Chapter 53

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Henri helps Jane to stand, and then places an arm around her shoulders as he turns her head away from the horrific scene on the floor as the blood spreads out in an ever-increasing circle across the marble tiled floor, seeping into the cracks, making a deeper red line. The two of them move woodenly as Henri guides Jane. They make their way around the corner of the study, and into the main part of the Popes private rooms.

Jane sits heavily in the chair by the window, so overcome by grief that nothing else seems to matter. The crowd could swarm the building and carry them all away in their anger, it would not change Jane's mood, or make her resist them.

Henri moves to the window and looks out, seemingly worried about that very thing. He turns back to face Jane. "The crowd is in a state of shock also. They are just standing there, but I don't think that is going to last too long, especially when the guards prevent them from leaving till they can make sure the shot did not come from someone in the crowd."

Jane moves her head to look at him, but it is with blank eyes that she perceives him. "Christopher must be laid out for the crowd to see in St. Peter's Basilica, have Cardinal James make the announcement. That will give the crowd a hope to hold onto and provide direction for their need to do something."

Henri stares at Jane unbelievably, as she gives the most obvious solution to their immediate problem. He shakes his head to clear the confusion. "I will do that right now. Will you be OK here by the window?"

Jane nods her head as a calm seems to come over her that she can't seem to fathom the reason for. She looks up. "I need to be there as the crowd files by their fallen Saints body. It will add a delicate touch to the solemn scene."

"Are you sure you want to do that? There are a lot of people out there and it will take a long time for them to walk by," informs Henri.

"Yes. The Guards will be able to check each person before they enter the Basilica to ensure my safety and watch for any that might try to slip away, bringing suspicion down on top of them," adds Jane.

Henri is amazed at the plan, especially considering the man she had obviously been very in love with has just been murdered and had died only moments before, right in front of her eyes. "I will go speak to Commander Smit, and suggest it to him, but I think he will agree with me that it is a brilliant Plan."

Henri heads for the guards that have entered the study to see to the Pope and the Cardinals, helping to remove them from the crime scene. Jane sits and searches her thoughts for the sensations that had invaded her mind moments before the shot was fired. Somehow, she knows that Wong will no longer be a factor in the events to come, and this is somehow something that had to happen. The emotions seem confusing and out of place in her mind, and she shakes her head to try and dispel them.

Henri quickly returns and takes her arm, half lifting her from the chair. "You need to come with me now. A table is being set up in the center of the Basilica as you requested, and after Christopher has been cleaned up some, he will be taken there, and the visitation will commence as soon as possible.

Jane pulls back on his arm to stop him. "No! He must remain as he is right now. Allowing the people to see his blood-soaked clothes and know that he had come to them with a message. A message that he was not allowed to give them personally."

Henri nods his head at Jane's insight. "I will instruct the Guards to take him to St. Peter's Basilica immediately."

Jane removes her hand from Henri's and walks on her own out the doorway of Pope Pius's chambers, where four Swiss Guard surround her. Henri moves to the front and leads them to St. Peter's Basilica.

Vatican workers in their plain brown close-fitting shirts and pants are just putting the slightly sloped sheet of plywood on the two saw horses of different heights, that will be covered with a plain white sheet and frills of pleated red cloth draped around the edges. The official Vatican florists are carrying bunches of flowers to set around three sides of the makeshift table, leaving one side for the people to walk by, as they pay their respects to their newest Saint, slain for his message to the people.

A platform about two feet high is placed on the floor at the end of the table, with a high-backed wooden chair for Jane to sit on, so the people can offer condolences to her after viewing their fallen Saint.

The guards already have the crowds of people starting to line up at the entrance to the Basilica, as two men carry the still body of Saint Christopher from the side entrance on a stretcher and transfer him to the table. The servants place his hands on his chest, clasping a freshly cut tree branch, still adorned with green leaves, which fan his chest just below the deep red blood stain.

Jane sits down on the chair as soon as it is ready and stares off to the depths of the Basilica and the recesses of her mind. Henri stands to her side, dressed in his finest Guards clothes that he had donned for a different reason just a few hours before. He leans down to speak to Jane quietly. "Are you sure you are ready for this? The guards can explain to the people that you need a few minutes before we start."

Jane looks up to him, calmer than Henri can fathom. "No, we have to start now. Christopher needs their devotion."

Henri stands up and turns to the head of the guards holding back the crowd at the main doors to the Basilica. He lifts his hand into the air and motions for them to start letting the people come forward.

The guards lead the first of the line towards them, and it starts, each devote Christian placing their hand on the body of their Saint before moving on to say a few words to Jane in the chair. Jane is there in body as the people flow by, but inside, sensations are forming in her mind, as if she is finally coming to grips with what is happening, and plans form and solidify as the hours slip by unnoticed.

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