Part 11-Old Friends Returns

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The Image doesn't belong to me I think it belongs to this person . If you don't want me using your art/ pictures tell me and I will take it down. I thought this image was so epic! I have it as my phone lockscreen now and it looks great!

A/N Nothing to say. Anyway on with the story!

I felt like I was floating in the void. All I saw was darkness and all I felt was pain. I don't know how long I was in there, it felt like all of eternity. Sometimes I think that I might still be in there but then suddenly a bright flash blinded me and I was awake. The darkness was gone but the pain was still there. I slowly opened my eyes, it was so bright. I was in a bed. In my Alpha form. In the bed next to me that I was facing was Vallron also in his Titan form. I didn't try to move yet and I could already feel a headache coming on. Then I hear a voice from behind be, so on the other side of my bed. "The females heartbeat just increased. What does that mean?" Said the first voice who was female. 

"I don't know, they aren't like anything we have seen before." That voice was also female but sounded older something felt weird about her. I decide to see how they react to me so I flick my tail. The first voice who I guess is a nurse quietly says something to the other person but even with my enhanced hearing I can hear it. I don't seem to have anything covering me like a blanket so I clench my foot shut with my claws and then relax it again. I hear the older female say something urgently to the nurse who then quickly leaves the room. I hear the older female walk up to my bed and lean over. I quickly close my eyes. The voice whispers into my ear. "The camera's will turn off at midnight along with the doors unlocking. Go to the roof. When the nurse comes in pretend to be nothing more than an animal. They will try and tranquilizer you but it won't work. Have some fun." Then the person goes back to where they had been standing before and the nurse comes back in. I open my eyes and see the nurse bring in what looks like a bag of water on a stand with a thin pipe straw thing competing out of it. Apparently not protecting my eyes she proceeds to try and wipe my arm with something. I give a low growl and she freezes. I see her look at my face and see my eyes. She slowly backs away and I hear the other person leave. I get up of the bed and go onto the floor on all fours. I realize my Royal Wings are already summons so I spread them. I growl again and she backs up. 

"Hey, its Ok I am not going to hurt you." She says in a calming voice. I growl louder this time and show my teeth. I look over at Vallron to see if he is Ok and my eyes go wide. They have him on an IV drip. I hissed and leapt over the bed and cut the drip going into his already slightly red skin. Who knows how much damage had been done already. Some of the water dripped out of it onto my foot and I screamed as it burned me. I turn back to the nurse and thrash my head showing my horns. She says more to herself then me "water hurts you?" She quickly moves out of the way as a team of what look to be some sort of animal control come in and try and shoot me with a tranquilizer dart. Key word try. The darts can't get into my asking but they don't see that. I pretend to get a bit unsteady and then still growling at them and occasionally lashing my tail I crawl slowly back onto the bed and pretend to close my eyes although I keep them open a sliver. Watching them keep their guns trained on me for about 20 minutes before they start to file out. Eventually its just the nurse left and I watch as she takes all of the water out of the room. I smile at that. Eventually I must have fallen asleep because I woke up and looked at the clock it was half past 11 at night. I waited until I heard the door unlock and watched the camera's light go out. I stood up and walked out of the room. I kept going up until I reached the roof. I looked around but couldn't see anyone. Then I heard something behind me, I spin around and see a woman in a doctor's uniform. She smiles at me and feel like there is something familiar about her. She starts to take of her white coat and underneath she has a black t-shirt and trousers. Then a thick tail sips out and two draconian wings spread out behind her. I gasp. 

"E-Ender!" I say. She laughs 

"of course it's me silly! As soon as I heard that two strange humanoid creatures had arrived in hospital I had to get myself transfers here." I transform into my human form and give her a hug. 

"So your a doctor? How did that happen? I have a feeling it has something to do with the so called miracle cure that made headlines a week after we arrived?" She smiled sheepishly. 

"Yeah, I thought it was the best to use my breath for the greater good and to help people." I suddenly remember Vallron. 

"Is Vallron going to be ok? They had him on an IV drip, he has water in him now." Enders eyes go wide and she hurriedly put a on her doctor uniform again. 

"They what!" She says angrily. She rushes down the stairs with me following in my human form. She runs into the room Vallron and I where in and immediately locks the door then transforms into her dog size Dragon form. She breaths some of her amazing healing breath onto Vallron. When that doesn't seem to do anything she thinks for a moment and looks around, then grabbing an empty IV bag thing she breaths her purple smoke into it and then puts that in the place the water had been a d connected it up to Vallron. As soon as the first sliver entered him he immediately relaxed and the swelling, redness and even the burns started to fade. Ender turned to me transformed into her human form and asked "well now that that emergency is taken care of have you found anyone other than Vallron yet?" I nod excitedly and say 

"well other than the entire pack Vallron created I found all the mobs that escaped, they are in the sewers under Las Vegas. Also in Las Vegas I found Three!" Ender looked very exited and said. 

"I have some good news too! I know where Fregan is." 

"Where is he?" 

"Well, it seems that he had some ideas of his own and became a General in (country) army".

A/N So what do you guys think? I like how this books going but I want to here what you guys think so please comment your opinions! Anyway see you later Dragon Champions!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2020 ⏰

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