Part 7-Unfortunate Robber

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The Image doesn't belong to me I think it belongs to this person . If you don't want me using your art/ pictures tell me and I will take it down.

A/N I am very sorry for not updating in a long time. I was taking a break for a bit because I had basically written once a week for a whole year. Than when I came back from my break I made the discovery that I had writers block :(. So now that I have regained my creativity I am continuing. I must say thank you to one of our newest readers for helping me recover my creativity with their kind words so thank you to @Shadow_Queen_CJ . Anyway on with the story!

We walked out of the shop after paying for our clothes and started back to our hotel room. I was lagging just behind Vallron, looking with wide eyes at all the colourful lights of the city when suddenly I felt my arm grabbed and I was dragged into an alleyway and my mouth was covered by a hand. I was held against a wall and I could now see my attacker. It was a man in a leather jacket and dark jeans. Then I noticed what he was holding, it was a gun. I gasped out loud but internally I was just sighing in disappointment, couldn't humanity be a bit more creative when it came to robbing people. "Ok lady now no ones going to get hurt if you hand over everything of value" says the man. 

"And if I don't?" I say

"Well than you are going to have a bit of a talk with my friend" then another man steps out of the shadows. I gasp again this time in actual shock. The mans 'friend' I immediately recognised he was a extremely strong looking man. Almost two heads taller than the man who was trying to rob me. It was sort of weird effect but I could see an almost second image in the place of the man's friend. It was an image of a very familiar looking zombie. 

"Bonecrusher?" I ask.

"Yep that's- wait how do you know his name."

"Hey, does this seem like this situation has happens before?" I asked Bonecrusher as I made my eyes flash Purple. His face became shocked and then he turned to the man and grinned a bit. The man turned to face him. 

"Hey Bonecrusher can you live up to your name for once and help persuade this girl into handing over her stuff?" That's when I notice that the familiar image of the zombie was becoming clearer while the human image was becoming more faded. Then I saw the first bit of flesh start to rot. "Umm Hello?!? Bonecrusher can you actually be useful for once and do you- what is happening to you!?!" As Bonecrusher became more and more zombie like he started walking towards the man. The man started backing away and was almost out of the alleyway when Bonecrusher grabbed his arm and dragged him back in. Then we both blocked the entrance to the alleyway and faced him. While we where doing this I told Vallron telepathically what was happening. He said 

"Y/ N why are you always getting yourself into trouble? Hang on I am coming." So we kept  walking towards him and he kept walking away until he hit the end of the alleyway. At this point Bonecrusher was his normal self rotted skin and sunken eyes in all their gory glory. 

"P-please I don't want no trouble..."

"Oh I am sure you don't." Says Vallron as he teleports in beside me in his normal form. The man nearly jumps out of his skin in fright. Then I start to transform, I don't know why I do this, maybe it's something to do with my moon instincts but I seem to really enjoy causing fear in people. I continue to contemplate this as I finish my transformation then I asked him something

"What's your name Human?"

"T-Tim, my name is Tim." My heart stops. I can't do it. My instincts are telling me to kill him and I can't do it. Not with that name. I can't prove that people where right about my species. My sadness must have shown on my face because Tim gave me a confused face. "Umm did I say something wrong".

"N-no don't worry just you should know that I knew someone else with that name and that you reminding me of that person just saved your life."

"Ok, so umm can I go now? I promise I won't tell anyone about you." I gave him a creepy grin and said.

"When did I say that you where going to be leaving?"


"Yes well I could always use another member of the pack." I started to step forward to bite him when Bonecrusher put hand on my arm. I turned to look at him and he said.

"Sorry to interrupt but my group like really needs the numbers." 

"Your 'group'?"

"Oh yeah I will have to tell you after because its kind of a long story and in the meantime can I...?" He says while gesture to Tim.

"Oh yeah go ahead."

"Wait what are you guy's us talking about?" He says as Bonecrusher shambles toward him. Then in a flash Bonecrusher leaps at him. I just hear a scream and suddenly in same inhuman speed Bonecrusher is beside me with red blood drooling down his jaw. He uses what's left of his green tongue to lick it back into his mouth. Then my attention was drawn back to Tim who seemed to be struggling to keep his blood inside his body. He had a large bite shaped chunk of flesh missing from his arm. He seemed to be trying to use his other arm to put the blood back in. That's when I noticed that his arm seemed to be the least of his problems as his entire face was rotting right in front of my eyes. He noticed it when his eye fell out. He screamed again. He picked up and tried to put it back in. Then Bonecrusher told him

"That doesn't work buddy. I had a fried that lost his eye he got used to it. Just be glad you didn't lose an arm like one of my other friends." At this point Tim was completely freaking out and was just standing there looking around with his remaining eye. Then as fast as the transformation had started it stopped. He just stood there, I don't think he quite understood what just happens but I did.

"You turned him into a zombie." As soon as Tim heard that he fainted. As soon as he did that Bonecrusher picked him up and slung him over his shoulder. As he started to walk away. I said to him.

"Ok two things first how are you going to walk through the streets with a rotting body over your shoulder while also being dead yourself and second you promised me a story."

"Ok first we will be traveling through the sewers and second to cut a long story short there is a civil was between The Overworld Mobs, The Nether Mobs and The End Mobs happening on Earth.

A/N Again I am very sorry for being so late. Also what do you guys think of the chapter? I think it was pretty good. Anyway see you later Dragon Champions!

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