★★Chapter 21★★

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"Have you found them yet?" Alya looked over at her sister. Nora dropped the phone she was holding and shook her head. "Gosh, why is this happening?!"

"I'm sorry, this is all my fault," Nora choked back tears. "If only I had watched Etta properly, none of this would have happened. Now look, even Ella had gone off to find her and has gotten lost as well."

"Nora, stop blaming yourself," Otis Cèsaire, the man of the family walked up to her. "We'll find your little sisters, don't worry."

"Don't worry, I called my friends to help us with the search." Just as soon as Alya said that, the doorbell rang and Marlena was heading for it. "That must be them."

The door opened, revealing Marinette and Tiki outside. The girls waved, before being allowed inside. Just before Marlena could close the door, she noticed a black limo parking, and soon three boys came out of it.

"Oh my goodness, I'm so glad you guys came," Alya walked over to her friends and pulled them into a huge, giant hug, them hugging back as well.

"No problem, Alya. By the way, what's the problem?" Marinette asked. "Nino told us you had a problem that you needed help with."

"Yes, Nino's absolutely right," Alya nodded. The boys came inside first, and Marlena closed the door. "Ella and Etta were taken to the park and they're lost. Etta was gone since Wednesday. Just yesterday though, Ella decided to go out by herself and look for her, and they're still not back yet."

"Oh God, definitely sounds like a major problem," Tiki gasped. "Don't worry, Alya. We'll help you try to find your sisters. After all that's what friends are for, right?"

The other nodded, agreeing with what Tiki had just said.

"Thanks, you guys. Thanks a million!"

They wasted no time at all and started making plans of where else to look and who was going to look at a certain place.

Nino and Plagg went to look at the park again, though Alya said it was no use and that her sisters weren't there. There was some kind of celebration going on at the park so it wouldn't hurt to try.

Adrien and Marlena with the limo, were looking around the neighborhood, and some other streets as well, in hopes that they might run into the two girls, or someone could tell them they found them or something.

Otis stayed at home in case there was any call that Ella and Etta had been found.

Marinette, Tiki, Nora and Alya went around putting up more "MISSING" posters. On top of the posters were both pictures of Ella and Etta, and at the bottom, the information on what to do when found was listed.

Adrien and Marlena returned first, saying that no one had seen them. Marlena looked exhausted and burst into tears again, leaving Otis and Adrien to try to calm her down.

The girls returned back second, being able to put all the posters they had, and saying they hadn't see the twins either.

Adrien tried to assure Marlena that there was still hope, because Nino and Plagg hadn't come back yet. But as soon as the words left his mouth, the door opened and the two boys were back with nothing.


< Saturday >

Marinette opened her eyes to see two pair of eyes staring back down at her. Thinking it was Stella, she rubbed her eyes and sat up, but then noticed that it was actually Hannah.

"What are you still doing here? Shouldn't you be at work?" She looked over at the time, seeing that Hannah was already two minutes late.

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