Chapter 43: Karajin vs. Midoriya

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(I'm not sure at the title, but I just wanna say that I'm not good at descriptions and titles please don't be mad at me, just doing my best to have every chapter has a title😅😅)
Hope you'll enjoy the story...

The next day...

Izuku's POV

I slowly stand up of me and Shouta's bed but, before I walk away his arm quickly catches my legs. "I know, where you going, need help?" He asked.

"Sure, I'll go to her house while you call officer Miguel and his police friends and bring then to the house secretly. Kevin will be pretending like he don't know me. You have to wake Troy up and he'll take care of the kids here while you come with officer Miguel and tell him everything about Karajin done until it can have warrant of arrest to him, okay?" I explain, he nod as he stick into the plan.

As I get ready, I went to my kids room and kissed their every forehead. "Bye, Shouta. I'll wait for you..." I said kissing his cheek.

"Be careful..." He said worriedly.

"Don't worry... I will..."

The only thing I said before I left the house.

Time skips~
Karajin's house

Izuku's POV

As I made it to the house, the atmosphere of the house send chills down to my spine.

I walk straight to the porch ignoring the chills that the house sending to me.

'Ding Dong!'

"Come in, the door is open, who ever you are." I heard her talk with a annoying voice.

I took a deep breath and enter the house. I closed the door and walked to the living room. She was surprised when she saw me standing right in front of her.

"Izuku. It's a pleasure to see you...again." She said smirking.

"Take a seat and have a drink." She said inviting me for a drink. I seat next to her to the couch and she offers me a drink.

"So what do you want for this time, ey?" She asked sitting next to me holding a glass of wine.

I take a sip and said. "I want my friend back..." I simply told her. She giggled a bit and put her glass down.

"I'm not giving him to yet, but I'll let you see him. Follow me." She said standing up and walking to a door. I stand up and followed her.

She opened the door and it lead me to the chamber. I followed her behind slowly. "I'll leave you two be." She said opening a cell and left me.

I walked in inside of the cell and thee I see...



When he heard me he quickly looked at me with tears in his eyes...


Monoma's POV

"Midoriya!!" I hugged her with all of my heart.

She hugged me back, we both shared an embrace each other.

"Midoriya! Please get me out if this living nightmare! I want to go home! I want to see Mike and Bryan! Please, Midoriya! Please! Get me out of this wicked house!" I begged for my life.

"Shhh... Monoma, calm down. I'm here by your side, ill get you out of here. By Kevin's help." She said calming me down. She saw me cold and naked so that's why she hugged me, she took of her jacket and gave it to me.

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