Chapter 38: Start of a new enemy.

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4 weeks later...
January 12, 2020...
Sunday night...

Izuku's POV

It's been 4 weeks since Shouta proposed to me. I was at the bedroom with my beloved future husband by my side playing with our child. I was reading a book as I hear my son giggles every time his father played with him. When a knock on the door. "Mom, dad, could me and Lily stay? It's cold in our room." I heard Troy said, outside.

"Sure, sweethearts. Come in." I said.

Troy opened the door and Lily run and jump to our bed, Troy did the same too after closing and locking the door. "Your being like a kid Troy." Shouta said.

"Dad! I just want to be with my family." Troy pout crossing his arms.

"Troy, I know you. Your my nephew before I adopted you. So tell me what you want." I said raising my eyebrows.

He sigh and looked at me directly in my eyes. "This is the truth. Could I go out with the twins tomorrow night?" He asked looking down.

Me and Shouta looked each other and nod. "Sure, sweetie. Me and your dad agree." I said smiling. He look up at us and smile hugging us both.

"Thanks, mom, dad. Your the best." He said.

"Come on, let's go to sleep. Your baby brother here is already sleeping." Shouta said giving my sleeping son in my arms.

The two sleep between me and Shouta. "Goodnight, my loving wife." Shouta said stroking my hair.

"Goodnight to you too, my loving husband." I said as we both fall asleep...

Izuku's Nightmare

I was in a pitch black room, the only light I have, is the light light above shining through me. "Hello, Izuku."

A cold voice be heard from the silent room. "Hello? Is someone there? Please come out." As I said that the person came out to the light and it was...Karajin.

"Karajin? What are you doing?"

"I'm here to ruin your life. It wasn't because of you Michael won't leave me and go to jail! He left me and my son, well his not actually his son. I have a son, his 19 years old and I'm 29 and Michael is 20. I'm 9 years older than your ex. You know the news from your son, Troy that someone rape him. That he thought it was his bullies, no. The true is, I order my son and his two friends to do that to your son."

I was shock to what she said. 'She did that to my son!' "Karajin, I'm going to kill you." I said in a deep voice rage in my eyes.

"Oh, I know you can't. Tomorrow night, something bad will happen to your son and don't worry, I won't touch him. Why, you ask? Because I only want on him is the 20 million yen that his parents gave to him before they died. I planned this all since my sister dies, but, the problem is you're in my way! You're always in my way! I really wanted to kill you!! You know, who the cause of your friend's death? Me! I killed her! I killed my own sister!! When she got in her car, she didn't even know that there no breaks, because, I took the breaks out of her car! I kept spying on her while she drives home, then a stop light appear. She can't stop her car because they're are no breaks! I was happy when my sister is in a coma and after 2 weeks, she passed away, but, I can't understand to how did she gave the amount of money to her, when she don't even know that she's going to die!!?" Karajin scream madly.

"You don't know? Because she can see through the future, she told me about what going to happen to her before the following day of her accident. Before, the accident happens, we immediately transfer to Troy the money they owned. Troy promise, that he'll take good care of the money, that his parents own! I'm the only one who knows the account number of her bank account. I'll tell Troy the bank account when it's the right time, but, now I won't tell him yet his still young so he needs my help to take care of the bank money that his parents keep!" I shouted back at her.

She look frustrated, from what I said to her. "Don't forget, Izuku Midoriya. We are not finish yet, this is only the beginning...."

When she said that she disappeared in front of me...

Then I woke up...

Monday, midnight...
January 13, 2020...

"Aaahhhh!!!" I scream sitting up. Shouta quickly woke up.

"Honey, what happened?" He asked worriedly.

"Nothing. 'pant, pant' I'm okay. Just a nightmare." I said panting really hard.

He sigh relief and rubbed my back. "You want water?" He asked.

"Yeah..." I quietly answer, but, loud enough to hear it because the room is silent. "I'll go down stairs to get some." He said standing up.

"Mhm." I nod as he left the room.

I stand up and walked by the window looking up at the stars and the full bright, shining moon. I stared at the dark sky deep in my thoughts. 'Natasha... Is it really true that Karajin killed you? Please, Natasha help me.... Please... Help me...' I was so deep in my thoughts that I didn't realize that I was crying, suddenly two arms was wrap around my waist and a chin in left my shoulder.

"Honey, your crying, I know something is wrong. What it is?" He asked, but, I just shook my head.

"Izuku, I know you, you have a problem, please tell me, I won't you hurt again like what happened before to you, I maybe clueless before when I know about Michael, but, I'm not going to let myself clueless while my future wife is in dangerous. So, please, tell me." He begged me.

I sobbed and hugged him, he hugged me back. "Let's talk about this at the kitchen with some coffee." He said breaking the hug. I nod and we left the room, but, before we left someone called me.

"Mom, where you and dad going?" Troy asked rubbing his eyes who just woke up.

"We're just gonna talk down stairs, go back to sleep and take care of your siblings." I said hugging him.

"Sure, mom." While I'm stroking his hair he fall sleep in my warmth, I carefully put him down and put comforter around them. "Come on." I said as we left the room.

We got at the kitchen and Shouta make us some coffee. "So, tell me, what is it?" He asked sipping to his coffee.

"Before, that could you do me a favor, sweetheart?" I asked looking at my coffee.

"Sure, what is it?" He question.

"Could you take a look on Troy tonight when he go on a date with the twins?"

"What? Why?"

"I'm having a bad feeling that something will happen to them. Please, Shou, just do what I told, I just want to keep my son safe. Please..." I begged holding his hand.

He sigh and nod. "Okay. I'll do it, now tell me." He said and I nod.

I told him everything what Karajin said in my dream or nightmare.

"That can't be, how could she do that to her own sister? She's killed her because of the money her and Paul had in their hand, therefore, her next target is our son!" He said disbelieve.

"That's why, I want you to keep an eye on the three of them later when they go on a date, follow them." I said worriedly.

We talked for 1 more hour when it turns 5, we decided to make breakfast for the kids.

'This is the start of a new enemy...'

Hi guys, just wanna say, I'm going to change the story of the next chapter.

I hope you enjoy!
(Sorry for not updating, because lost our Wi-Fi, so we have no Wi-Fi) Just now we already have!

My beloved Family. (Aizawa x Fem!Izuku.) [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now