Part 9-Death

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The image doesn't belong to me I think it belongs to this person,%20vampire%20skull%20head%20bone%20scythe,%20hourglass,%20cathedral. If you don't want me using your art/ pictures tell me and I will take it down. For a character in the chapter except he has a pm dark purple cloak.

A/N here we go, bit of a longer chapter this time. Anyway on with the story!

I stared into his eyes. I was ready to fight if he had lost himself like Vallron had. We continued starring at each other for about 30 seconds before I saw recognition in the fire. "Y/ N?" 

"Hi Three."

"Y/ N!" He says as he gives me a hug.

"I missed you too Three."

"Have you found anyone other than Vallron?"



"So I have heard that there is a bit of a war going on?"

"Oh yeah, about that..."


"Well I mean I had to protect myself and the Nether! The End and the Overworld where plotting against us!"

"Where did you hear this?"

"From a zombie pigman, he said he saw a zombie and enderman attack and kill a Blaze to get its blaze rods then they couldn't decide who would actually have the blaze rod so they fought and killed each other."

"Well that is very different from the story I heard." Said a voice from the darkness further in the tunnel.

"Death..." said Three

"Three..." said Death the skeleton as he walked out of the tunnel looking really spooky. Sending shivers down my spine (Sorry I had too). They faced each other, Three summoned his Inferno Sword and Death summoned a scythe that looked to be made of obsidian and bones. I could see a fight of cataclysmic proportions was about to start so I quickly teleported into the middle and yelled.

"STOP!" They both looked in shock at me but didn't lower their weapons. "Why are you fighting?"

"Because he wants to kill me!" Said Three and Death at the same time.

"No I don't." They again said at the same time.

"So again I ask why are you fighting?"

"Why are we fighting?" Asked Three.

"I don't know" said Death.

"Are we really fighting over a misunderstanding?"

"We might have, but not any more." Death said as he dissipated his weapon and walked towards Three. 

"I agree" Said Three as he walked towards Death. I backed up before that got awkward and they both shook hands. 

"I think we both know what we are thinking." Said Three

"The End?"

"Yes, we might be able to come to agree that this was a misunderstanding but that enderman is mad. He has no respect for life. He doesn't even treat his own people well."

"I think I might be you solution to that." I say. They both turn towards me. " I mean I am an Alpha Ender Titan."

"Good point but I want you to be careful. Ok?" Says Three

"Ok." I was about to ask where the End dimension mobs are when I hear a sort of clicking sound. Like a lot of little legs hitting concrete. I turn to look towards the tunnel. I don't see anything then I look towards the ground and I see a Ender mite. I go over to it and see its really badly wounded. I slowly pick it up it makes a chirping sound with its mandibles then it coughs up a glow of its purple blood. I don't think it was going to make it so I sat down a held it so I was comfortable. Then I felt the need to sing. I didn't really want to sing in front of everyone but before I knew it I was singing a song I also noticed I was in my Titan form I closed my eyes and sang. The song was a soft slow song. I wasn't quite sure how I was accomplishing that with my voice but I was. I had never heard the song before but I got the feeling that my Alpha powers were making the song. The songs words where for only me and the Ender mite to know, they where about joy, healing and peace within one's self. The other listeners could only hear the themes of the song I was weaving not the message. Eventually when I felt the song was coming to an end I opens my eyes and looked down. As the song came to an end I saw the last of the Ender Mites wounds close up. It chipped at me happily before scuttling up my arm to sit on my shoulder. I stood up and began to walk away. 

"Where are you going?" Asked Death

"To bring Justice to my people" I say as I summon my Royal Sword and Wings. I continued walking down the tunnel not worrying about the water because I could use my Alpha powers and form a shield to block it. The Ender Mite started speaking telepathically to me. 

"Thank you."

"I didn't know Ender Mites are telepathic."

"We are but we only do it when its important."

"Where are the End Mobs?"

"I will give you directions, turn right." I continued following his directions until we ended up in a maze of tunnels that didn't have any water in them. Eventually I saw the first sign that we where getting close. There where small purple plants growing along the walls. I stopped.

"Are they Chorus Fruit plants?" I ask

"Yes they are we are having a bit of success growing them here." Says the Ender Mite. We continue through the maze until I start to see Enderman and Ender Mites here and there. They where all wounded in some way. Some start to follow me. Eventually I start seeing Shulkers I don't think they knew quite what to make of me so they just hid in their shell. Eventually I got to the entrance of a large room with a ceiling so I I can't see the top. I stopped, smelling death and blood from within the room. "He's in there." Says the Ender Mite. I could see it was terrified so I took it of my shoulder and put it of the ground. It scuttled of to be with the other Ender Mites. I walked into the room and saw line of endermen who all looked terrified. I saw I was already too late to save one because he was taking a sword made of obsidian and End Stone out of the corpse of a enderman. I watched as a enderman stepped forward and started speaking.

"Y-your m-ma-majesty I came to ask a simple request of you."

"Yes servant?"

"I w-was wondering I-if it would be possible f-for me to have some more f-food for my family."

"You want some more food to feed you family?"

"Y-yes sir."

"Do you really think I am that stupid? You are clearly trying to raise an army to betray me! For that you must die!" He swings down his sword to kill the enderman but I teleport over and block the sword with mine. His face first turns to shock, then anger, then fear. "An Alpha Ender Titan..."

"Put your sword down." I say as I stand up to my full height and he has to look up to see my eyes (If you remember endermen are about 3 blocks high while Alpha Ender Titans are 5!). I can see in his eyes that he is very much mad and I highly doubt he will actually put down his weapon. I am correct.

"I am king of the End and no fake challenger will stand against me for my power."

"So you think I am fake?"

"Yes you obviously are He got all the Ender Titans."

"I am special. I got exiled to Earth with my friends."

"None of that matters now. All that matters is that you must die!" He teleports away but I can fell where he went. I hold my sword up in the air and he impaled himself on it. His sword falls out of his grip and flatters to the floor before dissipating in a black dust. I bring the sword down so that the body slides of it onto the floor. I turn to the watching mobs. 

"Go to the Overworld and Nether Mobs and tell them what has happened. I will come soon. Anyone with problems stay to talk with me. A lot of mobs stayed. They mostly wanted more food because apparently the last king had basically starved everyone so no one would be strong enough to challenge him. Not quite sure how he expected to win a circle war with starved troops but again he was mad so their probably wasn't a reason. I gave everyone permission to have as much food as they need but to make sure everyone got some. I then went to meet with Death and Three.

A/N Thanks for reading this chapter! What was your favourite part? Anyway see you later Dragon Champions!

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