★★Chapter 19★★

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Adrien clenched his fists as he watched Plagg walk away.

Is he still worried about me and Marinette being together? Is he mad about what the people are saying online? Is he mad at me? But I've already told him, why doesn't he believe me?! Why isn't he convinced?

Adrien, with a lot on his mind, stood up and took off after Plagg. He didn't realize that Marinette had followed him as well.

"Plagg, wait!" Adrien stopped him, feeling a little frustrated. "What is it this time? You're not mad at me or anything, right?"

"No, of course not," Plagg quickly spoke. "I'm just. . . I don't know. It's not you, Adrien. It's her, and everyone else. People all think you two make a great couple. What if Marinette feels that way as well? What if she likes you?"

Adrien bit his lower lip as he looked down. "Like I said, me and Marinette are nothing, okay? Who cares what she thinks? If she doesn't like you, then I don't think you should continue to like her. Why don't you ask her yourself?"

"I would, but. . ."

"Right, I get it."

"I just planned on trying to get closer to her, but look at me; I'm not even doing a single thing," Plagg sighed.

"It's okay. I. . . I can help you get closer to her if you want..."

"Than- wait! Is that what you've been doing?" Plagg had a huge grin on his face. "You've only been around Marinette to try to get us closer?"

"Uh. . ." Adrien looked down, then back up again. "Yes?. . . Maybe. . ."

"So is that all I've been to you?!" Both boys turned around to find Marinette there, looking pissed off. "We weren't friends? You were just trying to. . . I can't believe you!"

"Marinette, I. . . I can explain." I just wanted Plagg to be happy with my answer because I felt like a bad friend.

"No, no, you don't need to explain!" I heard everything!" Marinette gritted her teeth. "Pfft, it is true what they say; boys are such disappointments! And you know what?! You can forget about trying to get closer to me, Plagg!"

She walked past them in anger. "I'll never like you no matter how much you try! In my eyes, you're just like every other boys!"

The words stung, but Plagg pretended it didn't hurt him at all. He muttered an apology, before he walked back to the cafeteria, feeling like everything was over now. Actually, he felt that everything was over when he saw Marinette pop out of nowhere and suddenly get angry.

"What happened?" Kim looked up. "Where's Adrien and Marinette?"

Plagg looked behind him to see that Adrien hadn't followed. Did he run after Marinette? He sighed, not wanting to think about it. He felt like everything was his fault anyway.

"Um, I don't know," He shrugged his head, not really answering Kim's question. He then looked back at the table Tiki had been sitting in, but his stomach seemed to do a somersault once he saw that Tiki nor Nathaniel were there.

What could they be possibly doing?

He had the urge to turn around and go look for them, but then he'd just ruin everything, right? He would ruin another friendship, or relationship, or whatever they were in.

Pfft. I shouldn't have tried so hard in the first place!


"And this is the new design they made," Emilie Dawson held up what she was holding. Ever since Gabriel had agreed for her to become one of the two assistants, she had started working in his company too.

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