Part 8-Civil War

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The image doesn't belong to me I think it belongs to this personäyttäjän_blogi:MasterKnights/More_Realistic_Mod. If you don't want me using your art/ pictures tell me and I will take it down. 

A/N Guys. I have an apology to make. I have been not on Wattpad for at least 3 maybe 4 months now. I have no excuses and it was entirely my fault. I hope you can find room in your heart to forgive me and I hope to get back on track with the update schedule for Star Heart. Anyway on with the story.

I watched Bonecrusher leave the alleyway with Tim the robber now zombie over his shoulder. He looked both ways to make sure the coast was clear then he lifted up a manhole cover and jumped down. Then I see his hand come out again and wave me and Vallron in. I go to jump down when Vallron stops me.  "Y/ N are you crazy?!?" He says

"What?" I ask

"You where about to jump into a sewer in your natural form."

"Yeah so?"

"It's a sewer."

"Yeah can you elaborate on that?"

"What does a sewer have in it?"

"Sewage? Yeah it will smell bad but there should be paths along the sides."




"Ohhhhh right... I forgot about that."

"Yes you did, so we are going to have to transform into our human forms and then jump down." 

"Ok well that makes sense-" I am interrupted as we hear a scream from down the street. We both turn to see a young couple who I guessed just turned the corner to see two monsters growling at each other. They are both frozen in fear so I just say. "Umm are you guy's ok?" I remember about a second after I say that I have a very scary voice. They start to run away when Vallron teleports behind them and screams at them causing them to pass out. He catches them before they fall being careful of his claws. He then proceeds to sit them up against the wall, transfer into his human form grab the man's phone from his pocket and rings the ambulance. I hear him say to the person on the phone

 "Hello I have a bit of a problem a couple nearly just attacked me and my friend, I suspect that they where hallucinating because they where screaming something about monsters. Then they just passed out!" He then looks at the name of the street and tells them. Then he hangs up puts the man's phone back in his pocket before competing back to me. 

"That was good thinking." I say.

"Well they aren't going to think my story's true if there is a monster here, are they?"

"Ok good point let's follow Bonecrusher."

"Right" I transform into my human form and follow Vallron who is already climbing into the sewer. We find Bonecrusher waiting there.

"Did something happen?" He asks

"Oh nothing that matters now."

"Ok" When we where climbing into the sewers I was worried we would just get our new clothes wrecked. I was wrong when I saw the spotless path that we where walking on. 

"How do you keep the path this clean?"

"Well when we got here we discovers that apparently Spiders have OCD. That's why their webs are always perfect."

"That makes sense." 

"So, bit of a obvious question but how did you guys get here?"

"Well we aren't really sure ourselves. For the Overworld mobs at least we where being hunted down by the Chasik and where hiding out in a cave system with the His army's closing in when suddenly a portal opens up behind us. With no other choice we jump through and end up in the desert just outside of this city. The Nether and End Mobs came out of their own portals near us. Then we just made our way to the city and thinking that people weren't likely to like us moving in, we went into the sewers."

"Did you by any chance see what colour the portal was?"

"No unfortunately we whe- That's not good". He quickly ducks behind a corner at a t intersection and beckons us to follow. I hear a very familiar sound coming down the corridor we where just on. 

"Is that a bla-" I am stopped when Bonecrusher covers my mouth. We see a Blaze continue down the hall we where just on. Eventually when it turns a corner and goes out of sight Bonecrusher removes his hand and says.

"That was close."

"What's the problem?"

"Don't you remember I mentioned a mob civil war."

"Oh yeah, could you explain that a bit more because didn't you say you where all getting along when you first came here?"

"Well we where until one day a enderman, zombie and blaze where walking through the sewers and the zombie tripled over a rock and fell onto the enderman causing him to fall into the water. He unfortunately died before he could get out. The zombie was having a panic attack while the blaze was super mad at him. Eventually they started fighting because the zombie thought the blaze had pushed the rock there. The blaze thought the zombie had done it on purpose. During the fight the zombie was set of fire and in his pain thrashed out and pushed the blaze into the water, the zombie died from the burns and the blaze also died in the water. A spider, endermite and a pigman all saw what happens but where too far away to do anything but all ran back to there respective leaders and told there respective story's. All making there do mention look like the victim. So I don't even know if that's really what happened because that's just what the spider told me."

"So your the leader of the Overworld?"

"No actually I am the second in command. Do you remember that skeleton who wears a purple cloak? Well it's him his name is Death also through reasons that he still won't tell us he seems to be a able to use some very basic magic."

"Ok, so who are the leader for the other ones?"

"Well for the end there is a enderman-"

"It isn't a Ender Titan?"

"Y/ N I wasn't sure when to tell you and this but  there weren't any Ender Titans that came through with the End."

"Oh... d-do you know what happens to them?"

"When we where all getting along the endermen told everyone that He seemed to be targeting them to capture them. He got the all."

"So I guess its sort of lucky that Vallron did what he did."

"What did he do?"

"Well it is a long story and I don't really want to say it right now?" Said Vallron

"Ok well who leads the Nether?" I ask

"Well to be honest he is pretty new, it used to be a wither skeleton but now well. It's umm."

"It better not be who I am thinking."

"It's Entity 303."


"Found you." I hear a voice say from behind me. A very recognizable voice. I turn around to see eyes of fire staring right back into mine.

A/N Again I must apologize profusely. I will from now on try and keep to the update schedule as much as possible. Also I asked you guys this question a long time ago but would you like me to go through and put all the stuff said telepathically in italics? I am not sure whether I can actually do it and I if I do it will take quite a long time. But please can you comment your opinion? Thank you. Anyway see you later Dragon Champions!

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