Part 2-Searching

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The Image doesn't belong to me I think it belongs to this person . If you don't want me using your art/ pictures tell me and I will take it down. This is a picture of Herobrine as you know.

A/N Welcome to the next book in this series! What do you think of the title? I am thinking though, do we want this to be a trilogy? Anyway on with the story!

I slammed my hands down on the desk in frustration. Nothing... in the year since I had been exiled I had found no one. I had found some things of course. Little clues and hints towards a theory. No evidence though. Nothing to go after. "Y/ N are you Ok?" I hear Mum say from down stairs. 

"Yes Mum just feeling frustrated." I say. I hear her footsteps coming up the stairs. She opens my door and looks around. I follow her gaze and see my room. All the Windows and curtains where closed, the bed wasn't made, there was stuff all over the floor and the only thing that had some semblance of order was the desk in the corner of the room where I was sitting. It had a computer and a bunch of books and magazines. Also on the table was my most prized possession. A framed photo of my friends. I had been scrolling through my phone and found that Null must have gotten a hold of my phone because there was a bunch of photos of the castle and the Nether. Then I saw the photo of everyone together. Null must have somehow picked up the phone with Null material and took the photo. Everyone was in it Herobrine, Null, Three, Alex, Steve, Ender, Vallron, Tri, Hydro, Fregan, Ben and finally Notch. I looked at Notch and felt all the emotions start pouring back into me. I looked away to the board I had on my wall of all the clues I had so far. I had zoned out a bit when I heard my Mum talking.

"Y/ N? Are you listening?"

"Yeah sorry I just zoned out a bit."

"Look I know you miss your friends but you can't keep devoting all waking hours to finding them. I mean look at this room!"

"Mum. We have talked about this. Finding my friends is of the up most importance. If I don't who knows what will happen to the other world!" 

"*sigh* Y/ N you need to try and see this from our point of view-"

"No I don't mom. What I need to be doing is trying to find my friends!"


"WHY CAN'T YOU JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" I stood up and realized I was towering over her. I glanced at myself and sighed. I was in my Alpha form again. I sat down of the floor and looked straight into moms eyes. "Look I understand what your talking about but you guys need to understand that when your daughter went missing a year and a half ago, a different person came back. I want you too know that I still love you and that my family is still my number one priority but you have to understand that now I have some other people I need to look out for as well. Do you think you understand?" She was silent for a couple seconds before she ran forward and hugged me. I just sat there for a second before carefully hugging her back. 

"Y/ N you know we will always love you, and yes I think I do understand and I think your father will too." I change back into my human form and say.

"Thank you for understanding and I suppose I can go outside every now and again..."

"Thank you and don't worry we will try and help you find your friends."

"Really? That would be great!" Then we hear Dad from downstairs. 

"Hey Y/ N! There is something on the news you should see!" I quickly teleport downstairs and look at the TV. 

"So yes a weapons company has just announced at the biggest invention conference in the world that they invented a new material. They said it can be used that they can use to make any weapon. They even brought an example!" Said the news reporter then a video starts playing and its of a very familiar face. 

"Gary?" (YES I BROUGHT THEM BACK!) I question. Then Gary holds up something and I scream.

"What is it Y/ N?" Asks Dad. 

"See that pistol that he's holding. It's made of Null material. See how its completely black and if you look closely it looks like its moving slightly, a bit like smoke?"

"Yea... wait isn't Null the guy that I first met?"

"Yea that's him." 

"So what does this mean?"

"It means that I know where Null is."

"Where is he?"

"Ok so do you remember when I first got these?" I say as I summon my Royal Wings.

"Yes I do."

"Well basically when you called the ambulance they took me to the hospital but then they called some other people. Those other people where some scientists. That man on the TV is one of them. They brought me to a secret facility where they wanted to do tests on me but luckily Herobrine rescued me."

"Where is this facility?"

"Somewhere in Antarctica."

"Whoa... so how are you going to find him?"

"Well I was thinking of just flying over Antarctica until I spot some landscapes that I recognise because the base is underground so I would have to look for the place that I came out of."

"Yea except the problem with that plan is that its basically always snowing in Antarctica so the landscape will look completely different to when you where there."

"Good point... wait how did Hero know where to find me?"

"Well he is magical."

"So we probably need to find him first." 

"Well let's quickly see if there is anything else on the news." We continued watching but the rest of it didn't have any clues until the last one. 

"Some sightings of a monster have been spotted in Germany's Black Forest. Some are claiming that its the Slenderman others think its a werewolf. Most probably though its just mistaken identity for a tall person. Although there have been several people who have gone missing in the area. There is also a photo of the creature." Said the news reporter Then the photo came up. It was really bad quality and you could barely see what it was but I still knew what it was. 



"One of my friends."


"So who wants to go to the Black Forest?"

A/N GUYS I AM BACK! Whoa. It feels so good to be writing again. I know I took a bit longer of a break than I intended but now I am writing! So what do you guys think so far? Also I want to ask you guys a question and I really really need you to answer it. Do you guys want the Creepypasta's as a couple of Easter Eggs or as a main part of the story? I have been hinting at the Creepypasta's in this book for a while but this chapter was the first time I am directly mentioning them. I hope you guys will enjoy this book! Anyway see you later Dragon Champions!

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