Chapter 22: Making up together.

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Afternoon (still the same day)

Shouta's POV

As I woke up afternoon after I fell asleep I look at the time and it was 4pm already I stand then stretch my arms then go to the kitchen to make them some snack.

After I made some snack I put it in a tray and walk upstairs I go to Troy and Lily's room first, I put the tray down to a table next to me and knock at the door. "Troy, I brought you four snack." I said opening.

I was surprise when I saw Troy still asleep being hugged by the twins I took their snack from the tray and go in. When I got to the bed I put down their food to the table and shake Kyll carefully. "Kyll, wake up I made you food here, get up and eat before it turns cold." I said, he starting waking up slowly sitting up.

"Oh, it's you sir, okay we'll eat I'll just going to wake Kyle up so he could get Lily, thank you sir." He said I nod and leave the room, I pick the tray and go to me and Izuku's room. Yes, we started sleeping together since she stayed here. I opened the door with only one hand and go in to see her sitting I the chairs next to the window looking outside while rubbing her belly.

I closed the door using my foot but luckily she heard me. "Hey hon, brought you snack, I know you two are hungry now, so I brought you food maybe I still haven't feed you two mane the baby will be mad at me." I joke, I she giggled from what I said.

"Yeah, right. Speaking of that, the baby kept kicking while I'm sleeping, every time I'm falling sleep again, I think only after 5 minutes it'll wake me up again, so after three times that happened I decide not to sleep anymore." She explained to me standing up but before she can fully stand up the door burst open.

"Ma'am, sir! Sorry for not knocking, but Troy! We think he has an high fever because he was panting so hard! We don't know what to do, so here I am burst inside of a room with no knock." Kyle explained.

"WHAT?!" Izuku yelled from the top of her lungs.

"Woah, woah, woah, calm down dear. Come I let's go to there room." I said standing her up and walked to there room when we get their Kyle opened the door for us I let Izuku first and then me and Kyle get in too. We saw Troy panting so hard and his face is getting red because of the fever, he then started mumbling something.

" w-wi-th me!" He said begging for Izuku to come close to him, Izuku insist tone with her son.

She laid down next to him and calmed him down, but, luckily he did calmed down even though they just fought later ago Izuku still responsible to her son, I signed Kyll to take Lily and get out to the room to leave them privacy. He gets what I'm signing about and he take Lily and get leave the room, I slowly closed the door and we all go downstairs after I put Lily back to sleep in me and Izuku's room.

"Kyle, go and buy Troy some medicine. Kyll, come with Kyle and buy me some ingredients for the soup bring Lily to you too." I ordered.

"Yes sir! Come on Lily let's go!" They both said it after saluting in front of me, they take Lily and leave the house.

"*Sigh* Maybe I'll just stay here for a bit those two still needs some privacy." I said to myself leaving another sigh, I sat on the couch and kinda fall asleep again.


Izuku's POV

I was soothing my son's head while he was sleeping calmly. I felt guilty what I have done to my son later ago I promise to Natasha to nyo to hurt him but I broke the promise I made to my friend. I swear after I give birth and my child grow older I will never hurt him or her.

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