Chapter 8: New enemy.

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1 week before August
Wednesday morning

Izuku's POV

I was at my classroom waiting for Shouta, suddenly the bell rings signing everyone needs to be inside of there classroom now. Then Shouta came in. "Okay everyone we're having some test today so go and get ready your pens and surrender all your phones in my table now." he said we all nod, we stand up and put our phones in his table and go back to our seats and we started to test.

Time skips

Izuku's POV

Me, Uraraka, and Iida is here at the cafe eating and talking about some random stuffs. "So Deku how's your pregnancy going?" she asked me whispering to me the word 'pregnancy'. "It's fine besides Mr. Aizawa is taking good care so no need to worry about me." I said smiling, they gets it and nod and we continue eating.

I was eating some ice cream that Shouta bought when my phone rings I stopped walking even Shouta too. "Who is it?" he asked me.

"I don't is an unknown number." I said giving my ice cream to him.

I answer it.

"Hello, who is it?"

"Hi, is this Miss Midoriya Izuku?"

"Yes this is Izuku Midoriya, who are they?"

"Oh, I'm the principal Troy Edward's school. I called you because I you here at his school now, there's a girl name Karajin Oh and she is the true Aunt of Troy and Lily Edwards."

I was shock. So shock. No. That can't take my nice and nephew to me. She need to fight the bad girl first before she gets Troy and Lily.

"Miss Principal, please just hold Troy and Lily and don't give them to that girl who ever she is. I'll there in 25 minutes!" I shout to the phone.

"Y-yes Miss." she said then I hangup.

"So who was it?" Shouta asked.

"The principal of Troy's school. The principal said that there was a girl wants to take Troy and Lily away from me and I won't let that happen." I said.

"Your going to the school?" Shouta asked.

"Of course, I AM. There my nephew and niece so I won't let that freaking girl take." I said.

"Okay, I'll drive you to the school but first to principal Nezu's permission first before we go." he said I agree we go to the teachers lounge and take permission from principal Nezu, luckily he let us we thanked him and we go to the parking lot and to Shouta's car and we drive to Troy's school.

25 minutes later.

No one's POV

As Izuku and Shouta arrived at the school they immediately go inside of the school and search for the principal's office, usually they already found it and go inside. When they got inside Izuku saw the girl who is trying to take her niece and nephew.

The girl has black hair and red eyes, Izuku already knew who it was.

It was Natasha's older sister. Karajin Oh.

"Hello Miss Midoriya we meet again. I thought I could get the kids easily without YOU knowing it." the girl said raising her eyebrow and hiding her fears from Izuku. Two years ago after the incident to Izuku, she tries to take the kids out of Izuku's care, Izuku don't trust the girl because she is hurting them and making them a maid in her house, Natasha know about her sister's skills so before she dies, she gave her kids to Izuku's care because she knows Izuku can take care of them and bring them a better life.

"Nice to see you too Karajin." Izuku said a bit calmly.

"Mommy/Mom." the siblings said running Izuku and quickly gave to Shouta and hid them from behind.

"I like I said Karajin, I will not to you Lily and Troy. Yes, you are the true aunt but your sister gave them to me. I gave responsibility to them. I gave them a better and perfect life. And I gave them love and care by their own aunt or known as they called 'mother'." Izuku fight back.

"Useless, I'll do anything to get them away from you because I'm strongest than you and I will bring you down." she threaten Izuku, but Izu didn't scared at her word.

"SHUT UP!! YOU ARE NOT GETTING MY KIDS!! YOU ARE AN IRRESPONSIBLE AUNT SO YOUR YOUNGER SISTER TRUST ME EXCEPT YOU!!" Izuku yelled back at her sending shiver down to the other girl's spine.

"We won't come to you."-Troy.

"Yeah, we will be with mommy whether you like it or not."-Lily.

"Ugh, I hate you so much Izuku. I promise next time I'll take the kids away from you." the girl said.

"And I promise, next I see your ugly face I won't hesitates to make it UGLIER EVEN MORE!!!!!" Izuku yelled making the girl's eardrums pain.

"Whatever. See ya later." the girls said leaving the room.

They leave as well too. They arrived at Shouta's house and get in. "Troy go up stairs with Lily." Izuku said sitting down at the couch. "But mom-" Troy didn't finish his word when Izuku looked at him signing to take Lily upstairs. Troy didn't hesitate to think so he took Lily upstairs.

"Ugh I can't believe she wants to take the kids from me! I mean, I'm the one needs responsibility for them! So why do she needs to take them away from!?" Izuku shout feeling stress.

"Hey hey hey you need to calm down, stress will effect the baby inside of you so calm down not to angry and not to much stress." Shouta said making Izuku calm down when Shouta rubbing her belly.

"Sorry. Okay I'll calm down." Izuku said.

Night time pass and they go to sleep in their room didn't care going back to UA.

That's all sorry for the late and slow update. Please forgive. Paalam. [Bye.]

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