Chapter 23: Telling the truth.

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Still that day
At St. Barley University

No one's As the black haired boy walks down the hall to his classroom quiet and silent while he was walking, he can hear people whispering about him like 'hey, is that the boy who fell for Jun, Cal and Vin?' or like 'I heard about that the three bully bet that boy again and they said his a gay.'

But the most he scared of whe- "Hey, Edwards!" He already knew who they are. It was the trio. Jun, Cal and Vin.

Troy is full of fear but stay strong as his mother told him. 'Just stay strong honey. Don't forget, your not alone were all here. I'm here for you, my son. And if you need help me and your father (Shouta) will be there by your side. Just always think of it that you are not alone. If something wrong happen to you, prey to your parents to help you they'll be there.'  The only thing he heard from his head before turning to the three bully/rapist.

"What do you want from me this time?" He asked trying to stay strong, by the time he say those words all people around him laugh!

It was like they were making fun of him somehow, but Troy didn't care just stayed strong. "Haha! Isn't the little slut who fall in love to us and grew feeling to us before who now he still loved us. Hahahahaha!!!" Vin mocked him and laughed at him again.

"Just broke up with those two idiot twins and be with us, your 14 and were nearly 18 we can totally get you pregnant early from your age." Jun speak up, and that make Troy so scared.

'I don't want to be pregnant in the age of 14, mom definitely going to kill me to death and I don't want to carry their no respect and not friendly child when it grows up. I just want to be with the twins and my family that's all I don't want anything just them.' Troy thought in his mind.

"I don't want your baby. I don't even like you three!! That was before! But now I have my own boyfriends now, I fell for the twins in Music U and I love them! In fact I don't even love you three anymore! Yes, I am madly in love with the three of you but that was two years ago!! Hello,  are you still alive?! Use your minds will ya!!" Troy snapped out.

But the people around him laugh at him and it makes Troy embarrass so he just run off and go to his class tears form in his eyes while running away from the laughing crowd.

He got to his class an dispensed the slowly after taking a deep breath, when he opened it, he saw Rivera, Reiner and Mary talking. Rivera was sitting in his table while Reiner and Mary was standing looking at him happily.

"Edwards, your back to school! Why didn't you attended school 4 weeks ago?" Reiner ask confused yet happy to see his friend back to school.

"Yeah, where have you've been this past 4 weeks?" Rivera ask looking at the smaller boy.

Troy took a deep breath and speak. "Rivera, could you do me a favor, please? It's very important to me."

"Sure thing, ummm..what is it?"

2 minutes later of explaining...

"What you want me to see what on Jun, Cal and Vin's mind?! No way! I am not going to do it!"

"Please, Rivera. Please! I really need you to do that!" The smaller boy kept pleading and pleading but he won't budge.

"Come on, Rivera! Please.." He plead using his puppy eyes, good thing he can't stand to the boy's puppy eyes so he give in. "Fine, I give in. I'll do it." He said a bit irritated.

"Thank you!😄"


Rivera's POV

Man, I can't believe I gave in that puppy eyes of Troy. Ugh, I'm going to regret this.

I walk to my locker and take my book closing my locker door. I was walking down the hall searching for my brother, Jun.

Yes, my brother is Jun.

I kept on searching and searching for him but, I couldn't find him anywhere, so I decided to go home maybe he is now home and left me.

I'm pretty close to my brother but, he wants me to call him in school Jun but, in house, he wants me to call him brother.

I walk out of school, I was about to exit the gate when a red car stopped in front of me, I already knew who this car belongs to. I belongs to my loving brother. If that was I thought.

"Hey lil' bro,'come c'mon let's go home. Mom and dad will be worried about us if we didn't get home on time." He said.

I rolled my eyes and get in the car. I grab my seat belt and click it in. And he started the engine then drive away.

It was silent when we drive through the noisy and traffic road. But, the silents broke when brother speaks up.

"I know what you and Troy are planning so stop it." I was surprised to what he said so he knew what we are really planning.

"I heard you talking inside of the classroom so I know what you are really planning, Troy give you a favor to read my mind. You can ask me easily to what you're going to ask me. So, what is it?" He said keeping his eyes on the road.

"He wants to know the truth." The only thing I said, he sigh and took a deep breath. "The true is, I don't really want to hurt him neither Cal nor Vin. We just bully him for fun, but, that is not the reason. The true reason is that, I want to get close to him to be a friend of me and two." He explained.

That's it! They have to bully my friend to get to him and be their friend! They can even ask him nicely to be their FRIEND!! I calmed myself down and speak. "So, why did you three raped him?"

After, I said that he quickly stopped the car to the side of the road, looking at me shock, confuse and surprised. "What do you mean rape? We didn't rape him, we haven't even touching him yet. What makes you say about that?" He ask.

"We'll, Troy said, you rape him 4weeks ago that's why he didn't go to school because he was so afraid that time."

"We didn't rape him. I'm telling the truth. We didn't touched your friend."

"We'll if you're telling the truth, then let's go to his house to tell him the truth." He nod then drive to Troy's house.

30 minutes later...

Troy's POV

I was doing my homework in my room when mom called me. "Troy, Rivera is here with his brother, Jun." I was shock to know that Rivera and Jun were brother and he didn't even tell me.

Leaving my room, goin' down to see Rivera and Jun at the living room sitting in the couch. "Come on, get up here." They nod and walk up stairs awkwardly yet scared. I let them sit in my bed closing the door while me sitting on my chair.

"So, what do you want to talk about?" I look at both them and looked each other, Jun nod and sigh standing up.

"Troy, about the rape. The three of us didn't do that to you."

Finish already sorry for the slow updating bur hope you like the chap. Just leave s vote and I already appreciate that...


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