I try to make her happy when the only thing she's spent her life doing is to break us apart?!"

"Don't talk about my mother like that," Austin warned. "She stopped ages ago but you still can't get what she did to you out of your head. She's giving you a chance for you two to get along, yet you won't take it. Instead you decide to hate her!"

"Well, you should have asked me first! We're in this together, remember?!"

"You don't want kids, and I do," Austin explained. "What's there to talk about? You would just say no. You never want me to touch you. The farthest I've ever gotten is just a kiss. Don't you think that's too little? For goodness sake, we're married!"

"I told you I wasn't ready!"

"Is that what you told your friend, Dave?!"

"For the last time, Dave and I didn't do anything. He only came over to make me feel better about something when you wouldn't even care," Emilie clenched her fists. "Take the kids back!"

"Emilie, how dare you say that?! You can't just tell me to take the kids back. I'm not going to!" Austin grabbed the kids so they could be right beside him. "You can either stay and be a mother, or leave."

"Fine!" Emilie took the ring off her finger, throwing it at him. "I don't need a husband that forces me to do things I don't want to do. We're over!"

"Emilie, you'll regret this choice!"

"The only thing I regret was even believing you were going to turn out to be a good man," Emilie turned around to leave. "My friends and family were right. You are a jerk! Now you can keep the kids however you like! I'll pack my stuff and move out as soon as possible!"

Emilie ran upstairs, going to the room she shared with Austin. Behind her, Austin was running after her trying to stop her for some reason. Emilie didn't listen, and she swung the door opened, before entering.

When she got closer to the bed, she frowned to see that someone was hiding beneath the covers. She grabbed the pillow and slammed it at the person that was hiding. A female voice she had never heard before yelled out an "ow" before coming out of her hiding spot.

Emilie gritted her teeth and turned to Austin that had just appeared at the doorway. "Not only do you adopt kids, but you cheat on me!"

"Emilie, it's not like you think-"

"Were you secretly hoping that I would end things between us so that you could go live your life with a new woman," Emilie grabbed the lamp that was on the table beside the bed.

"Emilie, drop that!"

"You just wanted to get rid of me, you prick!" With a step forward, she threw the lamp at him, not missing her target. The lamp hit Austin so hard in the face that he fell to the floor.

The woman yelled and started leaving the room, but Emilie grabbed her hair and pulled her back. "You sick bitch! You knew he had a wife, yet you didn't hesitate to get in bed with him, huh? I'll make both of you pay!"

She threw the woman to the floor, and got on top of her, giving the woman her earned slap. Knowing that a slap wasn't enough, she molded her hand into a fist and slammed it in her face.

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