Chapter 32

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I open my eyes sometime later to see Wong standing over me, smiling at me excitedly. He stands up and turns to Jane. "He is awake, and I can feel the changes in him. He is very strong now."

I concentrate on him and his face contorts as I press his mind with the connection between the Nanos in my head and the ones in his. I remember the fire at the plant and how he had abducted me from my hotel room, as I impress upon him through our connection, that we need to work together as a team, to insure his very survival.

Wong's will melts under the force of my command and he looks down on me as a young boy would to his father. "What can I do for you?"

Jane steps to the other side, and I turn to her and smile, giving Wong back his free will, but leaving the idea firmly planted in his mind that things have now changed between us. "Well, am I cured now doc, with a full head of machines to play with again?"

"We will see," says Jane, before turning to Wong. "Help me get him up. Let's see if he can walk around without any help."

They both lean forward to lift my upper body from each side, but it soon becomes evident that I have fully recovered as I swing my legs over the side of the glass box and stand up with ease. "I would say that everything is working properly."

Jane comes around to my side of the glass platform and looks up into my eyes. "What about the abilities you had before Wong took some of your Nanos?"

I look around and focus my attention on the computer screen sitting on the desk across the room. It is sending wavy lines all over the front of it in a confusion of colors. I apply my ability to shift my focus, and the screen almost instantly switches to one I can easily see. I cast out my hearing and feel the vibration of the hum of the wires in the walls and the lights droning out their continuous buzz, as the electricity flows over the filaments. "I seem to be back to what is now normal for me, if not even a little stronger than before."

"Good. You have been out for almost ten hours. Mark had to leave, and get back to Vegas, but he left you a card that has his emergency number on it, if you find yourself in trouble again."

I take the card that Jane is handing me and turn to Wong. "Can you go get me some food, along with something to drink please?"

Wong smiles from ear to ear. "Right away," and moves towards the door of the lab.

Jane calls out to him. "Put on one of the bracelets I made for each of you, before you go, and remember, if it starts to beep, then you are close to the end of the signal from Christopher's Nanos."

Wong stops at the desk by the wall and places the watch-like device on his left wrist before rushing out the door. Jane watches him go. "He seems very eager to please. Although I can't blame him, you did save his life."

I stare off to the wall behind Jane blankly for a moment before I start smiling to myself, as plans start to form in my mind. The clarity of them, and the ease with which they form, startles me some, as I shift my attention back to Jane again. "What about these bracelets that you mentioned earlier?"

"Oh, those. While you recovered from your little dream session, I made a simple monitor that would signal each of you if you get too far apart. The connection still needs to be maintained, or Wong will revert back to the aggressive state he was in before he took the Nanos from you."

I nod my head. "Good, I would not want to lose Wong. He will be a valuable partner to me, I think."

Jane looks to me strangely. "That is not the attitude I would have thought that you would feel towards him."

I shrug my shoulders at her. "There is nothing I can do about the situation, so I might as well get used to the idea, and besides, it might be nice to have a companion eager to help me."

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