Part 6-Clothes Shopping

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The Image doesn't belong to me I think it belongs to this person . If you don't want me using your art/ pictures tell me and I will take it down. This is the closest thing I could find but imagine this but instead of blue and black purple and black.

A/N So what do you guys think? Not many of you guys have read this so far but I will wait and hope for some more reads and votes! 

We go home and plug the USB into my computer and watch as a file poems up with a letter from Three. The letter said "Dear Friends. I am not sure which of you are receiving this if any at all but I want to tell you that I am fine and very happy. Although maybe not for much longer. I am sure you saw the news story and know what happens to Null. If you didn't he is in the Antarctic Base and most probably been kidnapped. I have discovered that this organisation are intent on capturing all supernatural things as they see them as a threat to humanity. I myself have already nearly been captured and just managed to escape. They have weapons specifically designed to capture us. I will not tell you my location in this letter in case it falls into enemy hands but I will say that I do enjoy where I am. I will try and contact you again soon. Try and get back to me via e-mail." Than it had an e-mail and a selfie of Three in front of a computer. I sat back in my chair and sighed. 

"Well, do we E-mail him?" Asked Vallron

"Yeah I guess so but how will he know it's us?" 

"We will find some way." Then Vallron seemed to focus on the selfish for a second. "Hey... can you zoom in on the photo for a second?"

"Yeah what part?"

"His computer screen." I did so and noticed that it seemed to be on Google Earth. It was on the globe but had a marker on a part of America. I noticed that on the side of the screen it showed where the marker was. 

"Las Vegas?"

"Yep wouldn't expect any less from Three"

"Yeah good point." 

"So we going to Vegas?"

"Now hold on just a sec, we just came back from the Black Forest. We need to hold on for a second. How about we send him an e-mail first."

"Ok but make it not conspicuous in case it gets interspersed"

"Ok." So I type up a short e-mail that says this. "Dear Lord of Fire" I addressed him as his name he uses when he realises music." I am one of your biggest fans and would like to meet with you as soon as possible! Of course no one knows where you are but that's Ok. I am going on a holiday to Las Vegas exactly a month after a got a very nice letter from a great friend and will be staying at the hotel that I think you will like. I even have your favourite number! Also I found one of my old friends like he is such a good friend he is basically a titan. Anyway hope full to meet you one day and your biggest fan. Y/N". I looked to Vallron as he read the e-mail and then he nodded and I sent it. 

"Ok so now we book a hotel that has some sort if a nod to fire in its name and get a room with the number 303 on it a month from now?"

"Yeah should be easily enough."

Time Skip

So here we where. In our room 303 in Flame hotel. (This is a fantasy hotel and I am not sure if this is an actual hotel in Las Vegas) today is the day where it has been exactly a month since we got the letter from Three so hopefully he should come today. I had managed to convince my parents to stay home this time because I told them they need to keep and eye on the rest of the pack. So it was just me and Vallron waiting to see if Three would come. We waited and waited and waited until finally we hear a knock at our door I almost trip overwhelmed in my rush to open it. Unfortunately it was only the reception person for the hotel saying that they had a letter for me. They handed me what seemed to be an add for a concert. I brought it back into the room so I could show Vallron. "You are invited to the biggest annual music festival in Las Vegas. This is a ticket for two and is a VIP ticket which will allow you too be one of the first people for the first time ever too meet The Lord of Fire in person! Simply come on the night with a friend and present this ticket and you will get unlimited access to the buffet and meetings with musicians afterwards!" I read to Vallron.

"Well when is it?" He asks

"Tomorrow night." 

"Well looks like we are going to a party!"

"Yes you got any party clothes?"

"Umm I basically have two pairs of clothes."


"Wait a second hold on-"

"NOPE COME ON!"  Than I grabbed his arm and dragged him out of the hotel and down to a huge mall down the street. I dragged him into a clothes shop and left him in front of a bunch of men's clothes with instructions to find something cool. Than I ran off to the girls section and started looking at stuff. Nothing had really caught my eye until I saw a dress. I ran over to it to get a better look and nearly gasped. It was beautiful, a long black dress with flowing purple patterns all over it. The whole dress had a iridescent shine to it and I knew right then that that was the one. I quickly grabbed it and went to the change rooms. It fit me perfectly and looked even more amazing. I quickly changed back into my normal clothes and bought the dress. Than I went and checked how Vallron was doing and this time I did gasp he was was wearing what appeared to be a matching outfitted to mine because it was also Black and Purple with flowing patterns. Than he saw me and said

"So we ready for a Las Vegas Party?"

A/N Haven't got anything to say so anyway see you later Dragon Champions!

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