Chapter 15: Telling the teachers.

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1 month later
Shouta's house

Shouta's POV

I woke sleeping next to my lover while rubbing her belly sooner or later I'm going to feel the kick in my baby inside of my lover's belly bump. "Good morning Shouta. See your happy there, what is it?" Izuku said to me turn around to face me smiling.

"Nothing just thinking about when will the baby kick. I really wanted to feel it so damn fucking much." I cursed just only waiting for the baby to kick.

Izuku giggles. "I know you really want to feel so bad but you have to wait and please learn how to control your cursing, okay? Don't want the baby to hear it if he or she comes out." She said.

"Yes ma'am I will." I said smiling and kissing her forehead. She chuckled and we both rubbed our hand to her belly.

"Come on I know your hungry now, I'll cook breakfast today. What do you want me to cook you for breakfast?" I asked, she smile.

"Could you cook me some...katsudon, please?" She asked I giggled and promise going to cook her some katsudon.

I left the room and go down stairs to cook her some katsudon, I went to the kitchen and starting making katsudon.
After to cooked the katsudon I went up stairs and bring it to the love of my life. "I got your food dear." I said closing the door and walking to the bed and putting the tray on the bed.

"Thank you honey c'mon let's share and eat here." She said. I nod and we eat.


Hizashi's POV

I was at Daisy's house eating breakfast with them when the door bell rings.

"Hinata could you see who is in the door?" Daisy asked politely.

"Yes Madame." Hinata said obeyed Daisy.

We continue to but Ced and Katherine isn't here anymore they just left Japan and back to France last week ago. "Hey Hizashi were going to go to Aizawa's house today besides it's Saturday so let's have fun and play games at his house wanna come with us?" I heard Midnight said.

I turn around to see she was with Ken (Cementoss), Ectoplasm, Yagi, Hakamata(Best Jeanist.), and the Wild wild pussy cats. (Kota is taking care of by the other class 1 back in UA.).

"Huh? Ah, sure I'll come with you." I said finishing my food.

"Um Hizashi could we talk?" Daisy's asked, I look at her confuse but nod. I stand from where I'm sitting and followed her to the sink while the other teachers is in the living room.

"What do you want to talk about, flower?" I asked her.

"We'll you know that Aizawa and my niece are a couple now and Izuku is now 5 months pregnant by now and she'll be giving birth by December." She said making me confused.

"So?" I said raising my eyebrow confused.

"I was wondering by Izuku and Aizwa is living now in one house even they aren't even married and you are going to visit him in his house does it mean they'll-" She said.

I was shock that she reminds that Midoriya is now living with Aizawa's house and she is pregnant in 5 months!! Ugh Shouta!! Why didi you didn't even used some protection before having sex with your student?! Now look what you gone me through!

"Don't worry I'll call Aizawa right no-"

"No let them tell the other teachers the truth. Besides they can't hide forever so they need to tell the truth to Midnight and the others." Daisy said after interrupting my word a second ago.

"Okay if you say so, let's go get the others in the living room and so we could leave." I said taking Daisy's hand an pulling her to the living room to see he teachers is playing to Midoriya's wild cats. "Hey guys come on let's go now maybe Shouta is waiting for us now." I said and they nod.

We leave the house but before I could leave the house I give Daisy a kiss in the forehead then we completely leave.

We took a bus to go to Shouta's house. Shouta, Midoriya please don't be mad at me.


Izuku's POV

I was at the couch with Shouta eating Salad that he make. "Hey Shouta I wonder when will the baby kick." I said looking at him.

"Maybe soon hone, right
Now we have to wait." He said I just nod and finish my salad. After that I lay down to the couch putting my head in Shouta lap and quickly fallen asleep.

Shouta's POV

When Izuku falls asleep I take the bowls and go to the kitchen and put it in the sink I go back to Izuku and cover
her a blanket and put a pillow to her head then go back to the kitchen and washed the dishes.

After I washed the dishes and put to their place I heard my doorbell ring.

"*Ring Ring* Hey Aizawa you in their it's us."

I should've known it was them. I go to the door and open it to see Yagi, Hizashi, Ken (Cementoss), Ectoplasm, Hakamata and the wild wild pussy cats.

"What are you guys doing here this Saturday?" I asked them.

"We just wanna visit you today we know you're alone in this house so we visit you here to play some games or watch watch movies." Midnight said making any sense that I'm alone here. "Okay fine you could stay here until 3pm come in you can sit and wait at the living room while I ready some tea." I said letting them in the living closing the door and go to the kitchen get ready some tea.

Hizashi's POV

As we walk in the living room I saw someone in the long sofa of Shouta I think it's sleepi- What maybe this is Midoriya? Man, what should I do? While I was thinking what will I do to Midoriya, I noticed Yagi seated on top of the head of Midoriya and that when he noticed there was someone sleeping next to him. But luckily he didn't saw the hair color because he whole body is covered by a blanket.

"Wait who is this?"-Yagi.

"Why is it doing here in Shouta's house?"-Ken.

Then we saw it was moving but still sleeping under the blanket and we heard this. "Shou, Shouta." It moans sleepily. It is Midoriya. The other teachers were shock to hear that Ken was about to take the covers off when Shouta enters the room.

"Shouta who is under that cov-" Midnight didn't finish her words when Midoriya moans under the cover but this time she pulls the covers down a bit and fully saw her green messy hair. "Ugh Shouta, it hurts."

"Wait is that...


To be continued.

My beloved Family. (Aizawa x Fem!Izuku.) [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now