Part 4-Fight for the Pack

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The Image doesn't belong to me I think it belongs to this person . If you don't want me using your art/ pictures tell me and I will take it down. This is a picture of what the Alpha Ender Titan horns look like.

A/N So how do you like the books so far? Anything I could do to improve it? Anyway on with the story.

As I ran forward I felt the air flow around my horns, my claws digging into the soft ground and then finally the jarring stop of my body as I smashed into Vallron. Both of us went flying back. With him crashing into the trunk of a tree and me digging my hands into the ground to stop my momentum. We both stood up shaken from the initial blast of energy. I could clearly see that Vallron was bleeding from where the impact had hit him. I started going around him to try and circle around him but he had the same idea so we just ended up circling each other. Then without warning he came at me and landed on top of me knocking me to the ground. I held off his claws with my hands and tried kicking him of but he than started trying to tear open my stomach with his back claws. It hurt so much and I felt so angry that I did an Ender Scream to try and defeat him with just my pure fury. He hesitates for a moment in fear. In that second I use my tail to slice the back of his leg. He leaps back and howls in pain. I use that chance to stand up again. I see just how weak he looks. He is bleeding from multiple wounds, he looks just about ready to pass out and now I notice just how skinny he is. Now that I can look around properly the whole pack is very skinny, I can see there ribs. I look back to Vallron and I see the scar on his arm that I gave him in the final battle. I walk over to him and he basically collapses in my arms. He is still consciences so I ask him a question.

"What do you remember?" I ask. He gives me a confused look before saying.

"They called me mad, they didn't help me, they attacked me, so I didn't want to remember." He said. This only confirmed my theory. Vallron after so long away from anyone and having everyone think of him as a monster adopted that thought for himself and let his Full Moon Self take control all the time. He was so sad that he gave up on living and retreated into his shell of a body. All I have do is awaken the real him. 

"Vallron, how did you get this scar?" I say as I point to the scar that I gave him. He stared into the distance for a couple minutes. I heard the birds chirping and the rare crunching of dirt as one of the Ender Titans awkwardly shuffled their feet. 

"A....a-a friend.... gave, I-it t-to me... I think..." I give him a sad smile.

"Vallron... does the name... Y/ N mean anything too you..." his eyes go wide and after a couple seconds I see tears start to form in them. 

"Y-Y/N... is that really you?"

"Yes Vallron its me..." he rolls over and grabs me in a hug and starts crying on my shoulder. I do the same thing. After we have both run out of tears too cry we just stare at each other for a long time. Then after who knows how long we here a cough from Lucas. 

"So umm sorry to interrupt but who won?" He asks softly.

"Y/ N does... and I was a fool to believe that I even stood the slightest chance against an Alpha." Says Vallron. All the pack gasp as there leader surrenders. When we stand up they all I including Vallron kneel too me. I feel embarrassed for a second before remembering that this sort of thing used to happen all the time. I then look and see that Vallrons bleeding has gotten worse I quickly go and support him just as he begins to fall over. I start walking in the direction of where my parents should be. When the rest of the pack looks at me in confusion I say.

"Come with me, we are going back to my home. You will be safe." Then they start following me. Me and Vallron get about 10 steps before I fall to my knees. Vallron is completely unconscious now and I touch my hand to my head and horns and it comes away covered in blood. There are also multiple scratch marks all over my body that where also bleeding profusely. My last words before passing out where. "Take us to my parents." I wake up on the floor of my room at home, with more bandages. I slowly sit up after leaning my mistake last time. I look around and see someone that I barely recognise. It's a person sitting in my desk. "Vallron?" I say. He looks over to me and as soon as I see the scar on his arm I know it is him. 

"Hi Y/N" he says.

"So how are you?"

"Pretty good"

"Wait is the whole pack here?" 

"Yeah there currently having the time of their lives having a party downstairs." Now that he mentions it I could hear music coming from downstairs. For some reason I felt like I really wanted to go down and join. I had never really been into parties and I hadn't listened to any music in my Alpha form before because I had never thought it try. I had never heard this particular song but I suddenly knew the words almost instantly for some reason. I started quietly humming along but before long I couldn't hold it back anymore and burst out in song. It did sound weird with my super deep voice but in some strange way it sounded beautiful. Then I started dancing in a graceful way while incorporating my wings. Then when the song stopped I realized that I had become almost oblivious to my surroundings and the whole pack and my parents where watching me. 

A/N So for some reason I have always linked Alpha Ender Titans to music. So what do you guys think? Is it a good idea? Anyway see you later Dragon Champions!

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