Chapter 29

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Mark returns through the lobby to the Suburban waiting outside for him. The two arresting agents are sitting in the back seat with the handcuffed suspect between them as they watch him closely. Bill is already behind the wheel, waiting for him to climb in before pulling away from the main doors to the hotel lobby.

Mark climbs in and turns to the prisoner. "You do know that we are going to take you downtown and put you in a holding cell till we decide what we're going to do with you."

Wong nods his head submissively. "I will happily cooperate with you as long as you don't send me back to China. They will remove the things in my head, in anyway possible, and I fear that I would not survive the procedure."

"So, you willingly ask for protection here in the U.S.?"

"Yes, I will not resist you," says Wong, defeated.

Mark turns back to the front and points out the front window. "OK, Bill, lets get him down town for processing."

Bill pulls away from the hotel and makes a right onto the main street through the downtown Casino area of Las Vegas. They travel for about fifteen minutes through the heavy traffic when all the sudden there is a commotion in the back seat. Mark pulls his service revolver from his inner lapel and turns to see Wong staring at him, not two inches from the end of his pointed gun. The two men to either side of him in the back seat are leaning up against the side doors, out cold.

The swiftness of it has Mark wondering how he could possibly have done it so quick with his hands cuffed behind his back. Wong's whole demeanor has changed back to one of a caged predator again. "You should have shackled my feet also."

Mark holds the revolver perfectly still as he stares right into the slanted eyes of Wong. "Don't move, or I will be forced to pull the trigger."

Wong smiles at the threat. "Take me back to Christopher, or you will have to. I can feel myself losing the control I gained from the Nanos I took from Christopher."

Mark can see the control leaving Wong's eyes and calls out to Bill. "Quick, turn around and head back to the hotel, before we lose him again."

Bill pulls a U-turn in the center of the wide downtown street to the horns blaring at him from the other motorist's and races back the way they had come. Mark continues to watch Wong as his face switches from a teeth-gritting grin to a relaxed state, and he flops back into the seat and looks from side to side at the two men. "It happened again, didn't it?"

Mark does not relax his grip on the gun, as he responds. "Yes. We are now heading back to the hotel and Christopher."

Wong looks down to the floor of the vehicle before looking back up to Mark. "There must be a connection between Christopher's Nanos that needs to be maintained to control my more aggressive ones. I am feeling normal again, and I think you can put the gun down now."

"I hope you don't mind if I don't take your word for it. I think the gun will stay trained on you till I am convinced of your condition," says Mark, as he waits till they get to Jane, so she can shed some light on the issue, before relaxing his arm.

They pull back into the same spot they had just left a half-hour before, and Mark gets out to cover Wong, as Bill removes one of the unconscious men from the back seat to the front passenger's seat of the Suburban, so he can get Wong out from the center of the back seat.

Wong does not resist at all, now that he has his mind under control again. Mark takes his left arm as Bill grabs his right just above the elbow. They almost pull Wong along between them as they head for the elevator and up to Christopher's room on the tenth floor.

Jane is just hanging up the phone from ordering room service when there comes an urgent sounding knock at the door to the room. She looks up, wondering who could be knocking so soon after them getting here. Jane glances to the open bathroom door as she passes by on her way to see who is at the door. I start to get up from the deep tub. "Who could that be? I hope something didn't go wrong after they left with Wong."

"I don't know. It could just be the hotel manager, coming up to make sure we have everything we might need and possibly smooth over his earlier attitude," comments Jane. "I will check the peephole in the door first, which will tell us if you need to get out of the tub or not."

I nod to her as she leans towards the door to have a peek. The door is right beside the door to the bathroom, so all Jane needs to do is lean back from the door slightly. "You may need to get dressed or at least cover up with a bathrobe, it is Mark and Bill with Wong restrained between them."

I step out of the tub and close the door, so Jane can open the door to the hallway. I quickly dry myself off and grab the complimentary bathrobe from the hook on the back of the door. My mind is racing as to why they have returned so suddenly with Mr. Wong Fung. I open the door and step out into the main part of the room. Bill has taken Wong to the chair at the desk in the corner of the suite and is watching him closely, with his revolver pointed directly at Wong's head. Mark is leaning against the low chest of drawers that also doubles as a surface for the TV to rest on and holds his gun firmly as if he is afraid he may need to use it quickly. I look to Jane, who has taken a seat on the end of the bed closest to the bathroom and the door to the suite. Wong smiles at me from the chair even though his arms are bent back so his handcuffed wrists are behind the chair back. "Hello again. It seems that we are permanently connected now and are destined to become life long friends."

I glance to Jane, who is just as shocked as I am at Wong's admission. Mark shrugs his shoulders before answering Jane's unasked question. "We only got about ten blocks away, when Wong reverted back to his deranged state and took out the two men in the back seat to each side of him using only his legs. It was so fast I could not see the movement clearly. I had the gun pointed at his head and threatened to pull the trigger, when he informed me that I would need to shoot if I did not bring him back to you. So, here we are. Can you explain it, Miss. Dolts?"

Jane stares at Mark as she thinks deeply about what Wong could mean, before answering. "The Nanos that Christopher has, communicate between themselves using Quantum Entanglement, but their instruction was originally supplied through a Wi- Fi connection with the clinic's computer. The only thing I can come up with to explain the problem is that Christopher's Nanos must have worked together to form their own Wi-Fi connection to keep the healing program at the forefront of their programming. When Wong took most of the Nanos from Christopher they could still communicate as long as they were close enough, just like your computer at home only works within a certain distance from the Wi-Fi router in your house."

Mark nods his head. "OK, I can imagine that, but why did he revert back to his former self and suddenly get his abilities back?"

Jane gets up from the bed and paces the floor for a second. "I bet he needs all of Christopher's Nanos to nullify the ones in his head, but not all of Christopher's left, because he still needs them to function. Then, when you moved Wong too far from Christopher, the connection between all his was severed, giving Wong's Nanos the upper hand again and he returned to his former programming."

Mark shakes his head. "So, you are telling me that they are inseparable now."

"Yes, it seems that way," confesses Jane.

I had listened to the entire conversation and did not like the idea at all. I glanced to Wong, only to see him smiling at me. "OK boss, you and I are going to be close friends from now on."

I turn to Jane, but all she can give me is a sympathetic look in return. "This is not good," I think to myself.

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