Part 3-The Black Forest

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The Image doesn't belong to me I think it belongs to this person . If you don't want me using your art/ pictures tell me and I will take it down. This is a picture of the part of the forest that I enter.

A/N Hey Guys! So I am hoping to release a couple more parts today! That's good isn't it! Anyway on with the story!

I would have flown to the black forest but I decided against it because one, I wasn't sure how long it would take to fly there and I didn't want to tire myself out before I got there, two mum and dad wanted to come with me and three I don't exactly want everyone knowing about me just yet. Well I mean a lot of people already knew because of the couple of times we had been seen in public, there was even a pretty popular online conspiracy theory about the whole McDonalds incident. So that's how I ended up on a road trip ( Ok so if you live in a place where you would have to take a boat or plane to get to the black forest this part is after that as you are leaving the airport/dock). We where driving down a highway and I was practicing my magic in the back seat. I had got a little rusty on everything so I was making sure I could still do stuff. I summoned my Royal Sword, that still worked great. I summoned my Royal Bow which was a bit harder but that was expected because that was only like my third time summoning that. I couldn't exactly summon my Royal Wings in the car so I decided to try doing that later. After that I just used the time to create simple geometric shapes with my Alpha Magic. My eyelids started drooping and I fell asleep. I woke up to my dad shaking me awake. 

"We're here." He says. I look around and see that we are on the end of a road with a small town down the road behind us and a wall of trees in front of us. I stepped out of the car and look to mum.

"This is the area where there have been the most sightings." She said. I had tried to convince them to stay in a hotel while I found him but they refused because they wanted to make sure I would be alright. So we walked into the forest. Dad had a big flashlight with him but there was enough light filtering through the branches of the trees to see for now. As we went further into the forest we came upon are first clue. A dead deer. It was barely recognisable as a deer but you could still feel. There was one bite mark that stood out from the rest. It was on the belly of the animal and it looked to be what had originally killed it. I looked to my parents and asked them

"Hey um quick question but do you think that you can see if my jaw size and teeth match up with this bite mark?" 

"I think that's quite a bit bigger that your teeth... oh right!" Says Dad as I transform into my Titan form. I positioned my mouth over the bite mark but I made sure to not touch the rotting carcass. I mean like I might be a carnivore in this form but that is nasty. I stood back up and my mum said

"Yea it fits although yours is a bit bigger." 

"Yes I would expect that as I am an Alpha." I say in my deep voice. My parents flinch a bit in fear at my voice. I quickly transformed back into my human form. "Oops sorry about that. I sometimes forget that you guys are still not really used to all this supernatural stuff." 

"It's Ok its just that this whole forest is a bit creepy." 

"Yes I suppose well we better kee-" suddenly I am interrupted as I am lifted of the ground and turned to face behind me. I almost cry out in joy. It's Vallron. But, something's wrong. He seems more... aggressive. He would never pick me up without my permission. Than I realize something. In the darkness behind him there are purple lights. They're eyes. Well now we know what happened to those people. He bit them. Then I am suddenly thrown to the ground. I slowly get up and look at Vallron. He has one hand on the ground and is looking straight at me. The other hand he is holding straight out to the side and is flexing his claws. The position of his body reminds me of how a cat looks before it pounces. The other Ender Titans come out and surround both of us. I quickly yell to my parents. "GO RUN!" Then as I watch them run in the direction of the car I turn back to face Vallron. He is in the same position as before although he seemed to be more agitated. I start to back away when one of the Ender Titans push me back into the middle. I try speaking in Ender "Vallron I-"

"I do not want to your excuses human! Although I do want to know how you know how to speak to us."

"Well you see its a bit of a long story, which you should know actually..."

"Well you can tell me after you join our pack." Then he did an Ender Scream and the rest of the pack joined. I nearly joined myself but I decided to wait. Then when they where finished I said.

"How about this. I wish to verse you in a battle for control of this pack!" I knew this could happen because Vallron himself had told me. Basically when a new person was going to join the pack they had the option to fight for dominance. Vallron looked a bit shocked that I knew about that but than he gave a smile that sent shivers down my spine.

"Very well then. Who will be judge?" There also had to be a judge who said when the battle would end and who won. A skinny Titan stepped forward. He looked pretty young maybe a young teenager in his human form. 

"I-I can..." he said

"Ok Lucas, you know the rules?"

"Y-ye yes sir!"

"Ok let's start." Vallron got down on all fours and put his head down like he was going to charge. Then I remembered how the battle traditionally starts, with a rhinoceros like head charge at each other. It suddenly occurred to me why Alpha Ender Titans usually ended up in charge. So I transformed and got down on all fours. I heard gasps of shock from all around including Vallron, which just increased my suspicions. It was actually surprisingly comfortable on all fours and I felt like I could run really fast if needed. So I put my head down, horns and all. Then I heard the judge say.

"Three, Two, One BEGIN!" And we charged.

A/N So guys what do you think so far? What do you think happened to Vallron?!?! So guys I haven't been getting many comments on these books anymore and its getting me pretty down. Do you think you can comment? Pretty Please? It's just that I love reading and responding to your comments! Anyway seen you later Dragon Champions!

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