Part 10-Disaster

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The Image doesn't belong to me I think it belongs to this person . If you don't want me using your art/ pictures tell me and I will take it down.

A/N Umm, hi everyone... I am very sorry about being gone for a long time... a lot has been happening... I am sorry.... Also a disclaimer the concert that is in this story is not in any way linked or based on a real concert. I just made it up for the story. anyway on with the story!

I walked out and a swarm of Ender Mites led me out of the maze and the one from before crawled onto my shoulder. I smiled down at him and he smiled back. I eventually got back to the room that I had left Three and Death in. They where gone but Bonecrusher was there. "Hey Y/ N judging by the fact that your swords covers in purple blood I take it we aren't at war anymore." He says as he walks over too me. 

"You would be correct, do you know where Three and Death went?" I ask. 

"Oh yeah, Three told me to tell you that he had a concert to go to and you would know what you need to do." I nod and start to walk out I leave the room and see Vallron talking with the Ender Mites. He stands back up when he sees me. I say 

"well, we still have a party to attend." He gives me a confused look before I say "Three is still going to that concert and I think its probably a good idea for us to go." Vallron nodded and we both teleport up to the alleyway we had met up with Bonecrusher. We both transform back into our human forms with our nice clothes on. We walk to the concert and show our VIP tickets at the front gate. We walk into complete chaos (I don't know if this is what a party/concert is like I have never been to one :( ). I pretty much immediately loose Vallron in the crowd I work my way through the dancing crowd to get to near enough the stage that I can see the artist's. I don't know any of the artist's or the songs so I just try and copy everyone around me. That is until I see a familiar face in the crowd, it was just a glimpse but I would recognize that face anywhere. Gary, one of the scientists at the Antarctic Base I had been kept at. I weave through the crowd slowly so as not to attract attention. Eventually I can see him more clearly. I contact Vallron. "Vallron, Gary is here, I am going to confront him cover me." I hear an agreement from Vallron and see him leaning on a gate not to far away. I walk up behind Gary and tap him on the shoulder. He quickly turns and his eyes go wide, he reaches into his jacket but I grab his arm before he can try and get whatever was in there. His face goes to fear then I see his eyes glance behind me slightly and a look of confidence appears on his face. "Vallron is there someone behind me?" When he doesn't answer I risk a glance over too where he was standing. That was a mistake, something hits me in the arm that's holding Gary and I let go. Gary gets that thing he was trying to get out from his jacket. It was a gun. I now see that there was a person behind me and they had hit me with a baseball bat. I can't let these people hurt any innocent people here and a couple of people have already noticed the gun and where starting to create a panic. I run at Gary and he raises his gain and fires. I think of teleporting out of the way but at the last second I feel my skin turn into my Alpha form in just the area that the bullet would have hit. Then it hits, it hurts a lot but it seems that Alpha Ender Titan skin is bullet proof. Then I feel that my Royal Wings have summons on their own accord. The crowd is already panicking so if they run further away from the gun, that's better. Using my wings to give me a little speed boost I run at Gary again and this time successfully tackle him to the ground. I hear Vallron roar in the background and he sounds like he is in his normal form. I feel a the baseball bat from the other thug hit me in the back of the head. Everything goes fuzzy for a second but I notice something a huge cloud front suddenly appears and is spreading towards the outdoors concert. I swear I can see a figure with wings hovering within the clouds when suddenly the sky darkens with the tell tale signs of a storm. I make sure all of myself is in my human form so that if it starts raining it doesn't go horribly wrong. I stand back up having to let go of Gary and looked over at Vallron, he was trapped under a net that looked to be electrocuting him. I saw the big thug bring out a net gun and point it in my direction when suddenly a huge bolt of lightning came smashing down on the stage lighting a massive fire. Then there was another one on the entrance to the concert area and the whole archway came crashing down in while on fire. A lot of people where now trapped inside the closed in concert area. I saw Three shoot out of the backstage area with a couple of bullets flying after him. He dived into the crowd and they immediately dispersed because of him being on fire. Gary and the thug where both in shock from the lightning so I teleported over to Vallron and ripped the net of him getting a few shocks in the process. He stood up in his Titan form and I transformed too as just as quickly as the storm had appears it had now disappeared. We both ran through the crowd towards the entrance and luckily got there quick because of people getting out of our way. Three was there and we watched him get under the biggest beam that was blocking the way and was on fire we saw it slowly begin to move as he lifted it with a lot of struggle. He stood up and now there was a small gap that people could fit through to get to the other side. He started yelling at the crowd 

"Everyone, you need to get out of here! I can't hold onto this for long!" Then I yelled out in my Alpha form.

"Are there any children, elderly or anyone else who is going to need help getting through?" No one answered through as everyone was in a state of panic. So I went through the crowd myself looking for people who need help. Eventually I spotted a group of kids who looked about 11 or 12 I walked over to them and the oldest was obviously trying to calm the rest down.

"Look guys its Ok! I am sure our teacher will find us soon and then we can go home ok!" He said I walked up behind the one who was talking and the rest screamed and began to run away. I used my Alpha powers and summons a dome around us keeping the kids here. They are now panicking and running around trying to get away. Two of them seem to be trying to fight me which I find pretty funny one had picked up a broken pipe and was whacking my leg. I looked down at him and then reached down and picked him up. He screamed so bit so I put him back down. I realized I no idea on what to do with these kids so I ask Vallron.

"Vallron can I have some help?" 

"Yep, ok" he teleports into my dome in his human form and all the kids instantly crowd around him."

"SIR PLEASE HELP US! WE GOT TRAPPED HERE BY THIS MONSTER!" I looked down at myself, ok so maybe I looked like a monster but I hadn't done anything to harm them. Vallron also seemed to be very confused. Although I said to him telepathically

"Just get them out, I need to go see if Three needs any help." Then I took the Dome down and teleported to the entrance. People where slowly trickling through the hole but I could see that Three was struggling. I knew I needed to save these people because I could see that there where other things ready to collapse on the crowd. Without caring for my own safety I ducked under another part of the beam and lifted it, it was really heavy but I managed to make it pretty height with my height. I could feel the flames flickering over my hands and arms but the adrenaline going through my veins was blocking out the pain. I roared at everyone to get through quicker. That got them moving, most of the crowd was through when I saw Vallron with the class of kids. They stopped when they saw me. Vallron transformed and gave them a fright from behind and they jumped through very quickly. I saw that everyone was out and I saw Three collapse beside me and Vallron pulled him out of the way and out the other side. Then I dropped the beam and jumped out of the way. I got out of the concert area and looked at everyone, I smiled at the reunions I saw happening. Then Vallron screamed at me and I looked down at my hands. They where on fire and extremely burned along with my arms. Then the pain started hitting me. I screamed in pain and transformed into my human form. Vallron rolled me around on the ground until the fire went out. Then I saw an ambulance pull up and I saw Three disappear. Vallron transformed into his human form then everything went black.

A/N Again I am so sorry for going missing in action, just a lot of stuff happens. Anyway see you later Dragon Champions!

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