Chapter 49

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The Cardinals had been relentless in their cross examination of my claims, and to tell the truth, I can't blame them. They sit on the very edge of their existence in this changing world. The pivotal point has arrived, and everything is perched to either crumble around them, or be strengthened as the Church accepts me, or denounces me as a fraud.

I had remained firm in my beliefs and used as little influence on them as possible, wanting them to come to believe in me on their own terms, and for their own reasons.

Pius himself arrived after he had an early supper in his quarters, escorted by four Swiss Guard. He sat in the very front of the Great Hall and listened to the Cardinals voice their concerns, as the night drew on.

Eventually, it started to slow down, and it was time to make some decision one way or the other. Pius eventually got up from his chair and walked towards the Cardinals, so he was standing in their midst. "I have listened to your questions, which you have fired at Saint Christopher and heard him respond calmly to all your objections. The fact remains that he knows sacred knowledge that has been kept hidden, knowledge which has only been revealed to the Popes down through the ages, and considerable ages, if I might add. I also think that he has proven his sincerity to each of you, even the ones that resist change. Our mission to the people of the Church demands that we do what we have just done, which is to cross-examine Saint Christopher to judge his heart. I for one, am convinced of his honesty. Although there is also another issue that we need to consider before we embrace him as Saint Christopher, and that is the falling off from the faith the people have in the Church these days. I will not dance around this issue that has been eating away at us for the last fifty years or more. Saint Christopher could very well be the honey that draws the people back to the Church and their salvation."

There is silence among the assembled church leaders at this frank statement from their leader. James Gomez stands and looks around at the seated Cardinals, before speaking into the stillness. "The other issue, even more thought provoking is that Saint Christopher does not proclaim to be the savior of the people, but merely the messenger for the coming Messiah. I think we should shift our focus to that possibility." He turns to me. "What do you have to tell us on that issue, Saint Christopher?"

I get up from my chair in front of the Cardinals and move into their midst, as if I were one of them rather than speaking down to them. The effect on the group is obvious as they relax. I look around at all of them, dragging out the moment before speaking to indicate the importance of my next words. "Saint Christopher of ancient times was a messenger that carried the young Jesus in his mind with such conviction that the people he met could almost see the young Jesus sitting on his shoulder. He was so convinced of his message being received that the masses flocked to his side. He brought the Church to the people of the land and suffered martyrdom for his efforts, which caused an outrage strong enough that the people flocked to the early church, and the area where he was sacrificed, is still called the cradle of Christianity to this very day."

I pause again to let the force of my words work their way into the Cardinals minds. "I am here to do the same. The people have the word but have started to lose their way in the modern world, just as the pressure of Rome had been focused on the early church, threatening to extinguish the flame that had been started by Jesus Christ. You are facing the same thing now, so God is sending you a Messiah to bring the Church back to its former glory. I am but the messenger and after me will come a child born into this world who will preach to the masses and unite the Church, leading the faithful to their promised salvation. This will transpire in your lifetimes and has already started. So, I put it to you now, are you ready to accept the Savior and bow to his glory and majesty?"

I look around, making eye contact with each Cardinal in turn, using my will to push the acceptance deep into their minds. When I have their unspoken support, I step back to the front of the great hall, and raise my hands into the air, looking up to heaven. "Our Father, who Art in Heaven, please hear my words and cause your faithful subjects to come forward and accept your gift of the Savior into their midst and minds. I pray this in your name, giving You all the power and glory, as You prepare the way for the coming Messiah."

I lower my hands and stand still and quiet as I wait for the assembled leaders to come forward and bow before God's messenger, committing themselves to God's will. The first to come forward and kneel before me is Pope Pius, followed by Cardinal James Gomez. I look down on them with a smiling face as I draw them into my circle. I open my arms wide, and wait as each Cardinal, in their time, follows their leader to kneel before me.

I don't have long to wait because I had already used my skill to persuade them. Moving towards me and kneeling only reinforces their thoughts with physical action, confirming in their minds the understanding and acceptance of my words. I smile as a Saint would to the people, as they approach. When they are all kneeling, I raise my hands to the heavens again. "Dear Father, we are gathered here today to herald in the new age of the Church, to bring your word to the people who have started to lose their way. Please give us the strength we need to prepare the way for your holy gift. We ask this now in your name. Amen."

I keep my arms raised as I call out to the kneeling Cardinals and their leader Pope Pius. "Lift your arms now to show your desire to raise the seat of authority that will soon be filled with the one that comes after me."

They all do as I suggested, and as their arms raise as one, the Pope's chair that sits at the very front of the hall rises into the air, seemingly by itself, matching the rising arms of the Cardinals. When the arms stop rising, so does the chair. "Such is the power of God, rejoice in his Strength and Wisdom."

All the submitted kneelers call out as one. "Power and Glory be to the One on High, so we can share in your Kingdom, now and forever more, in our Salvation. Amen."

I lower my arms as the rest follow me, causing the high-backed official chair of the leader of the Church to lower again to the floor. I relax my hold over the Cardinals and let them recover from such an intense devotion. They get up slowly but remain quiet as they look to me. "The hour is late, and tomorrow will be challenging for all of us. I suggest that everybody contact those you need to and bring the rest of the Church Leaders into the fold of the new age, before resting yourselves."

Pius turns to face his trusted Cardinals. "Tomorrow, I will announce Saint Christopher to the world from my study window. I suspect it will cause a great stir in the attending crowd and the ripples from that act will spread outward like water from a stone suddenly dropped into a pond. It is imperative that we be ready to respond at the highest levels of the Church, so we can send the word down to the various lower divisions, where a more one on one talk can convince the people of the validity of the messenger."

I step around the milling Church Leaders and head for the door. James follows me and rushes around me to the door, opening it and calling out to the guards stationed there. "I need four of your best to escort Saint Christopher back to his quarters."

"Right away," calls back Commander Smit, before pointing to three other large Guards. They form a square that I step into the center of, as they lead me back to the Apostolic Palace, the Popes residence building, and my new quarters.

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