Chapter 10: Monoma's Love

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Still that day that Izuku defeated Karajin.
Launch Time.
Roof top.

Monoma's POV

Ugh. I can't believed it. I'm advice to my enemy. And that is Class 2A. Welp *sigh* I guess I have to my enemy without judging her and an answer to how to be felt and how to answer a person who confess for you?

When I got there I saw her sitting in the roof when I closed the door she heard me. She turns around and waved at me. "Oh, hi Monoma! Come on see here so we could talk about your problem, I guess." She said mumbling the last word but I still heard it.

I walk to her calmly so I couldn't stress her in her condition. I can't believe she's pregnant I heard it from her and that round face girl, but who do she pregnant to? I say in my mind. I seat to her an she offered me a sandwich I wanted to hesitate it but I took it because she's kind.

"So Monoma what do you want to about?" She asked that's when my heart beats so fast. "Um.....well an answer how do you feel to be confess by a person who fell for you?" I asked her with a blush on my face looking away from her.

"What do you mean? Wait don't say your gay, are you?" She asked with a bit shock and disbelief. I rubbed the back of my neck and slowly nod.

Then she started fangirling. "You gonna be kidding me? Who courted you?" She asked me smiling and exciting.

"Your two assistance in Music U last few weeks ago, the day before leave there they confess their feelings to me but they just give me some time to think about it. So could you give me some answers to how the feeling and how to say 'yes' to a person who confess to you?" I explain and ask her.

She just gave me a raised eyebrow. "Okay let's start. So you want answers from me to how the feeling and how to say 'yes' to a person who confess to you?" She repeat my question, I nod.

"Okay. First, how do you feel when they confess to you? Because I cannot answer that first question of yours because they confess to you so, how is the feeling being confess?" She asked me.

I took a deep breath and say. "We'll I'm scared, because I'm a boy. Who sometimes bulling your class and now I'm getting some answer to my enemy to some love. Okay. My feeling to how they confess is shock, confuse, and happy? I mean why? Why am I happy in the situation like that?! That they fall for me a baka, stupid, and mean person like me?! So that's why I need answers from you!" I shouted loosing my temper.

"Woah, woah, woah. Monoma calm down I can help you just don't be so mad because I can't be to much stress in my condition like this. You knew that already, right?" She said.

Fuck. I forgot about that she's pregnant and she can't be stress so much. Besides the question is who is the father of the baby she's carrying?

"I know your pregnant but who is the father of the baby your carrying Midoriya?" I finally asked her.

"My teacher." She said simply.

"W-what?! You are pregnant to M-Me. Aizawa's child?! B-but I thought it's a against the rules of students and teachers have a relationship towards each other, right?!" I asked her, she crossed her arms by her chest and 'hmph' to me while turning around.

"I can't believe you are same as them too. All of are following the rules could at least break only one rule is not that mad and hard. Besides you fell for TWO Middle Ages too. One 27 and one 26 years old, did I get that wrong?" She said.

Ugh. Okay fine she wins. I can't believe she is really strong and tough that she can kill me right here right now. We'll thanks to her she reminds me that to me. True I really or already did fall for two Middle Ages guys, one 27 and one 26 even though I'm just 17.

"Okay fine. You won. So at least please help today is the dead line of my time and we are going to meet at the park tonight in 8pm so please help me Modoriya I beg of you." I plead she nod.

"Okay, the only thing to say 'yes' is from your heart you love them, right? So they'll love you too because I trusted them for 4 years so they can protect and take care of you everyday besides if I resign being a principal of Music U I can give to them the whole school. Don't worry I'll be by your when you needed me." She said kindly and nicely.

I-I-I can't believe she is helping me and she said that she is here by my side.

I then started tearing up. "Hey, what's wrong, Monoma?" She ask me nicely rubbing my back.

"I-I-I can't believe your h-helping me after I all I've done to you and your classmates and thank you to be a there for me and being a friend for me. I-I-I'm sorry for what I've all done to you." I stutter while crying my heart out.

"Sshhhh. Monoma it's all in the pat now forget about it and I forgive you as your friend." She said softly.

I was shock and disbelief and that's when I cried so hard she goes near to me hugged me calming me down I hugged her back crying to her embrace.

Thank you so much Midoriya.
Thank you very much, my friend.

Eiffel: *tears of joy* okay that's all hope you enjoy it just leave a vote and I appreciate it. Good be readers! I love you all!!!

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