Chapter 14: Discharged.

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Still the same day.

Izuku's POV

As we arrived at the hospital, I asked one of the nurse in the table near to where is the room of the Pineda brothers and Monoma Neito. They tell me the room and I thanked her we ran to the elevator and go third floor.

3rd floor, Room. 304.

As we made it to the third floor i quickly search the room.







304!!! Yes we found it!!

I opened the door slowly and saw Shouta inside sitting next to Monoma's bed while their talking about something that I can hear.

"So are you still going to continue your relationship with the Pineda brothers and do you still love them?" I heard Shouta asked.

Monoma was sitting in the other edge of his bed while looking at the window, so we slowly go in without making noise and slowly closed the door. I got next to Shouta and he was about to speak when I quickly shush him, he nod.

"Of course I am teacher. I'm still going to love them. And I will not stop loving them no matter what. And yes, I'm going to continue our relationship since we already started and I realized they've really deserve me. I deserve Midoriya as my new friend and the brothers as my lovers. And you're right from what you said teacher, I do really regretting what I said to myself." Monoma said.

I slowly seat on the bed and rubbed his right shoulder when he notice it was me, he quickly turn around and looked at me.

He just hugged me. Shouta let him hugged since we both have prove that I'm his because I'm pregnant to his baby. He then begin to cry and saying thank you to my kindness I just stroke his hair and let him hugged me.

I look at Mike and he was awake now he look at me and smile I did the same thing.

He slowly stand up and hugged Monoma from behind, Monoma was surprised he broke the hug from me and look at Mike and he cried at Mike's chest while Mike sitting at his bed.

"Honey let's go now, they need privacy and I need to go and rest and I still have class today. Come on." I said to Shouta and he nod.

We stand up and leave the room without telling them, I slowly closed the door and look at the twins sitting with next to them a sleeping Troy.

"How are they ma'am?" Kyle asked.

I smiled. "There fine but now they need privacy for a moment." I said.

"Oh yeah ma'am, I talked to the nurse and she said they can be discharged tonight in a time of....7pm" Kyll said. I thanked him.

As we got outside of the hospital I got inside of Shouta's car and the twins has Troy with them going to Music U. Because I told them that they will take care of the school first while the brothers were at the hospital.

[Guys my hands are hurt as hell 😞😭but I keep trying my best to finish this story just for you😊.]

Monoma's POV

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Monoma's POV

After I cried in Mike's chest I looked behind to see Midoriya and Aizawa aren't here maybe they already left.

"Neito." Mike called me I turned my head around but I thought Mike called but Bryan is then he kissed me.

I was surprised but melt into the kiss, kissing him back wrapping my arms around his to deepen the kiss then Mike started kissing my neck we fell back to Mike's bed.

I was on the middle while the two is both of my sides.hugging me. "I love you, Mike and Bryan." I said being comfortable in their arms closing my eyes and slowly falling asleep.

"We love you too, Neito" I heard the twins said. I smiled and falling asleep by their embrace.

~Time skips~

Third person's POV

While Monoma, Mike, and Bryan are getting ready their stuff Kyle paid their hospital bill but that wasn't cause large enough besides Izuku told them to paid the bill.

Izuku and Shouta didn't come because of Izuku's condition today so they already got out of the hospital and went to Kyll and Kyle's car. But the car is small so Kyle have to seat Troy on his lap, Troy don't even have a choice nor argue with them he just seat on Kyle's lap like kid.

Kyll drives them back to the University, when got there many students was outside waiting for their guards of school but students was surprised when Bryan put an arm around Monoma and kissed his forehead. Monoma giggled doesn't care if students saw them together the Pineda's put the shield back on around the school again and to keep them safe.

Monoma already accepts that he really deserve the brothers and he'll do anything to make the brothers happy and give them a better family in the future.

Because he love them.


They loves him too.

Good bye and good night readers and writers!😴😴

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