Chapter 29: Where are you?

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I'm apologizing for the slow update😅😅 But hope you enjoy the chapter.

Still the same day

Shouta's POV

"Izuku! Izuku, where are you!?" As I looked left and right, I don't know where to go so I go to the right.

Oh, Izuku, where have you've been?

Few minutes later

Ugh! It's been 30 minutes, but, I can't find them somewhere! ANYWHERE!!

"IZUKU!!! IZUKU!! WHERE ARE YOU!!??" I yelled over and over again, but, I couldn't find them anywhere.

I lost hope, I collapsed at the cold floor crying my heart out. "Shouta...were so sorry..." I heard Hizashi said.

I didn't care, I just cry and cry until I die. It was silence for 5 minutes when we heard screams.

"MR. AIZAWA!!!!"



"MR. AIZAWA!!!!!"




I heard my students yelling my name, I didn't stand up, without my family, I can't do anything, I'm so weak, without the two by my side. I was like a sentencewithnospace. "HEY! KIDS! YOUR TEACHER IS OVER HERE!!" Hizashi yelled.

"SENSEI!!" The kids yelled and run to me. My back were facing them so I can't see how many are they. I heard that their step were getting closer and clos- "TEACHER AIZAWA!, THE PROS, WANTS TO TALK TO YOU TO WHERE IS MIDORIYA/DEKU!!" They yelled at me.

When the time I heard Izuku's name, I started sobbing. Then they calmed down when they heard me sobbing. "Sensei, why are you sobbing?" Hagakure asked.

"That's the problem, he can't find them anywhere." Midnight answers.

"Wait, them?" All of them confused.

"Oh my god, Iida, I've just realized it again, Izuku is pregnant and I just knew that she gave birth last 3 weeks, I guess." Uraraka said.

I looked at them slowly. "Oh yeah, you're right, Uraraka." Iida reply.

"Wait, wait, wait, you mean, that's why Izuku is been gone for 3 months because she's pregnant?" Kaminari asked confusedly.

"And you knew it, but you didn't told us!?" Kirishima added. The two nod.

"Then, who's the father?" Sero added.

Uraraka and Iida looked at me signing some permission for me to tell them. And I nod. They nod back. "Well the father is-"


"We'll explain it later." Iida said and the others agree.

I stand up and we all walked to the lounge. We made it to the lounge to see from the inside, the pros were still there and the two ran up to me "Daddy!" Lily ran up to me and hugged my leg. "Where's mommy?" She asked.

I looked at Troy and sign him to get Lily, he nod. "Come on Lily, dad is a bit busy let's not disturb him..a bit..." He said taking Lily in his arms.

"Aizawa, take a sit." Nezu said, I nod.

I take a sit next to Snipe. "So, where's Midoriya and Ichiro?" Cementoss asked.

I didn't answered back. Or looked at them. I just didn't want to make eye contact with them.

"I can't find them..." The only thing, I said.

"I've kept looking and looking everywhere the past 30 minutes but I couldn't find them, I don't know where they are, I even check the roof top, but, they weren't there either. I'm getting worried to where they are now." With that the door slammed opened, to revealed a Monoma panting hardly.

"Monoma, were in the middle of a meeting?! Don't you know how to knock!?" Vlad shouted at him.

Monoma knocked at the opened door. "Happy now?" He asked. Then I nod. While Vlad is a bit pissed off by Monoma.

"Great! Mr. Aizawa, I believe this belongs to Midoriya?" He handed me something and it was the couple that Izuku had, the necklaces I gave to her when we were in France! I quickly stand up. "Where did you find this!?" I asked surprisely.

"I found it outside of the school in the nearby tree. I think Midoriya and Ichiro got kidnapped." My eyes widen when I heard the word 'kidnapped'.

Then there's a knock on the door. "Come in." I said and a man from the security room walked in. "Now, that's how a mannered person would do before bursting inside of a meeting, unlike the other how burst out of nowhere..." I heard Vlad King said.

I heard Monoma groan at Vlad. I looked at Monoma and he glaring at him. "I knocked on the door....after I opened it...." He said and jus hmph.

"Well that didn't make sense...a bit." I heard Troy whispers but loud enough for Monoma to hear, why because he flinched. "Excuse me, young man?" He said. Troy just shrugged his shoulders.

"Just ignore them, please start." I said to man and he nod.

"Sir, you have to see this, I think this is the league of villains." He put down the laptop at the table and connect to the screen, he clicked the footage and we watched through the screen.

As we watched the footage at the big screen behind us, I saw Izuku walked by the nearby tree holding our child, she stopped at the tree, she cradle our son in her arms and kissed his forehead.

"Wait, a minute, who's that baby with Midoriya?" I heard Kirishima asked.

"It's my/teacher Aizawa son." Me, Iida and Uraraka said in the same time.

"WHAT!?!?!!" They yelled out.

"JUST SHUT UP!!!!" Monoma shut them all up.

"Good." He said when they shut up, he continued watching the footage.

Then a guy appeared behind her with kinda like a portally figure behind the guy. I think the guy something and Izuku turned around to see them, she hugged our son tightly in her arms and slowly collapsed at the ground.

I quickly stand up in shock. Who is this monsters who kidnapped my son and girlfriend!? Then another guy carried them and take them inside of the portal. The guy later ago who talked to Izuku walked in the portal too and the portal disappeared. And that is the ending of the footage.

After that, I was still staring at the black screen, tears rolling down my eyes to cheeks and down to the cold tiles of the floor. Who are they? Where did they took them? My girlfriend... My soon to be family, wife, son...Who are those monster who took my family and WHERE ARE THEY?

"Umm...sir, I'm sorry to interrupt, I figure it out that it was the league of villains took." The man spoke.

When I heard that, it's like my hole body were numb, it's like I lost hope.

"AAAHHHHH!!!!" I yelled.

I collapsed in the ground in my knees, calling Izuku and Ichiro's name saying sorry that I didn't saved them earlier. I've never cried this hard before nor for someone who cared about me.

I've kept crying and crying, like theirs no tomorrow to cry. I felt Lily hugged me. And then Troy did the same too.

Izuku, my beloved girl and son.....
Where are you?


How dare took my son and love to me!
I will make sure that you will go to HELL!!!

Woah, that was scary haha....

April: That's why don't make him angry...

Card: Or else, he'll kill you...

Me: Yeah, um, we'll, let's end it here... Okay?

Csedpril: Sure!!

All 3: Bye!!!!

My beloved Family. (Aizawa x Fem!Izuku.) [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now