Part 5-Music

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The Image doesn't belong to me I think it belongs to this person . If you don't want me using your art/ pictures tell me and I will take it down.

A/N Nothing to say. An way on with he story!

"Umm, sorry I don't know what came over me." I say while felling very embarrassed. I had always never been great and singing or dancing and always felt very awkward when doing it especially in front of people. I look up from my feet and instead of seeing faces of disgust or mild amusement I see faces of shock and pride. I was confused for a second before Vallron said. 

"Y/N... that was amazing!" I was shocked, he was congratulating me? I thought he was going to try and nicely tell me that it was bad! I then suddenly found out that if I was embarrassed or in shock I teleport and that's how I was suddenly in the middle of a forest. I was feeling exhausted so it took me a minute before recognising my surroundings. It was a small nature reserve that was about an hour out of town. No wonder I felt exhausted that was close to the furthest I had ever teleported. I staggered over to what seemed to be a large boulder on the ground. My head was spinning so I needed to sit down. I sat on the rock facing the way I had come. I must have sat there for a long time because I heard a branch snap behind me and I spun around and held my claws up to the persons neck. "Whoa there Y/ N its just me." I see its Vallron and sit back down. 

"Sorry about that its just that sometimes I get a bit anxious." I say.

"Don't worry about it. Although I do want to say that you are a great singer." I blush a bit.

"Oh your just saying that!"

"No really your amazing! Everyone else thought so too!" I look past him and see something.

"Whoa... Look at that!" Vallron turns around and gasps. I get a clearer view as he steps out of the way. About 5 meters away from where I was sitting was a beautiful view into what looked like a small but deep canyon filled with a miniature rainforest. It had so many trees in it you couldn't see the bottom. I went over to the edge of the cliff and saw what looked like a small water fall going to the bottom. I look to Vallron and we smile at each other as we both have the same idea. Vallron teleports down while I summon my wings and glide down. Landing in the tree tops and climbing the rest of the way down. We both arrived at a clearing with a small creek going through it. We sat down on the grass and watched the birds fly by. We sat silently for a while before I felt the urge to touch his hand. I gently touched claw tips and I felt a electric shock go between us. I felt like something changed. I didn't know what but something made me try reaching out telepathically. "Vallron?" His eyes go wide and the biggest smile I have ever seen appears on his face. 


"Vallron calm down yes this is amazing but remember you are the only person I have found so far." I remind him.

"Yes good point. I saw your billboard in your room. You have been doing a good job. Better than me at least."

"Well thanks I guess." 

"Anyway I think other than Null the person you have the most clues on would be Three?"

"Yes I know what he is doing. He is a musician, he has become world famous. The only problem is that no one knows where he actually is. In fact the only reason I know it's him is because the vocals sound like him and all the lyrics to his songs are about fire and blowing things up."

"So how do you plan to find him?"

"Well the only hope I have is that he tries to drop some obscure hints in his songs. I already know he has hinted about us in his songs." 

"Well let's go back home and see if he has released a new song." 


When we got home Three had in dead realised a new song. I imminently heard a hint. The lyrics where this. "When we met his son we had no idea at all until our own fall, but now back again we rise back to that same place on the day we fell." (Sorry that its bad I can't write lyrics). I quickly explain it to Vallron.

"I think that what he is trying to say is that once it's the anniversary of the day we lost the battle we go back to the McDonalds where we met Ben."

"Yea that makes sense. Ok so who do we have the least amount of information on?"

"Well there is two of them. Hydro and Herobrine."


"I have absolutely nothing on either of them." 

"Well... I think we should focus on Three right now and then work out what to do next."

"Agreed. So let's quickly work out exactly what date we lost the battle." We try for about an hour to work out when we lost before finally working it out. It was either 2 days away or 3 days away. "Ok so lets go to the McDonald's over the next few days until we see him!"

"Ok lets go!"


We had gone for the past 2 days and we where heading there today for what is hopefully the final day. We walk in the door in our human forms and not instantly noticing anyone we sit down. After a while I notice someone in a very expensive business suit walk in. Me and Vallron stand up and walk over to him. He looks at us and I notice that we can't see any part of him as he is wearing gloves and the shadow of his hat is covering his face completely. He nods towards the door and we walk out and go into an allyway. I say to him.

"Are you Entity 303?"

"No" he says although his voice is very similar to Threes I can tell its not him.

"Than who are you?"

"I do not have a name"

"Can we see your face?" The person pauses for a second before saying.

"I do not have a face" Then he takes his hat of and all his clothes fall into a pile with the person gone.

"Where did he go?" asked Vallron.

"I dont know but look what he was holding." I say as I pick up one of the gloves that I show to have a USB in it.

A/N Ok so now I will be going back to the way it was and updating every Weekend. See you later Dragon Champions!

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